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It was like entering a chapter of his past. Nothing in the hotel had really changed. The wooden floors, doors, skirting boards and roofs still remained, and the furniture in the lobby was rotated no differently than when it was when he sat down on it with Emily by his side and Martha on his knees.
"Is that you- McCafferson? Martin McCafferson?" Asked a man at reception, making both Martin and Zoe look.
"Oh- yes. Hello again!" Said Martin, slightly conscious at the fact that Zoe now knew that he had stayed here before. He hadn't expected the hotel manager to remember his name.
"How are you? How is your wife and your little girl?" Asked the French receptionist who seemed to remember every little detail about Martin's last few visits.
"Oh.." began Martin, "They're good.. how are you?" He asked, trying to brush off the subject. Zoe stood back, as to avoid being spoken to.
"I am good- good- I remember your little girl, Martha, we have photographs of our favourite guests, come see, come see." Said the man. Martin didn't want to see the photographs, he wished he didn't come back here, but he followed him anyway towards the wall where of course, framed beside several other 'happy families' was his. Zoe took a look, They did look happy. Martin didn't remember this photo being taken, but they were sitting on the seats in the lobby, Martha was kneeling in the floor, looking up at Martin, she had obviously said something which made Martin grip Emily's waist and laugh. Emily was smiling too, she leaned her head against Martin and gazed into his eyes, smiling. He missed them so much.
"T-thanks that's really nice." Said Martin, looking over to Zoe, signalling that he wanted to leave.
"I- I have to go, I'm on a school trip actually- tight schedule. Thanks.." said Martin, trying to leave.
"Okay- thank you for calling, Mr McCafferson. Send my love to your wife and Martha."
Martin smiled, almost tearing up, "thanks.." he repeated. Leaving.

He and Zoe walked out onto the street again, "you okay?" Asked Zoë, putting a hand on his back,
"Yeh I'm fine." He replied, "eh.. there's a pub over there we could use their bathrooms." Said Martin, trying to drift away from the topic of his past life.
"When did you stay here last?" Asked Zoë,
"Only about eight months ago." He replied, "our typical family holiday destination."
"You all looked really happy." She said, looking over at Martin who nodded,
"We were." He replied, opening the door to the pub and making his way towards the bathroom.

Ollie brushed his hair back as he sat down beside Jemma.
"You excited for Paris?" He asked,
"Yeah! I've never been." She Replied, taking in the sun.
"Never?! Not even to Disney?" He asked,
"This is my first time in France. I love it!" She giggled, sitting up and leaning against Ollie.
"You've literally been to one beach." He laughed, putting an arm around her.
"-okay so you two are a couple now?" Asked Ryan, "When did this happen."
"Well it was always gonna happen. Did you not see them in classes?" Asked Lucy, tidying away the bread.
"Yeh.. I guess so.. go on then, kiss her." Said Ryan, smirking,
"No!" Laughed Ollie,
"Yeah go on!" Intruded Mr McCafferson who was followed by Zoe after being gone almost an hour.
"Where were you two?" Asked Ollie, raising his eyebrows.
"Complicated- guy at the hotel knew me, so we had to find a pub." Replied Martin,
"Does that mean I get to drive?" Asked Ryan with excitement,
"Do you actually think I'd drink at eleven o'clock in the morning." Laughed Martin, "Come on, get on the bus let's go to Paris."
Everyone filed in, but Zoe sat down on the bed.
"Scuse me! That's my bed!" Said Ollie,
"I slept about half an hour last night! I'm sleeping on the way to Paris." Repelled Zoe, lying down.
"Fair enough, well I'm sitting in the front!" Said Ollie, sitting up beside Martin.
"Hello sir!" Said Ollie, putting on his seat belt and settling in beside him.
"Hello Oliver! Ready for some good quality driving?" Asked Martin, sarcastically,
"Yeah man! Now you've got no distraction in your passenger seat."
"I.. kind of do." Laughed Martin, looking over at Ollie as he turned on the engine and the sat-nav and set off.
"What does sat-nav stand for?" Asked Ollie, "or is it just a name?"
"Satellite Navigation I'd assume." Said Martin, grabbing his sunglasses after being blinded by the sun.
"Oh yeh.. never thought of that." Admitted Ollie, taking out some chewing gum and passing a piece to Martin,
"Is Miss technically allowed to sleep there while the car is moving?" Asked Ollie, making Martin briefly look back at her,
"Legally? No, no I don't think so." He replied before laughing. "Ah well she deserves it."
"Have you kissed her yet?"
"Shut up Ollie."
"Oh come on sir! She likes you!" Encouraged Ollie,
"She could want me killed for all I care! We're on a school trip!"
"Yeh but something happened on the beach yesterday." Said Ollie, almost teasing.
"Nothing happened on the beach yesterday." Repelled Martin, trying to keep a straight face.
Ollie stayed silent for a few moments, smiling.
"You tried to kis-"
Ollie was interrupted by Martin's phone ringing.
Ollie checked to see if it was okay,
"Who is it?" Asked Martin,
"Bronagh Watson." Replied Ollie,
"Can you answer it?" He asked, feeling slightly worried.
"Hello miss!" Answered Ollie, looking back at his friends.
"Is that Ollie?"
"It is indeed! How can I help you?" Asked Ollie in a cheery mood,
"Can I speak to one of your teachers?" Asked Bronagh,
"Is it urgent? Mr McCafferson is driving and Miss Flynn is currently fast asleep." Laughed Ollie, putting the phone on speaker,
"No, not really I have a girl here wanting to start piano lessons and is wondering if she can start next year."
Ollie walked back up to Martin and put the phone on the dash board beside him.
"All right- is the girl with you?" Called Martin, trying to multitask.
"She is."
"Right what's your name?" Asked Martin, in a good mood.
"Katie!" Exclaimed Martin, "is she in a room with a piano?"
"We are actually, we're in your classroom."
"Excellent, can you give the phone to Katie and put it on speaker?" Asked Martin, smiling,
"Sure." Said Bronagh, obviously handing the phone over to Katie.
"Hi Katie!" Said Martin, who was greeted with a nervous, "hello."
"What age are you and have you any experience with piano?"
"I'm thirteen.. and no experience no."
"Alright cool. Can you go over to the piano and sit on the stool?"
"Now you'll notice there are fifty-two big white keys, and thirty-three smaller black keys which are in between some of them." Ollie looked over at Martin slightly impressed that he knew how many keys there were.
"Uh huh."
"Now I want you to try and find the middle white key." Said Martin, "and play it."
Martin listened closely to the phone call,
"Okay close! That's a B, play one up."
Katie played the next note up.
"Well done. That's called middle C, central note of the whole piano. Now play it again, this time with your thumb."
"My thumb?"
"Yep. Better get used to it! Now seven notes up there will be a note that looks and sounds the same, just a bit higher. Press that with your little finger, then press them both at the same time, that's the difference of an octave."
Martin proceeded to taking a whole half hour on this piano lesson. Ollie listened in, utterly fascinated.

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