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Martin continued to lean against the wall, shaken at how captured he had been by Ryan. How vulnerable he was.
"What about Ryan?" Asked Zoë, "is he alright? What's going on?"
Martin still felt incapable of replying, so Zoe stormed towards the door,
"Zoe don't!" Called Martin, at last.
Zoe turned around, walking towards Martin and seeing his shocked eyes,
"W-what happened Martin?" She asked,
"He's having another episode. I've never seen him so violent before." Martin said, seeing Ollie look up at the ceiling.
"W-what- did he hurt you?" Asked Zoë, looking Martin up and down.
"He tried- I'm just worried about what he did to Ollie." He replied,
"W-what did he say? What did he do?" She asked him, looking into his eyes with worry and holding his arms.
"I-it doesn't matter. I'll deal with him later." Said Martin, taking a seat in the room.
"Did he hurt you, Ollie?" Asked Zoë, sitting back down beside Ollie.
Ollie shook his head, his eyes still wide, "n-not really... I think I'm the same as you, sir. He just sort of.. threatened me.. and he's never like that."
"He said you haven't slept in three days." Said Martin, "is that true?"
"Please don't worry about me just fix him." Begged Ollie.
Martin looked around at Zoe with big confused eyes, "I-"
"I'm going in to see Ryan-" concluded Zoe,
"Don't you dare." Ordered Martin, standing in front of the door.
"Ryan is a nice person-"
"Who pinned me up against the wall and said if I touched him he'd tell the police I tried to rape him!"
Zoe's mouth dropped as she turned back to Martin, "th-then we've got to sort him out! There's obviously something wrong with him!"
"He hasn't been taking his tablets." Intruded Ollie, slowly standing up, "he confronted me about not sleeping so I confronted him about not taking his tablets and then he just kicked off."
Martin leaned against the wall again and wiped his sweating brow.
Zoe stood in between them, "Well.. the only way we're gonna sort this is if we're all there. Are you two okay for that?" She asked,
"Yeah." Sighed Martin, nodding, "Yeah I'll get the girls."
Zoe sat back down again after Martin left, she had been getting increasingly tired lately, she assumed it was she because was pregnant, and because she was stressed.
"Are you alright, Miss?" Asked Ollie, walking over to her and putting his hand on her shoulder.
"Yeah." She replied, biting her lip and not making direct eye-contact with Ollie as he leant against the wall,
"Y'know.. if it's a boy.. Ollie's a nice name.." He whispered, smiling down at her as she gave a light laugh.
"Yeah, I'll think about it." She told him, smiling back, appreciating that he knew that she was feeling stressed about the 'baby situation.'
Martin opened the hotel door again and looked in at them both with worry, "you guys ready?" He asked.
At that, Zoë and Ollie stood up and walked to the door as Martin began to knock at Ryan's door before opening it.

Zoe walked in first, seeing Ryan rolled up in bed at the other side of the room.
"Hey sweetheart," she began, quietly, "You okay, Ryan?"
She felt as if she was taming a wild animal.
She took another cautious few steps towards Ryan, who remained still before she was right beside his bed, Martin and the rest of them remained a few paces behind her.
"Ryan." She said, making sure that he was awake, and his eyes opened wide but he remained in a still position.
"Go away." He mumbled.
"Ryan, you've got a gig in two days with Natasha Devangie we've got to go soon." Said Zoe,
"I don't care." Muttered Ryan,
"Ryan when's the last time you took your tablets?" Asked Zoë, bluntly,
"Go away!" He shouted louder, before Zoe gently touched his shoulder,
"I said go away!" He yelled, standing up and grasping her by the collar before punching her in the lower abdomen making her shriek in pain.
With instinct, Martin ran up to Ryan and pushed him forcefully back onto his bed. Martin had his forearm against Ryan's chest and glared into his raging eyes with horror. Martin felt absolutely outraged by what he was doing, Ryan had hurt his unborn baby, and so he lashed out. By the gasps coming from behind him Martin knew that he had probably used too much force, but Ryan was slowly beginning to calm down.
"When is the last time you took the tablets!" Martin yelled at him, feeling incredibly protective over Zoe.
"Th-three days ago.." mumbled Ryan.
Martin reached over to Ryan's bedside table and grabbed the box of tablets taking out two of them and putting them in Ryan's hand.
"Take them. Take them now! And every morning you'll take them in front of me! Do you understand?!" He shouted at him.
Ryan nodded with wide and afraid eyes, "Yes."
Martin released Ryan after seeing him swallow the drugs.
Ryan looked up at Lucy in hope, but she shook her head and walked away with the rest of them, closing the door.

Martin ran straight into Zoe's room, he panicked when he didn't see her initially before he turned and saw her in the bathroom on her knees being sick through the toilet.
Martin came up behind her and dampened a cloth with cold water and folding it twice before pressing it against the back of her neck to sooth her stress.
He took off her shirt as she continued to throw up and cry in the pain. He gently massaged her back, feeling tears surround his eyes as she managed to whisper,
"M-Martin.. I think I'm having a miscarriage."
Martin continued to support her and kiss her neck in lieu of finding a relative response which didn't reveal how truly heart broken and.. angry he was.

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