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After a few of watching over Ryan, Martin took Zoe's hand, she continued to watch his every move, "Are you okay?" He asked her, beginning to stand up.
"Yeah, I'm fine." She replied quietly, blankly smiling at him before she noticed Ryan's eyes beginning to open.
"He's coming round." Zoë remarked, looking over to Ollie and Lucy who stepped foreword and kneeled beside him. Martin walked away slightly to give them some space.
"Hello Lucy.." Ryan breathed, looking only to her.
"Hello Ryan." She Replied, a tear dropping down her cheek as she held his hand.
"What's going on?" He asked, unable to speak loudly, and still in a huge amount of pain.
"I think Mr McCafferson just saved your life." Murmured Ollie, patting his shoulder.
"What a legend." Said Ryan, making everyone laugh, including Martin who leaned against the back of the front seat, his arms folded and his eyes looking down at the floor.
Zoe walked over to Martin and kissed his cheek quickly before rubbing his back,
"He'll be alright for now." She told him quietly,
"Do I try and find a hospital or do I just drive towards home?" He asked her, watching everyone embrace each other.
"Probably home." Said Zoe. "We don't want .. it to happen when we're out here." 'It' was referring to Ryan's inevitably close death.
Martin nodded before giving a wholly exhale, calming himself down while evoking Zoe's affection.

"I think he's fallen asleep again." Said Cloda to Zoë and Martin.
Martin stood up straight again as Zoe walked over to Ryan and checked his pulse again before wrapping the blanket around him.
"Can someone sit beside him, just keep watching his breathing, alright?" She said, gently stroking Ryan's arm and watching his pale face grow colder.
She bit her lip, so frustrated with the world, and the fact that this young boy had likely less than a week to say goodbye to his friends that he adored. He was the heart and soul of the group, Head Boy at the school. Everyone idolised him. Everyone loved him, and he had so much love to give in return. To think how horrible his life was before he moved from Poland, and how he turned his world around, but now he's dying of a natural disease.
A warm tear spilt from Zoe's eye as she looked down at his motionless face. Martin walked over to her and made her stand up as she brought her arms around his back, burying her face into his chest before he even had the chance to speak.
"He deserves so much more." She whispered, "so much more."
Martin rested his chin on her head as he held her tight, "I know." He replied, his eyes tensing as Ollie pressed his shaking hand against his mouth and broke down into a passion of tears.
Martin slowly let go of Zoe and sat down beside Ollie, letting him cry into his shoulder as Martin rubbed his back gently, as he, himself began to break his stable attitude.
"I can't lose h-him.. I can't.." Ollie wept,
"Nor can any of us." Martin replied, "I mean -just think about him- how could anyone forget someone who gave us so much to remember?"
Martin was quoting words that Martha had said to him when he explained that his parents weren't alive anymore. All the memories started flooding back to him, he was about to lose someone else, and this time it was expected, they were practically waiting for it to happen.
Martin, trying to keep himself together, pulled away from Ollie and looked at everyone who appeared to be in just the state that Ollie was in.
"Guys.. I- I'm gonna start driving back. You tell me when you want me to stop, and I'll just keep going till tonight." Said Martin, walking towards the front of the van before stopping and gripping hold of one of the seats, covering his mouth again and just trying not to fall apart.
Zoe saw his strength defying him, and stood up to gently stroke his back before he sat down in the front seat, taking one look back at Ryan in the bed before sniffing and beginning to drive out of the car park.
He drove on and on for hours on end, stopping only at a few service stations for food and air. Ryan transitioned into and out of sleep, speaking very little, but every now and then Martin would look in his rear view mirror and see him sitting up and clutching his head.

Eventually when the sun began to set again Zoë took out her earphones and checked Martin's GPS.
"Where are we?" She asked him, putting her hand on his shoulder.
"North France, near Calais." He replied, tapping the steering wheel, "what are you listening to?"
"Just an old playlist- let's swap." Suggested Zoe,
"I'm alright." Martin told her,
"Marty, you look like you're about to pass out any second, just pull over and I'll find us somewhere to stay the night." Said Zoe, watching as he pushed his sunglasses up onto the top of his head, finding him evermore attractive.
He eventually pulled over onto a side road and looked back at everyone.
"How are you all?" He asked them, seeing them all wide awake.
They shrugged their shoulders collectively.
"Bored out of your minds?" Martin suggested, making them smile before he stood up and stretched, walking to the back of the van and looking down at Ryan who was slightly awake. Martin kneeled down beside the bed,
"Hey, mate." He said, patting his arm softly.
"Hello teacher." Ryan replied sarcastically smiling.
"You want some water?" Asked Martin,
"I'm not sure if I'd be able to lift my head from this pillow to drink it." Ryan sighed,
"Well thankfully you've got a very considerate girlfriend who I'm sure is willing to bottle feed you." Said Martin, grabbing a water bottle from his bag and handing it to Lucy who sat just behind Ryan.
"Oh Luce, you shouldn't have to do this I'm eighteen years old." He Complained,
"Yes I do." Lucy replied, kissing his cheek and pouring the water slowly into his mouth. As Martin sat back into the front seat, leaning his head on the window and wishing he could change this.

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