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By half-past ten, the sun was low and beaming outside the windows.
Martin was sipping a beer while Ollie, Lucy and Ryan were playing their guitars, meanwhile Cloda and Jemma simply sat and sipped their sparkling waters.
"You guys ready for the big gig tomorrow night?" Asked Martin, offering a sympathetic nervous smile to the group as they looked at each other with anxious grins on their faces
"I can feel the panic attacks incoming already." Said Cloda, crossing her legs on the table.
"You'll be fine! It'll be amazing." Encouraged Martin,
"You're only saying that because you're tipsy and you taught us." Said Ollie, practicing the fingering of his guitar solo.
"You think I'd be on this trip if I didn't think you were good?" Asked Martin, fiddling with his empty beer bottle before placing it on the ground and subtly slipping his arm around Zoe's waist.
"You guys are gonna be awesome." Assured Zoe, "the crowd will love you, and Natasha loves you already."
"Natasha loves him." Said Lucy, pointing at Martin,
"Well Natasha's not gonna get him." Zoe replied,
"Oh is she not?" Martin asked her, making eye contact and grinning.
"Stop flirting!" Shouted Jemma, "oh my god! You're like an old married couple!"
"We are aren't we?" Laughed Martin, moving his arm up around her shoulders,
"Don't even call me old, I'm not in my thirties yet." Laughed Zoe,
"You will be on Sunday." Added Martin,
"Shut up!" She shrieked,
"Last decade of not being a mother!" Added Cloda, making Zoe turn immediately to Martin with a look of horror before facing Ryan.
"How did she know?!" She asked,
"Well you told Ryan." Replied Martin, smirking.
"I told... basically everyone." Admitted Ryan, making everyone chuckle as he shrugged his shoulders.
"Is Mr McCafferson the father?" Asked Jemma, chuckling.
"If he wants to..?" Replied Zoë, looking expectantly up at Martin as she leaned her head to his chest.
"Sorry hon' I've got a hot date with Natasha Devangie." Said Martin, his grip on Zoe's waist tightening slightly.
"I'm afraid I can't beat that." Laughed Zoe, before looking down to her brown leather Prada watch. "God; it's almost midnight."
"God indeed." Agreed Martin, yawning openly with tired eyes. "Right children; bedtime."
"Technically I'm an adult now." Replied Ryan, as he stood up,
"Technically you're on a school trip with two designated adults." Martin responded,
"Yeah but one of them's drunk and the other one's pregnant."
"Oh piss off." Laughed Martin, standing up slowly and placing the glasses into the kitchen area.
"Night guys." Said Ollie, closing his guitar case before walking towards his bedroom.
"Goodnight Ollie." Martin replied, "night sir."called Jemma, following Ollie.
"You two sharing a room?" Asked Martin, raising an eyebrow in concern,
"No...?" Jemma replied, smiling slightly.
"I'm watching you." Martin warned,
"-Bit creepy." Jemma remarked,
"Forget I spoke." He replied, laughing as he walked towards his bedroom at the other end, making eye-contact with Zoe as she opened the door to her room adjacent.
"Night Zo." He told her, gazing into those wild eyes with a feeling of longing, but knowing it would be in vain.
"Good night." She responded promptly, smiling at him before entering her room and closing the door.
To their oblivion, both their rooms had a shared bathroom, as did the two rooms where the band was staying in.
Martin walked into his bedroom, absolutely breath taken by the view; two walls of his bedroom were completely glass, allowing him to see the whole western side of the city, however leaving him feeling slightly exposed and wary as he began to change, henceforth he reverted to the bathroom, opening the wooden door slowly before suddenly seeing Zoe in the room, brushing her teeth.
"I guess we share a bathroom, then." He told her, unpacking his spongebag on the sink beside her.
Zoe made a groan of surprise and agreement before spitting out the toothpaste and wiping her mouth, she had already undressed into a low black silk tank top and matching shorts.
"Stunning view out the window." She noted, small talking to avoid the taboo regarding their illegitimate relationship.
"I know right.. beautiful.." Martin sighed in response, looking at Zoe through the mirror, before saying ever so quietly, "shame to spend the night alone."
"Another bold move." She said, raising an eyebrow at him and wiping off her remaining makeup.
"Right.. can I suggest that... as friends we..."
Zoe cut him off by stepping on her toes to kiss his forehead, instinctively, Martin took her waist, pressing his forehead gently against hers as she gently placed her hands on his neck, their breathing was unsteady and their eyes were closed, both too anxious and reluctant to make the pivotal move.
But before they ever could, they heard a quiet knocking,
"Was that your room or mine?" Asked Zoë, opening her eyes, but keeping her hands on his neck.
"I think it was mine." Martin replied, removing his hands from hers and reverting back to his room, putting on his t-shirt again to cover himself.
"Come in." He ordered friendlily, sitting on his bed and watching the door open gradually. "Hey Ryan, what's up?" Asked Martin, looking up to see the 'birthday boy' walk in with an absent-minded smile on his pale face.
"Have you got a couple minutes?" Ryan asked him,
"Yeah, of course." Replied Martin, feeling how tense Ryan appeared, he bid him take a seat on the bed beside him.
"I was debating whether to tell this to you or to Miss Flynn.. but I'd assume you'd understand better." Ryan began, biting his lip slightly as his hands joined together shyly.
Martin remained silent and patient, assuming the importance of Ryan's commencing sentence.
"So.. your parents had brain tumours, right?"
Martin nodded, confused,
"So.. you know that no one survives a brain tumour." Ryan stated, making brief eye-contact with Martin who immediately looked to the floor in panic.
"It's not gonna kill me in the next couple weeks but-"
"Wait- Wait I thought it was gone?" Injected Martin, who felt sick with worry,
"Of course it's not gone, it's never gonna go, it's stuck there and it's spreading.. the doctors made me temporarily better and tried to remove most of it but..." Ryan had to pause, breathing heavily.
"Have you told Lucy?" Asked Martin, not knowing what else to ask him.
"No of course I haven't, I haven't told anyone but you." He insisted.
"Christ.. I need to get you to hospital or-"
"A hospital isn't gonna help. They told me what I need to know. I've got about three years. That's why I need this.."
'Three years' rang like a bell in Martin's mind.. a constant drone.. three years, three years, that's not enough.. that can't be enough! He's just turned eighteen!
Martin's jaw shook slightly as he asked, "Are you in pain?"
Ryan nodded as his eyes watered, "Yeah.. I am."
"How can I help you?" Asked Martin, almost pleading with his husky and deep voice.
"Stay alive for those three years.. just sort of.. be there. Make it amazing for the band, keep them together and tell no one."
Martin leaned back against his bed frame, exhaling shakily, before Zoe opened the door slowly,
"Sorry... don't mean to interrupt." She said, quietly and cautious,
"It's no problem, I was just leaving, have a good night." Ryan replied, standing up and walking towards the main door.
"Night, Ryan." Was Zoë's polite adieux.

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