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Martin found it quite difficult to concentrate on driving as he reminded himself of Emily's voicemail that she recorded just minutes before she killed herself.
"Zoe?" Called Martin,
"Yeah?" She replied instantly, looking over at her new husband.
"Could you.. could you delete that voicemail?" He asked her, his voice slightly croaky.
"Is that a good idea?" She questioned, rubbing his hand which remained on his lap.
Martin nodded, "it is." He looked over at her with moist eyes.
"W-what did she say?" Asked Zoë, sympathetically.
"Just.. Goodbye." He murmured, biting his bottom lip and looking out at the road ahead.
Zoe didn't have the competence to delete a relic of the dead, so instead she left it there.
"How're you feeling, Ryan?" Asked Martin, trying to take his mind off Emily.
"I'm okay." Ryan replied while Lucy leaned her head in his chest.
"Is she asleep?" Ollie inquired, looking over at her.
"Yeah, don't think she got much rest last night." Ryan replied, holding her.
"No I don't think she did." Cloda agreed, looking over at them both and putting her hand on Ryan's shoulder from the seat behind.
"I'm sorry guys.." Sighed Ryan.
"Don't be." Said Jemma, "we're with you every step of the way."
Ryan leant his head against the window, looking out at the road before looking back at everyone,
"Did none of you get any sleep last night?" He asked.
"I got a good half hour before Natasha knocked on the door at 2am." Ollie replied,
"-then you had to go and wake me up, didn't you?" Added Martin.
"Sorry; I repetitively told her that you were asleep, and when she eventually forced me into your room I was very relieved that you actually were!" Explained Ollie, "although neither of you were wearing any clothes, which was rather awkward."
Martin and Zoe bit their lips and looked guiltily at each other as they blushed.
"wait- you saw our teacher's naked?" Gasped Ryan, sniggering.
"Technically; yes. But they covered themselves up well, I barely even saw a nipple-"
"-Okay that's enough!" Intruded Martin, laughing. "Sorry Ollie."
"That's alright, nothing like a tasteful nude at 2am." He chuckled in reply causing Zoe to cover her face with her hands, "oh my god, Oliver!" She cried, "shut up!"
"Would you like to humiliate our teachers anymore?" Giggled Jemma, slapping Ollie's arm.
"Mr Martini is really trying to think of a come-back right now." He scoffed, watching Martin chew his lower lip and trying to concentrate on the road.
"Leave me alone, I'm supposed to be sad." Chuckled Martin, wiping his sweating brow with his wrist.
Ollie laughed, reaching over and patting his shoulder, "sorry mate."
Martin shook his head, smiling as he gave Ollie the fingers, muttering, "bastard."
"Oh no.. it's their wedding night tonight.. and we're all staying in the van." Cloda began.
"I think we've rightfully earned the bed." Claimed Martin.
"I disagree! I don't want to be in the same room as you two when-"
"I said this on the first day of this trip and I'll say it again I'm not gonna ride her!" Martin complained.
Zoe couldn't stop herself from laughing now as she leaned against the window and was constantly chuckling.
"Right, we're stopping off in Verona." Said Martin, changing the subject as he turned off the motorway.
"Really?" Asked Zoë, trying to stop herself from laughing. "That's nice, thanks hon."
Martin shook his head smiling, "You don't give a damn at all!" He wheezed,
"I do, I do.. I just.." Zoe broke into giggles again before pulling down her mirror and trying to fix her makeup.
"You look beautiful, honey." He told her, resulting in a few 'awe's from the back seats.
"Y'know, for a big bad head master you're absolutely adorable." Remarked Zoe.
"Oh, you've haven't seen my dark side." Said Martin, smirking.
"Your dark side? What- is that just when you get angry?" Asked Zoë, "because I've seen you angry and it's pretty scary."
"I agree." Added Ollie, "although, to be fair to you, Sir, you've always got a pretty good reason to be angry."
"Thank you, Oliver." Said Martin, "wish I could say the same about you."
"Fuck off." Chuckled Ollie, sitting foreword in his seat and slapping Martin's face,
"Ow." Squirmed Martin, the van jolting slightly.
"Careful." Noted Zoe, putting her hand on Martin's arm as he laughed and continued to drive towards Verona.

After another hour Martin had found a rather empty car park and had stopped just outside the city.
After he turned off the engine he leaned back and sighed, "here we are."
"Thanks for driving, sir." Said Jemma, stretching out, Ollie had fallen asleep as had Cloda and Lucy was just beginning to wake up.
"I just need to stretch my legs if I'm honest." Said Ryan,
"You need to see the city, it's beautiful." Martin told him while looking over to Zoë who was beginning to wake up as Martin took her hands.
"Supposed to be romantic city, isn't it? Romeo and Juliet based here." Suggested Ollie, just about waking up.
"Many people refer to it as 'the city of love'." Said Martin gleaming into Zoe's eyes.
"Oh Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thy Romeo?" Smirked Zoe as she opened her eyes.
"Thou art seated adjacent to you, thy darling Juliette." Martin responded, stroking her cheek as she smiled at him, that priceless smile that brightened up his whole world, "you feeling okay?" He added.
"Perfect." She breathed back,
"Fancy a short walk?" He asked her,
Zoe smiled, "go on then."
Martin quickly leaned over and kissed her lips quickly, whispering "you're my whole world," before opening his door and walking out.
Jemma who had been listening put her hand on her heart and looked in surprise at Ollie saying, "that's about the cutest thing I've ever heard."
Ollie smiled at her, genuinely happy as Martin slid open their door before helping Zoe out carefully. They watched as he lovingly held onto her hand as she walked onto the pavement in her wedged wooden heels.
"Your whole world?" Questioned Zoe in her elegant white dress as Martin linked his arm with hers and kissed the top of her head,
"All of it." He promised.

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