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Martin lay in bed with one arm wrapped around Zoë, they were both fast asleep when Martin felt something on his bare back.
"Sir?" Whispered Ollie.
Martin grunted and removed his hand from Zoe, pulling up the duvet and turning around.
"Seriously..?" He groaned, opening his eyes and wiping them with one hand. "What's up?"
"Y-you need to get up." Ollie said, his face was pale, he hadn't changed his clothes yet.
"What's going on- what time is it?" Asked Martin, sitting up and pressing the home button on his phone, squinting in the light.
"It's half two- Natasha's in the main room." Ollie told him,
"What?" Martin shrieked, "Devangie?"
Ollie nodded in reply.
"What the heck is she doing here? H-how did she know where we were?" Martin shifted his legs out of the bed and grabbed a T-shirt from a chair beside him.
"I don't know but she really wants to talk to you." Ollie replied, his eyes dark and tired.
"Alright, you go back to bed." Said Martin, running his hands through his hair and taking a quick look in the mirror.
"What's going on?" Mumbled Zoe, rolling over and opening her eyes.
"It's alright, Zoe. Stay in bed I'll be back in five minutes." Martin said, putting on his shoes before following Ollie out into the living room where Natasha sat on the sofa, her legs crossed and her arms by her side.
"Thanks, Ollie." Natasha said. Ollie nodded, blankly smiling before taking a quick glance at Martin and walking back into his bedroom.

When Ollie entered his bedroom he was surprised to see the other four standing by the entrance.
"What's Natasha doing here?" Whispered Ryan.
Ollie shrugged his shoulders, and could hear Martin and Natasha speaking from the other room.
Ollie moved onto his hands and knees and looked under the door, with an ominous feeling.

"H-hi.. Natasha." Martin greeted, sitting on the edge of the sofa opposite her. She was wearing an oversized brown teddy coat which seemed to be over a short black dress.
"Martin.. I need to talk to you." She began, looking up at him with dark winged eyes shadowed darkly with bronze.
"You're talking to me now." Martin Replied. Putting his hands on his knees until Natasha patted the sofa beside her,
"Sit with me." She beckoned, making Martin nervous, but he did as she asked, sitting still, not knowing where to look.
Natasha moved closer to him, her hands sliding in the leather sofa,
"Gosh, it's hot in here, mind if I.." she proceeded to remove her coat and Martin was overwhelmed with how low cut her dress was. He looked just to the left of her, feeling wholly uncomfortable as she moved closer to him.
Natasha took both of Martin's hands and forcefully pushed them onto her hips.
Martin tried to stand up but she kneeled on top of him and pushed her mouth against his.
Martin struggled backwards and eventually managed to push her off. "What are you doing?!" He gasped, standing up and glaring down at her.
"I know your daughter died too. I know you understand me!" She cried.
"How did you know that?" He uttered.
"A man called George told me. He showed me photographs." She told him, biting her lip, "why did you lie to me?"
Martin breathed in and out, willing himself not to salivate and thenceforth taste her lips.
"Martin." Natasha stood up and faced him, "we understand each other. Admit it, because I'm admitting it now. I love you."
"I have nothing to admit!" Martin Exclaimed.
"Do you have a spare room here?" She asked, "don't lie."
Martin gulped, and concluded in telling the truth, "Yes." He said.
"You're cautious because you think the kids can hear you, let's go in there." Natasha Suggested.
"I'm engaged." Martin said sternly, glaring into her eyes and refusing to move.
"Well you've been away from her for two weeks so I'm sure she's cheated on you too."
Martin remained silent as he chewed the inside of his mouth,
"What do you want?" He asked,
"I'm going to make you a deal." Natasha replied taking a step foreword and looking up at him. "You love those kids more than anything in the world, right?" She looked to the door where Ollie went into.
Martin's face dropped, "leave the kids out of this."
"Listen to me, Martin. I had arranged a tour of America with them, right. And I'll do it, they can come with me, I'll pay them thousands each, if you do one thing for me."
Martin listened intently, feeling sick,
"Bring me into that guest room and give me what I want."
"Fuck off." Martin muttered, his face growing white.
"Then those kids will stay in those cheapy slums of homes in a place most people haven't heard of, with parents that are tone deaf or dead! They're done with school, they won't have you or that other teacher, Zoe that you obviously fancy. They're gonna be in debt, and you're gonna be the reason! I'm not asking you to marry me, I'm asking you to comfort me for just an hour."
Martin hesitated, contemplating all the scenarios. This could ruin their future. They might detest him for this, how would he explain to them that their world tour had just been cancelled because he couldn't sleep with a super star.
"Get out." Martin growled, pointing to the door.
"What? Seriously?" Natasha gasped, "those kids have so much potential- you're so cruel."
"I'm going with my gut. You're right; I care about those kids more than anything in this world, and I will not let them be manipulated the way I am by someone who is so much more powerful than them. I want them to be safe and in the hands of people I trust. I don't trust you, so get the hell out of here and don't come back. And don't you dare bother my students ever again!"
Natasha grabbed her coat and stood back towards the door, which one of her bodyguards stood to open.
"Goodbye, then. Martin." Natasha uttered, obviously unsatisfied and agitated.
Martin closed the door behind her before he slid down the wall to where he sat on the floor ran his hands down his face, knowing how much he had changed the band's future.

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