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You should listen to Wannabe by Spice girls :) --->>> on the side :D

Thankyou Maddy :)


What is your name?

Everyone calls me Maddy :)  

How old are you?  

I am 21 :)  

What inspired you to write your first book?  

I wrote my first book in primary school when I was about ten or eleven, it was called "Walking on Water" and was about a girl who almost drowned only to discover (surprise, surprise) that she could walk on water. I don't know what inspired it to be completely honest, but it led to a whole series about girls with special powers related to the elements - fire, wind, etc.  

Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?

My favourite author is hands-down Philippa Gregory. She's a celebrated historian who writes historical fiction (mostly) about British monarchs, which I find endlessly fascinating. I'm also starting to get into Karen Harper, who writes with a similar style, and I'll always love my childhood inspirations, like Meg Cabot and Eoin Colfer. 

What is your favourite theme/genre to write about?

Well obviously I've carved out a niche in the LGBT area, but I'm a classic romantic at heart - I love stories about best friends who fall in love, and stories about worst enemies who fall in love XD They're the most thrilling kinds, I think. As far as themes go, I've dabbled in almost everything, from romance to humour to fantasy to adventure, and I don't think I can really pick a favourite. I suppose the one thing all my stories (aside from a few drabbles) have in common is the romance - I'm a sucker for a good love story :)

Do you see writing as a career?

Absolutely. I've begun publishing my stuff online (aside from Wattpad) and I'm making some money from my books that way. Recently some bloggers who review LGBT books and novels have requested to review some of my books on their blogs, which made me feel all sorts of professional haha :p I may not ever be able to live solely from my writing but I do intend to make a career out of it, even if it's only to supplement earnings from a more run-of-the-mill occupation.


Did u VOTEEE?? -->>> if u didn't,then do it! haha :)


If you could work with any author who would it be?

None. I don't play well with others. When it comes to writing, my books are MY creations, MY babies, MY worlds. If anybody tried to infringe on that the fallout wouldn't be pleasant for anyone :p

Do you use real-life facts based on true stories?

I think everyone does. No matter how rich your imagination is, it has to be fed by real life. I'll take small incidences from my life and play around with them so they fit into my story and make it richer. One of the things I'm most strict about in my writing is that is has to be realistic. Even if the scenarios are supernatural, I expect my characters to react the way a real person would, so I definitely use my real-life experiences to pad out my story and my characters.

Did you ever think you'd be, where you are right now?

Sure, this isn't my first rodeo. Any writing community I've ever been a part of has been really receptive to my stories. I'm a small fish in a big pond but I'm happy with how my writing life is going :)

What advice would you give to people who "run out of creativity" when writing?

Go read a book - a real book - or watch a movie. It's important to take a break when you're writing and you run out of steam, and I find other people's creations often boost your own creativity. Something as simple as a cleverly constructed phrase or a moment between characters can influence and change the whole direction of your own story. When it comes to real writers' block, the opposite is true - write everything. Keep writing no matter how hard it is. Keep a diary and just write about your day and document your thoughts, however boring it might seem. Writing is something natural for most authors but it's still like a muscle that needs to be exercised; if you ignore it it will atrophy and then when inspiration strikes you'll be ill-equipped to handle it.

Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? If so, what do you do about it?

It would seem that I accidentally answered this question above XD I should read ahead with the questions. I rarely get writers' block but when I do it's brutal. There's nothing worse than sitting in front of a blank screen and your brain feels like it's failing you. 

Do you have any advice for other writers?


Anything fun about yourself you want your fans to know?

I think they already know everything, I often post excerpts from my diary to amuse them XD I have an IQ of 122. There you go. That's fun. >.> XD

How would you describe yourself?

Narcissistic, bitchy, cynical, sarcastic, jaded, disillusioned, and hopelessly romantic.


Another interview done! Don't forget to VOTEEE and comment!! :D

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