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If you have time, then please check out my story Have had enough :) and the poems

The song is on the side --->>> Forevermore by David Archuleta :)

Thankyou Jordan :)


What is your name? 

My fully name is Jordan Hoad, but I really prefer Jordie :) 

How old are you? 

I'm a 1993 girl so I'm 19 right now

What inspired you to write your first book?

As much as a sob story as this sounds there were two major events in my life that influenced me to write, my pop's death and losing a close best friend/boyfriend. I guess you could say that I turned to my writing (other than music) as a way of counselling, I put all that emotion into it to express myself and from there it's guided me through other big events. Other than that I guess the fact that I'm also a massive daydreamer and love to live in la-la land influenced me greatly also, it's hard to keep my feet on the ground. 

Who is your favourite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?

My outright favourite author would have to be Meg Cabot, she was the first author that I ever reallyread and fell in love with. She's utterly amazing, I've grown up with her younger stories to teenager stories right through to her adult books and I've loved everyone. She's an author that you can read every one of her work no matter what genre it is and love! I can go back and read her younger work and despite not being able to read those stories any more I love them. She has this amazing humour and a way of connecting to the pop age despite being 40 or something herself. She has this humour, you can relate to her and her romances and plot lines are utterly refreshing and wild - she has this amazing skill of writing a plot where you can't turn the pages literally quick enough! 
What is your favourite theme/genre to write about? 

My ultimate genre I can write about is romance, every story I read and write has to have an intense romance, it keeps my inner dreamer gripped. It's also a genre/theme you can tie in any other theme/genre into, it can also be action, comedy, fantasy, spiritual or anything else, it goes with anything! 


VOTEE!!! -->>>If u didn't :)


Do you see writing as a career? 

I never used to, I always saw it as a hobby. You know, just a way of expressing myself not to mention the fact I didn't think I was anything spectacular. But after joining Wattpad though and getting such an astounding response I honestly am now thinking differently. I'd love to have my work published and my supportive fans able to literally pick my stories up is an utter dream come true! I think no matter what happens if I ever have my work published I'd still never see it as a career or a job but still as a hobby, writing would never become a chore to me. 
If you could work with any author who would it be?

I'd have to say my favourite author Meg Cabot, her humour and pop references combined with my more emotive and intense stories would be a truly interesting combination. Not to mention hearing of her stories and experiences and hearing feedback and advice from her would be phenomenal. Other than her though I'd love to be able to work with J.K Rowling, her experiences and advice would be surreal. I'd love to be able to step into her mind even for an hour and see how she works when creating such treasures! 

Do you use real-life facts based on true stories? 

Oh I definitely research and like to stick to real-life facts to keep my work authentic and believable. Yet on the other hand I love to add my own spins, make something new and make up my own worlds and more; it's such an exciting thing to do! 

{{{{Interesting questions, are the last two! :D}}}}}}}

Did you ever think you'd be, where you are right now? 

Definitely no, I mean it's not like I'm far at all, if I was scaling it on career level I'd be still on the bottom. I am nothing amazing or extravagant but I'd never expect to have so much support off my Wattpad family and fans, their support is astounding! I've always been extremely shy and insecure about my writing so the fact alone that I've shared my work especially online for anybody to see is a huge step for me. But everything is truly one step at a time, these things really don't happen over night and takes a lot of work. 

What advice would you give to people who "run out of creativity" when writing? 

I feel a lot of people 'run out of creativity  because of the huge expectations they have. You won't get a million fans and reads overnight, you've got to work hard and be patient. But my main tip I'd honestly say would be don't push yourself or for creativity to come. If you push yourself to write and think of ideas you'll grow to dislike what you write and it won't shine to it's full potential whether it'd be one chapter or a whole story. When the time is right you will find that creative zone again and it'll be ten times better than if you force yourself. One of my favourite tips (which so happens to be from Meg Cabot) is 'Write the kinds of stories you like to read. If you don’t love what you’re writing, no one else will, either.'

Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? If so, what do you do about it? 

When you're dealing with writer's block (WB) just relax and think elsewhere; pick up a great book or read something from someone who inspires you, watch a movie or show, relax with friends and just get out and explore. Don't force yourself, when the time is right it'll be fine. Writers can spend their entire lives writing one amazing book, there is no time frame or rush. Basically get out and do things that can inspire you. 

Do you have any advice for other writers? 

Do what you love and stick to those morals, if you change your work drastically or even faintly for someone else solely so you can get their approval or for more reads than you've basically trashed all of your morals and work. If you love what you write there is always going to be more than one person that loves your work and that all that matters. One person that truly loves your true-to-yourself-work is better than all these people that love all your work that wasn't true to you, so stay true to yourself. 

Anything fun about yourself you want your fans to know? 

Fun? God I'd have no idea! I don't think there is anything fun about me but honestly my friends think I'm insane! But the thing I find that really shocks and stumps my fans is that going from reading my work (which is pretty romance like and sweet and innocent - most times) and my Taylor Swift based story (The Daydreamer) they find it utterly bizarre knowing I'm an utter punk/rock fan and junkie. It's what I love listening to and I can't listen to anything else, music is my life! :)   

How would you describe yourself? 

I hate these things but I'll take a stab; sensitive, bipolar, crazy, up-beat, perfectionist, happy, silly, excitable  music junkie, rock/punk chick, dreamer, Irish addict, Aries, obsessed reader, Australian, a uni student, green freak and a Tumblr addict.   






Just one more interview and then i am done for few more days :)

The Wattpad Stars(INTERVIEWS!)-Part2Where stories live. Discover now