~~~xLimewireJunkiex : If You Didn't Want Me Why Did You Kidnap Me?!

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Have time? then check out my story Have had enough and the poems :) Will be appreciated :)

Wonderful song... I need a doctor by EMINEM :DDD

Thankyou Katie :)


What is your name?

My whole name is Katie Marie Tarr, and yes I get “Is your whole name Katelyn?!” all the time
..No. My parents gave me a nickname for a name.

How old are you?

I am eighteen, and just so all the kids not eighteen know- I'm eighteen, but that doesn't mean I can do everything I want. Your parents pretty much own you until you move out. XD

What inspired you to write your first book?

The first story I ever wrote was about me and my friends sneaking into The Gale School (an old elementary school that's still standing in my hometown) and getting lost in the haunted school and talking to ghosts. I was in the fifth grade, don't judge me.

Honestly, I think for me it isn't what inspired me, it's who. In middle school I finally started to enjoy reading, and it's the wonderful suggestions my librarian gave me that inspired me to start writing.

Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?

JOHN GREEN. (holla to all my fellow nerdfighters) 

I should post a picture of my copy of Looking For Alaska, by John Green because throughout the entire book I underlined my favorite quotes, quirky sayings, and the lines that made me laugh. John Green has this perfect way to make you feel like you're the main character (even if all are through the eyes of teenage boys besides TFioS), and you're not worried about anything that's actually happening in reality. I have read all his work, and none will fail to make you cry. 

What is your favorite theme/genre to write about?

Yeah, I'm definitely a girl, so my favorite genre is romance. When I was younger and severely obsessed with Harry Potter, I liked to write about witches, and mythical creatures but now that I'm older I tend to keep everything more realistic.

Do you see writing as a career?

This question is the big question lately. I'm eighteen, but I'm still a senior in high school, so next spring I'll be graduating and if all goes well heading to college. 

I do not see myself going to college to major in creative writing, and this isn't news to me, I've been saying this since I was twelve. It isn't a realistic expectation to be as popular as J.K Rowling, or John Green, or Sarah Dressen. I don't want to spend tens of thousands of dollars on a major I can't find work in. 


VOTEEE --->>> if u didn't :)


Do I see writing as my main career?

No, but that doesn't mean that right out of high school I'm done writing. I'll be majoring in English Education, maybe minoring in creative writing or computer graphics. English is my strongest subject, I want to stick with that.

If you could work with any author who would it be?

Hi, uh. JOHN GREEN. He is my idol, I am a proud Nerdfighter, but I don't think I'd be able to work with him for the first couple months because I'd be too busy just fangirling hard over him. 

Do you use real-life facts based on true stories?

If I understand this question correctly, yes. I take certain aspects of my life and expand them. You write what you know, and all my stories (besides Boy Next Door) have been roughly based in my hometown.

Did you ever think you'd be, where you are right now?

If you mean less than forty fans away from 6,000? No. ^_^ I absolutely adore ALL my fans and I'm glad they put up with me and my horrible updating pattern.

What advice would you give to people who "run out of creativity" when writing?

Join the club, happens to me all the time. ALL THE TIME. Usually, I just go for a long drive, (especially when I still rode the bus to school) and just let my mind wander. On the bus to school is where I got all my story idea's until about three years ago haha.

{{{{Interesting questions, are the last two! :D}}}}}}}

Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? If so, what do you do about it?

That's like asking if I breathe! Of course, it's normal to not know what to write. Sometimes I'll get this scene in my head, and it's vivid and I can't get it out of my head until I write it down... and it's literally only a little part about four pages long.

Write everything, even if it leads no where, and you have no idea where it came from.

Do you have any advice for other writers?

Don't be afraid of people judgment. I still have a hard time with this, I have family members that was to read the stories I write, and I still refuse to let them. Write for you, write what you enjoy to write not what your fans might enjoy and be happy with your work.

Anything fun about yourself you want your fans to know?

Everything awesome in the world? I enjoy.

I watch Doctor Who, and obsess over it. I have cuddle with boys where I try to get them into Doctor Who, while cuddling with them. 

It was also recently discovered that everyone (all 430 kids in my high school) I have a story on them.

The guys I sit with at lunch tested it out xD

How would you describe yourself?

I'm loud, and eccentric, and people all the time tell me I'm the funnest person to be around, how awesome I am. But I'm one of those people where if I don't like you... you know. 

I can tear someone down with less than a sentence, and I've done it but only those people that make fun of the kids that are open about their sexuality or something I feel strongly about. I use my powers for good I swear.  


Don't forget to VOTEE!! and COMMENT!!

aahhh i m hungry =/ Just one more interview and then i m gonna go eat :D

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