~~~Cold_lady19 : My Wattpad Love

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The most awaited interview! Finally interviewed my favorite author on wattpad! =D Love her so much!!!

Song of the day is... Step right up by Radical Something :D

Thankyou Arix :) Love your name! 


What is your name?

Ariana but I prefer Arix. 

How old are you?

I’m old enough to patronize you all haha xD 

What inspired you to write your first book?

My diary. It was boring because nothing was happening in my life when I started writing it (I was twelve) so I decided to add things up to make it more fun and voila! My first story. 

Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?

Pablo Coelho. He is just amazing. It strikes me how much emotion and experience he puts in his books. It’s like you are there while reading them. 

What is your favorite theme/genre to write about?

Romance and probably horror, too.

Do you see writing as a career?

I think everyone’s dream around here is to be published. I wish I could work doing something I love so much doing as I love writing but we will see.

If you could work with any author who would it be?

Anne Rice <3

Do you use real-life facts based on true stories?



Votee!!! if you didn't --->>> :)


Did you ever think you'd be, where you are right now?

No, not at all. 

What advice would you give to people who "run out of creativity" when writing?

Take a break. Go back to whatever you used as an inspiration and then write again. 

Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? If so, what do you do about it?

I go back to whatever inspired me in the first place. For example, I was inspired to write Sweet Madness by a videogame. I went back to playing it again and recovered my motivation. I know it sounds weird but it works for me. 

Do you have any advice for other writers?

Write for yourself, not for anyone else otherwise you will end up writing something you don’t feel passionate about. 

Anything fun about yourself you want your fans to know?

Hmm, okay, I ran away when I got my first kiss. I LITERALLY ran away. He kissed me and I turned on my feet and ran as if there was a serial killer right behind me. 

How would you describe yourself?

Just one word: Bipolar. But most of the time, I’m a very relaxed person. I don’t get mad easily. I’m also very lonely. I think it comes with the package of being an only child. Don’t get me wrong, I have many friends but I still enjoy my alone time greatly. 



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