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Listen to... I like it by Enrique Iglesias :D

Thankyou Elena! :)


What is your name?

Depends on who is calling me.My kids call me mom.My husband calls me babe.My family calls me Lainy.Some people call me bit*h.But my given name is Elena Moreno.

How old are you?

If I tell you, I will have to kill you…..But I will say I am older than 37 but younger than 39 :P

What inspired you to write your first book?

I have read romance books since I was 15 years old. Then I found this place. I had a story in my brain for a couple of years. Then one day I figured what the hell. But once I started to write it changed from my original idea. 

Who, is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?

Oh hands down that would be Lorelei James. She writes what I love. Most of my fans know, but incase some don’t. She has a series on cowboys that would burn your eyelashes off as you read.

Plus she does series books. When I get invested in a story, I love to read what happens to the rest of the people in it. Which is why I do the same thing in mine, I have a problem letting go of things.

What is your favorite theme/genre to write about?

Easy question, that would be Romance. I truly do believe we all have that one person out there that makes us better.

Do you see writing as a career?

Hmmm, I would love to do it. But I am a very fickle person. I do things hole heartedly or not at all. I don’t think I will ever find the time to just write and nothing else. 

If you could work with any author who would it be?

If you mean here on Wattpad I would say I have already started a project with the best women ever. Here is the link if you want to give it a look.


In real life I would love to write with Carley Phillips. I discovered on of her books called the Heart Breaker about a year and a half ago. It was a great romance book. Now I own every book she has ever written.

Do you use real-life facts based on true stories?

Each one of my books has a part of me and my family and friends in it. So it makes for a more realistic read. Others are more fantasy or just plain fun. Like my alien book. (Whispers) it’s not real. I felt the need to make it clear.


VOTEEE!!! --->> if u didn't :)


Did you ever think you'd be, where you are right now?

In my living room typing while eating chips?

Oh you mean Wattpad wise :P  To be honest I sure as hell didn’t. I was having a lot of problems sleeping at night. It was a never ending ordeal staying awake without freaking out. I wrote to keep my mind busy. I had no idea people would like what I wrote. It still surprises me so much when I see I have another new fan. It is a very humbling experience.

Plus it’s very cool to know that others out there are like me and like to get lost in someone else’s life. To just take a break once in a while and read for fun.

What advice would you give to people who "run out of creativity" when writing?

All I can tell you is, write what you know and what you want to read yourself. It makes it so much easier to come up with plots and ideas. If you write about something out of the ordinary or your comfort zone. Then most have writers block and after 2 chapters get lost.

That really makes me mad if I become invested in a story then boom. The writer has no ideas on what to do next. Or asks the fans what they think should happen.

Only a suggestion, you can take it or leave it.

Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? If so, what do you do about it?

To my downfall, my brain is always full of ideas. Not to mention voices telling me it’s their turn for a story. Plus like I said. I love to write in series. So one story always turns into 5 or 6.

But I’m sure one day it will come and I will be freaking out. Till then, all I need is time enough to write. Having 2 jobs and a family does not help with that. Then again my husband is a very crazy man. Who does not know when to keep his mouth shut. That makes for an unending amount of inspiration….

Do you have any advice for other writers?

Never forget to write for yourself. If you are happy with what you write. Don’t let negative criticism affect you. Learn from it. Take what you can from it. Like I tell my friends, the power is in your fingertips. Delete what you don’t like to read (comments.

Also please remember not to get discouraged if you don’t get votes right away. We all started slow at first. Not everyone will get a great response at first. If you do, more power to you. 

Remember to not tell your fans. If you don’t give me xxx amount of votes. I won’t upload. That is another thing I hate. I am guilty myself of reading on my phone at times and not voting. At least for me it’s not a must. If you do cool. If you comment, I love to read them. They make me laugh or smile at times. If you just like to read and not vote, that’s ok also. I still get to see how many people read it.

Like I said I write for me. But if you deem my work good enough for you to read. Than thanks a whole bunch for taking the time out of your day to read it.

Anything fun about yourself you want your fans to know?

I am obsessed with video games.(Mortal Combat and  Call Of Duty Black OPS have almost sprained my gaming hand)

I passed all the levels on Rock Band and Guitar Hero III..

I also have a shoe fetish. I think a sexy pair of shoes is the ultimate thrill.

I love Karaoke and am always begging my sisters and my brother in law to come sing with me.(I rock at it and they hate that I gloat, cause I always win) 

How would you describe yourself?

Hmm,I am an obsessive compulsive sexy, voluptuous, Latina nerd. Who hates confrontation, because there is no middle ground for me? You are either in or out, everything is black and white with me.  

I am a very silly person who tends to not act my age. But that’s what makes me fun (I think).

I am overly emotional. If you hurt me I never forgive. I may still talk to you. But the scars left behind never heal. Remember words are sometimes sharper than the edge of the sharpest knife.

Oh and the worst part of me is I tend to say what I think without censoring it and I have no boundaries when it comes to TMI… 


VOTEE!!! and COMMENT!!! :D

The Wattpad Stars(INTERVIEWS!)-Part2Where stories live. Discover now