~~~MADcreations : Bite Me

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Song of the day is...  50 ways to say goodbye by Maroon 5 :D

Thankyou Mad :)


What is your name?

My name is Mad. :D or James Bond. Whatever you choose to call me.

How old are you?

I am 14, but I'll be 15 in January. 

What inspired you to write your first book?

Hmm...I was inspired to write Bite Me because this was around the time everybody was obsessing over vampires and all that. So I winged it. XD and suprisingly, it worked out well.

Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?

My favorite author is Suzanne Collins because her series The Hunger Games is so amazing. She gave lots of detail and created a whole different world. Same goes for J.K. Rowling. I love her because of her ability to make up strange potions, different personalities and creating a whole new world. :)

What is your favourite theme/genre to write about?

My favorite theme/genre would have to be romance and humor. They work so well together. I also like to write horror, but I haven't wrote much about it. 

Do you see writing as a career?

Of course I see writing as a career!! I want to be a movie director as well, because I love to create new ideas. :D

If you could work with any author who would it be?

Oh my god. I would LOVE to write with Suzanne Collins. She's so awesome


VOTEE!! if u didn't :)


Do you use real-life facts based on true stories?

All the time. But most of it is with my family. I usually add in things like that but nobody ever notices. ;D

Did you ever think you'd be, where you are right now?

Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, never, ever, never, ever, ever in a million years did I think I would be like this right now. I'm still in shock, trust me. One day I woke up and BAM! There goes one million hits on my first completed book. 

What advice would you give to people who "run out of creativity" when writing?

Oh god. This happens to me all the time. My advice would be keep trying. Try to find something inspiring to help you write. I usually brainstorm in the shower because it relaxes me. (of course, that's when i'm not singing my heart out in the shower) aha. XD

Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? If so, what do you do about it?

Who doesn't suffer from writer's block? I'm currently in writer's block. Heh. Not suprising. I always try to come up with new ideas to keep me going, but it doesn't work very well. So instead I force myself to go write a chapter. That doesn't work very well either. I usually take lots of breaks. X

Do you have any advice for other writers?

Advice. Hmm. Make sure you use spelling and grammar correctly. In my first book (that i still need to edit) I have lots of that going on there. For example, don't do this: 'i need to talk 2 u' God, that drives me crazy. You're not texting, you're writing. And make sure you describe and use lots of different personalities for different characters. :)

Anything fun about yourself you want your fans to know?

Um...fun things about me...my dog likes to hit me alot. I think he has to go to anger management. ;D I have been in about 30 different states in the U.S.A. I want to travel all over the world, but not alone. I need someone by my side. Hopefully my sister likes Paris. XD

How would you describe yourself?

Hmm. Tough one. To strangers, I am shy. To friends, I'm nice. To my best friends, I'm insane. To my family, I'm very, very, very LOUD. It depends on how well I know you. that's why I always say: Don't judge a book by it's cover, babe. ;)


Alright, another one done...just few more coming...


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