Chapter 105 { Noah.. }

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-{ Teyana Pov }-

I laid Cameron in his seat then proceeded to Aubrey and Cj who were waiting for me in the swing seats things.

"Ready." I stood in front of them and grabbed the front of the seat a little then let go. Aubrey cheesed closing her eyes, and Cj screamed smiling showing his cute teeth. "You guys like this huh?" I smiled.

One thing about my babies, they love the swings. I don't know if it's the wind they feel, I don't know. Especially Aubrey. She smiles so hard coming forward.

5 Minutes Later..

I heard Cameron scream. Just as I was about to turn and look his way, someone walked up to me.

"Excuse me," I looked seeing a man holding my son.

"Omg, what are you doing holding my son?!!" I panicked taking Cameron out his arms. Completely surprising him. "Did you touch him in any kind of way that could harm him?" I asked looking all over Cam.

"No. I heard him whining and seen you were busy with your other two children. I just thought I would help. I'm sorry ma'am, I really didn't mean any harm in no kind of way." He said putting his hand on his heart and the other pointing out to me.

I sighed then kissed Cameron on the forehead.

"It's fine.. You just scared me. I heard him scream and then I looked.. ugh, it's a lot to explain honestly."

"Trust me, I know." He said.

"Oh, you have kids?" I asked

"Nahh, two baby sisters." He answered. "Well, they're not really my sisters, they're married into the family. So step sisters." He said. I laughed a little.

"Thanks by the way. It's a lot handling all three of them at one time." I added on.

"Don't worry, your fine and your welcome." He said nodding. "Oh, and I'm Noah, by the way." He held his hand out.

"Teyana." I answered shaking his hand.

He looked down at my hand, "Your married." He looked a little surprised.

"Yeah. You thought I was single with 3 babies? Boy please." I laughed and so did he. I pushed Cj and Aubrey a little more with my free hand.

"I mean, yeah. Your really beautiful and your husband is really lucky to have you. Beautiful children you guys have together too." He said glancing at the babies.

"Thanks." I smiled.

It was silent for a moment between us.

"So, what about you. Girlfriend, seeing anyone?" I asked breaking the silence.

He shook his head, "Nahh, just waiting for the right one."

I nodded. "She's our there, I promise you that." I looked down at Cameron who was looking up at me teething on his pacifier.

"I wish she was right in front of me." I looked at Noah and he was grinning at me.

He doesn't even know me, and already being extra as fuck and desperate.

"Okay Noah, you don't even know me." I chuckled shaking my head.

"There's nothing wrong with getting to know you, correct? I know your married and everything but -"

"Exactly, I'm married. And I'm married to that man. I love him so much and I'm not trying to mess up anything with him." I cut him off saying. "I don't mean to be a bitch or anything, but can you please just leave me alone now?" I asked him nicely. I could've been way more rude, but I decided not to.

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