Chap. 19 { No Longer Besties }

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Tey has been here for over 3 Hours, and it's killing me right now because I feel so 2-faced right now. I'm sitting here in my best friend's friend, meanwhile someome is plotting to kill her husband.

And I know about it.

I can't hold this in anymore. I think now is the time to tell Teyana. I know she probably going to be hurt or pissed off, but I really can't do this any more. I feel so bad everytime I open my mouth to talk to her.

_ _

"Um Tey, I have some important to tell you.." I said sitting up putting my phone to the side.

She looked up at me from her phone with a confused look, then back at her phone.

"What's this about girl? You've been kinda off all night, and now you want to tell me something? I hope your not pregnant." She said laughing putting her phone down.

I smacked my lips. "Bitch you know I don't want no fucking kids." I said and she laughed.

"Girl what you gotta say?" Teyana asked.

I sighed. "I hope you don't be mad at me but .. Kevin is .." I started. I looked away feeling the tears ready to come down.

"Kevin's what Makayla?" Teyana asked touching my hand.

"He's wants to kill Christopher and he wants me to help him." I cried breaking down.


My mouth dropped looking at Makayla. I really couldn't believe what the fuck I was hearing right now.

I'm not only shook that Kevin wants to kill my husband, but also that MAKAYLA knew about it and never told me shit!

Some best friend..

_ _

"Your.. Your joking right?" I asked her.

She shook her head.

"Teyana you have to -"

"Teyana nothing! You were planning on killing Christopher with him!" I yelled pushing her hand away from me.

"No Teyana please, listen to me! I wasn't!" She cried trying to touch me.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU MAKAYLA!" I cried. I got out the bed. "You were going to help him kill Christopher.. " I cried shaking my head.

I grabbed my shoes putting them on. "Teyana please dont leave. Let me explain!" Makayla cried grabbing my arms.

"I don't trust you anymore! Get off of me!" I screamed pushing her off of me and grabbed my stuff leaving straight out the house. The whole time, Makayla was crying begging me to stay and listen.

I don't know if I should really believe Makayla right now. She has been acting weird lately and doing crazy shit so she could be plotting shit right now as I'm sitting in the house!

Kevin could've been in there waiting for me to try to call for help that way he could've killed me. I don't even want to be around Makayla anymore.

I just want to leave and go home. To my home. I'm done with all this shit. I can't trust my own best friend, who can I trust?

I drove to Mama Tee's nem house never turning back going to Makayla's for one second. The whole time, I cried.

THERESA  ( Mama Tee ) POV

I was just getting settled in bed, took my medicine, and watched a little TV. Lawrence came out the bathroom looking at his phone, smiling.

I'm starting to get worried to why he's been smiling at his phone for the past week. I don't know what he's doing, but I hope its not what I think he's doing.

He would leave the house earlier than what he leaves for work, then 2 times, he came out late. I don't want to believe my husband is cheating on me, but if this continues, I'm going to start questioning him. We haven't really been having sex either lately. I'm sick, I don't feel that comfortable getting naked like that any more infront of Lawrence.

If Lawrence really loves me, he would actually show me that he loves me. He doesn't kiss me if I don't kiss him, he doesn't tell me he loves me, if I don't tell him I love him first.

_ _

I frowned looking at him. "What are you smiling for?" I asked him.

"Um .. Nothing hunny. Go to bed. Did you take your meds?" He asked sitting down on the bed with his back to me. I seen his phone light up again under his arm.

"Yeah I took them. Are you coming to bed?" I asked touching his back.

"Yeah um.. I'm thirsty. I'm going to go and uh .. get something to drink. I'll be right back." He said standing and walking out the bedroom. I sighed sitting there for a moment then heard his footsteps going downstairs.

I laid on my side looking out the window. Seconds later, I started hearing Lawrence laughing. I got out the bed stepping out the bedroom, and stood by the stairs at the top listening.

"Go to bed.." He said then laughed again. "Tomorrow? Probably go to work then come back home. Why? You want me to stop by?"

My heart dropped. I walked back to the bedroom closing the door behind me and laid in the bed tearing up.

Please don't let this man be seeing someone else Lord, please.


"Lawrence I want you to meet my -"

Ding Dong!

"Hold that thought babe, be right back. Someone's at the door." I said putting the phone on the counter and walked to the front door.

I walked to the door opening the door seeing Teyana crying on the other side.

"Teyana?" I questioned.

"Mr. Lawrence, I need to stay here tonight." She sniffed wiping her eyes.

"Of course come in." She stepped inside.  I closed the door behind her. "Teyana what's wrong?"

She sniffed, "I don't want to talk about it right now. I rather talk about it in the morning." She said walking to the stairs and disappeared.

I don't know what that was about, but we'll see in the morning I guess.

I went back to the kitchen picking up my phone seeing she hung up.

Just then,  a message came through

Miranda : " Hey, I have to get up early tomorrow. I'll talk to you in the morning. Bye, love you. 😘"

- " Love you too sweetheart. 💞"

I smiled at my phone then locked it going back upstairs. I went in the bedroom seeing Theresa sleeping.

I quietly closed the door and got in the bed turning over , and closing my eyes letting the sleep take over.


Teyana && Makayla's Friendship..

Mr. Lawrence Cheating On Mama Tee..

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