Chapter 96 { Putting The Ring Back On }

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This Will Just Be A Continuation Of Last Chapter....


"Damn, that felt good. As always." Chris said laying next to me wrapping his arm around my belly. "I can't wait to find out what we're having. I'm hella excited."

"What do yo want?" I asked tracing his tattoos.

"I mean, I'll accept anything but if I got the chance to pick, I'll say another boy." He said.

"Really?" I giggled.

"Yeah, what about you?" He asked.

"I'll say another girl." I answered.

- -

Chris went on into talking about how he wants another boy, meanwhile, I'm sitting here taking everything in because I already know what we're having.

Yup, I know the baby's gender. I found out last appointment. When Chris went to the bathroom, I asked the doctor to tell me.

I don't want Chris to know right now anymore because I want to surprise him. And I said anymore because on our way back home from eating or coming from the shop, whatever, I was going to tell Chris.

But after seeing he surprised me with something special, I just thought about surprising him with the baby's gender. The only person I told was Makayla because I know she isn't going to tell anyone.

We're going to do a little baby shower here at the house just so we won't have to really spend money on a hall or whatever. Don't have time for it and I don't feel like getting in the car.

I can't wait to reveal to everyone that we're having another baby girl. I'm so excited. Makayla was happy when she found out, so happy she already started buying some stuff for the baby.

- -

"Tey, can I ask you a serious question?" Chris asked making small circles around my stomach.

"Yeah sure babe." I said playing with his beard.

"Would you ever you know.... think about taking the ring and name back?" He asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Come on bae, you know what I mean. Be a Mrs. Smith again. I'm tired of waiting. We love each other, we're not breaking up. Might as well really be a whole once again."

"Chris what if something comes up? You know these broads out here and how they -"

"Teyana didn't we have this discussion already? You know those bitches aren't in my eyes. You are. My baby, the mother of my kids, I love you so much Teyana. I miss seeing that ring on your finger." He grabbed my finger kissing it.

I laughed a little making Chris look at me. "So what, you gonna wear it again?" He reached into his pocket pulling out the ring in the box.

"Chris.." I bust out laughing. "Chris I know damn well you did not just pull that out of your pocket." I said continuing to laugh.

"Yeah, I did because I'm serious about this Teyana. I'm tired of waiting, the more we wait, the more time we're wasting. You might as well just put this expensive ass ring back on your finger and call yourself Teyana Smith again." He said smirking and I blushed looking away.

"Fine, give it here."

"Why you gotta say it like that? Ian forcing you to put it on your finger if that's what you thinking," He said.

Nigga what...

Christopher stupid as fuck.

Like he didn't just made me out it back on my finger. I'm not even gonna lie though, I'm not only putting this on because Chris wants me to, but I do miss the ring and the connection this ring brought with our family.

Our rings made me feel that our family was complete. I miss that feeling.. that love.

- -

"Baby I do want the ring," I said holding my hand out to him.

He smiled, "You serious? Like deadass Teyana, you not joking. When you put this on, we getting papers and everything done. Might even have to renew our vows."

"Alright Chris!!" I laughed. "But if you fuck up, I'm never going to speak to you ever again and I'm going to take the kids away and you won't see them until they're grown and could make the decisions themselves to see you." I told him jecking my hand back.

"Teyana this is forever babe, I'm done with that old Chris." He said.

"Yeah you said that before. I'm serious." I said truthfully.

I love Chris and want to be happy with him but I don't want to be happy with him and be looking stupid.

"I'm serious too baby. I love you." He slid the finger on my finger and grabbed my face kissing me. I kissed him back and he added tongue.

I giggled in between the kiss, "Nooo!"

I pushed him off and he sighed, "Man I'm horny now." He said pointing to manhood that was right under the cover.

"Too bad, I'm not having sex again." I said rubbing my tummy.

"Why not?" He asked grabbing my hand.

"Chris that's too much sex with me being pregnant!" I laughed.

"Let me eat you out then you could give me some head then. Just this last time." He said sitting up spreading my legs.

I looked at the time seeing it was almost midnight.

"Chris we need to get to bed, I need some sleep before Aubrey wakes up for her - Mm, shit!" I closed my eyes feeling his warm mouth sucking on my clit. "O-Okay, this last time.." I gave in saying arching my back.


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