Chapter 81

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Chapter 81

Louis' POV

I suddenly jolt awake, the sound of my phone ringing fills my hotel room and it instantly wakes me up. I am slightly dazed as I grab my phone from the bedside table, Eleanor's name shows on the front and I know instantly something is wrong. There is no way Eleanor would call me at this time of night, if there wasn't something wrong. I am suddenly very awake as I slide along the screen of my phone to answer it and I place it to my ear. "Hi babe" I say. I hear her cries immediately and I sit up further in bed. Is this the phone call I have been dreading? It's moments like this when I shouldn't be away from her, I should be at home with her and her family. She shouldn't be facing all of this alone, it isn't good for her. "Louis" she cries emotionally on the other end of the phone. "What's happened?" I ask feeling sick at what her answer could be. "My grandma" she cries "She's getting worse, they're saying now she only has a month maybe six weeks at the most to live" she whimpers. I feel my heartache, it doesn't just hurt for the woman I love on the phone to me now, it aches knowing sooner than we anticipated we are going to lose a woman who has been a big part of my life. A big part of my life, Eleanor's life and our life together.

We stay quiet for a few minutes, her sobbing and me trying to digest the news she has just given me. We knew she was dying, but we just thought she had longer. We decided to set a wedding date just so she could be there and now she may not even make it. All Dorothy has ever wanted since Eleanor and I got together was to see us get married. She wanted us to live happily together and I always promised her we would. I promised her I would make Eleanor happy and so far I have succeeded in that. I don't know what to say to her, I know nothing I can say will make this better. I want to make it better, but I can't. I have a horrible sick feeling, that I might not be able to see Dorothy one last time and it's painful. I can't imagine going out with Eleanor's family and her not being there. I can't fight my tears anymore and we both sit crying on the phone, neither of us speaking. I try to accept that we will lose this amazing, courageous and loving woman sooner than we thought. We will lose her to cancer and I don't know how I will handle this. I have never lost someone so close to me before, this is all new to me and I don't know how I am going to or how I should handle this. I suppose I should be the strong one, but I don't think I can be.

"What am I going to do without her?" she whimpers, finally ending the silence. "I don't know" I answer honestly. She knew this was going to happen, we both did, but I don't think either of us were prepared for it to happen so fast. I wish I had some words of wisdom for her, some words to help this situation, but I don't have a clue what to say. I don't know for the first time ever with Eleanor how to make it better. "She isn't going to be here for the wedding" she cries again. It's a horrible feeling knowing the main person we wanted there, most likely won't be. She was the reason why we did all of this and it all seems pointless now she isn't going to make it. I don't mean marrying Eleanor is pointless, I still want to marry her. I just mean that we could have taken our time planning everything.

"We can bring the wedding forward again" I tell her. Yes, it all makes sense now. We have already brought it forward, surely we can manage to do it again. I just want Eleanor to be happy, I want her to remember her wedding day with fond, happy memories. I don't want her to feel like something was missing. I don't care how much it will cost, I don't care if I have to throw thousands of pounds at people to make this happen. I will do just that if it makes her happy. It will be worth every penny to see Eleanor smile and to know Dorothy gets to see us married, before she leaves us. "Really?" she asks in disbelief. "Yes" I say feeling slightly better. It doesn't take away the sting of knowing we will soon miss Dorothy, but it eases the pain slightly. "I want to marry you" I tell her "I don't care if it's tomorrow, next month or next year! I just want to marry you" I state. She cries again, but this time I can tell its half with sadness and half with happiness. I love her, she loves me and we want to be together. "I want to marry you too" she cries. I don't know how we are going to pull this off, but I know we will. "Ok, you better get planning" I laugh. She laughs too and I already feel like I have released some tension. I am going to marry the woman I love, in just a matter of weeks.

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