Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Sienna's POV

I stare at myself in the bathroom mirror, disappointed with the face looking back at me. I look tired and old. I sigh, before leaning down and sniffing a line of cocaine up my nose from the sink. I start to relax slightly and when I stand up straight, looking back in the mirror, I decide I don't look to bad.
I feel on edge, waiting for Harry. He left a short time ago to go and confront the others. I selfishly don't want him to make up with them. I like it this way, him being dependant on me. If he makes up with them then everything will change, we will change. I'm already paranoid about what they're saying to him. They'll be doing all they can to turn him against me, but we love each other. I know I don't say it as much as I should, that's only because I find it hard to find the right words. I wish I could say the words so easily, I wish I could be as open as him. I like to hope one day I can be.
I leave the bathroom, once I clear up after myself. I sit down on the sofa in the main living room, sighing as I do. I really need to bring my energy levels up or I won't get through my next show. It'll take more than a few lines of cocaine to get me through it.
I pull my phone out of the pocket unlocking it and a picture of Harry and me greets me. I set it as my wallpaper, I've never done that with another person before on my phone. I usually have one of the standard screens, so this is a first for me. His dimples are showing on the picture, a grin on his face and I'm beside him, looking serious. I can see the happiness in my eyes, even though I'm trying to disguise it. I don't think I've ever seen that happiness before.
I mess around on my phone and then I stop in my tracks, as my eyes take sight of the date. How did it get so close without me realising it? I feel miserable again, realising it'll soon be my birthday. I fucking hate my birthday, it's a day I despise. I never celebrate it, I treat it like another day. I intend on keeping it that way. The thought of Harry wanting to celebrate it and make a big deal out of it, makes me feel sick. I feel ill at the thought of celebrating that hateful day. I refuse to let it be any different to any other year.

Harry's POV

I get led into rehearsals, following the other four, but I don't speak to them. There's serious tension between us all, so bad that I had to travel in a separate car to them. I smile at Sienna, as she stands on the stage, finishing her rehearsals. We have to wait for our turn, so I stand alone, leaving the other four together. The tension between us can be cut with a knife and it's making me feel on edge and uneasy.
I've not spoken a word to Zayn and the others have only spoken the odd word to me, even Niall isn't speaking to me properly. I don't give a shit if they never speak to me again, well Niall not speaking bothers me a bit. He never falls out with me and it worries me that I've gone too far this time.
I've felt like shit all day, but seeing Sienna now, makes everything feel a little better. I smile as she dances, seeming so full of life. She seems happy, happier than I've seen her in a while. There's a part of me worrying that she's taken something to make her so happy.
Her set finishes and she pats her face with a towel, removing the light layer of sweat, which has formed. She takes a drink of her water and then she walks over to me.

"Hey" she smiles, when she reaches me.

I can tell when she gets closer that she's taken something. I can see it in her eyes, they're different to normal. She seems different to usual. Her attention is spread out all over the room, not focusing on anything in particular.

"Hey babe."

I take hold of her arm and I pull her to me, hugging her tightly. It feels so good to hold her, but she doesn't hold me back as tightly. I need to feel some affection from someone, her mainly. My heart sinks as her body is held stiffly in my arms, making me feel worse.
I just need someone to talk to about everything and how badly it's all going wrong. If I was back in England, I'd have called my mum, but the time difference makes it hard to keep in touch with her. Every time I call her she's either busy working or she's asleep and vice versa, when she calls me back. I've always been close to Louis, but our friendship isn't that same, not now Sienna is in the picture. He hasn't got time for me anymore, not like he used to. I suppose I haven't got time for him either, not anymore.

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