Chapter 65

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Chapter 65

Harry's POV

I drink my beer and I still dance. I've danced all night. I literally haven't sat down and I feel amazing. This feels amazing. I didn't know drugs could make you feel this good. How have I missed out on them all this time? The cocaine was immense and now this. The ecstasy. How did I not know about them? I walk to Nick who sits on his sofa and I fall down beside him. The party is pretty much over now but it's been a blast. It's been the best party I've ever been too. I'm in with these people now so this should be a regular thing for us, for me. Everything about this has been incredible, I've been incredible. "Good night?" Nick asks. "Top" I tell him. I don't need to elaborate anymore. What's the point? He's loved it too. I see Daisy walking towards me and I can't help smirking slightly. How did I pull a woman like her? She's so sexy and mature. She sits down on my knee and as she does she gropes me through my pants. I can't help grinning as she does. I love her touch, she makes me feel good. The buzz I get from the attention she shows me is indescribable. I missed being wanted, I missed someone liking me.

She leans in and she starts to kiss me roughly as she practically shoves her tongue down my throat and she moans loudly as she moves my hands to her tits. I'm still high but not high enough to fuck her with Nick beside me. I know that's where this is leading too. I slowly push her off me and she just smiles. She isn't annoyed that I am refusing her affection. She gets it, she gets I need space. This is why I like her she is so easy going. She's nothing like HER, nothing like the one I was with before. I don't even want to think of HER name but being with Daisy makes me forget HER, Daisy makes the pain inside me hurt less. She makes me want to move on which is crazy because before last night I never thought I would move on.

The more time I spend with Daisy the easier it will be to forget HER. The easier it will be to move on and let HER go. That's the right thing to do isn't it? I can't keep laying my heart down and getting it trampled on. I can't keep putting myself out there and being hurt. Daisy doesn't want to hurt me. She wants to make me better. She wants to be there for me and I want her to be. I want her. I want her to help me move away the dark cloud that's been following me around lately. I need her to show me the light and remind me who I was before HER, before the bitch who ruined me. The woman who destroyed every part of me time and time again. Isn't it funny when you get hurt and all you can think about is going back in time? Going back in time and erasing that moment you let yourself open up to them. The moment you allowed them to control you and make you have no choice but to love them. I wish I could go back in time. I wish I could erase HER from my past and future.

Nick, Daisy and me walk out of Nick's house and it's weird that it's bright out. I've been here all night but I feel like I have only been here for an hour, two at the most but I've been here all night. "Right guy's seeya tonight" Nick calls as he heads in a different direction to us. I give him a quick wave and I hold Daisy's hand as we head to mine. Luckily I don't live far from Nick. I look at Daisy in the daylight and she isn't as pretty as I first thought. I mean don't get me wrong she isn't ugly but maybe the bright light of the morning and all night drug taking and drinking hasn't helped her.

I should be working today but the thought of going to the studio and recording with those arseholes fills me with dread. I can't imagine doing anything worse. I hear my phone ringing in my pocket but I ignore it. It's rang all night and I haven't even looked at it. The last thing I want to do is talk to any of those arseholes. They'll want me to apologise and I won't. They can fuck off if they think I will ever apologise. They owe me the apology and when they do apologise that's when I will go back. I will go back to work once they do but until then I'm going to enjoy my time off. I'm going to spend time with my true friends. I'm going to stick with Daisy and the others. I'm going to spend today with her. The more time I am with her, the more I can invest in her and stop myself being invested in Sienna. Fuck I mean in HER. I don't want to even say HER fucking name again.

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