Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Sienna's POV

I walk through the airport and I have a large group of security surrounding me, which I am thankful for. The last thing I want is to repeat the disaster I faced at the New York airport. I ignore anyone who calls my name and my security keep them away from me as we quickly move through the crowds. I'm dressed down today in light skinny jeans, white converse and a white Beatles T-Shirt. The last thing I wanted was to be uncomfortable in heels. I wear sunglasses to hide my face like I always do and my hair is up in a simple ponytail. We get closer to the exit and I can't help wondering what lays behind the doors. I can hear the noise from the crowd already. Please God let it be quiet and safe. Trevor suddenly stops as some staff member rushes to him and they start talking to each other quietly.

"What's going on?" I ask irritated. He looks worried as he looks at me and I know already what is going on and what he is going to say. "There's thousands of people out there" he says and I can tell he is annoyed but he isn't as annoyed as me. I am pissed off! I don't get why people bother to wait for me I never speak to them or sign anything I just rush past them and go. I am sick of all the crowds that gather everywhere I go. It's dangerous and it adds hours on to my journey. "For fuck sake this is bullshit" I snap. I can't hide my anger anymore. Why can't I just be normal? Why can't these people have better things to do with their lives than follow me around? Trevor looks at me sympathetically but he could never understand how hard this is for me. Nobody can understand. They don't have to live like this, they don't have to be me. "Don't worry we won't have a repeat of last time" he says soothingly but I don't believe him. I know how this shit works and so does he, this situation never goes smoothly.

I'm sick of not having any privacy, I'm sick of not being able to go anywhere and I'm sick of not being normal. "Get me in that fucking car back to the hotel" I demand not caring that people nearby can hear me. I feel my blood starting to boil and I know I'm ready to blow. I can tell by Trevor's face that he knows this too because he's worked with me long enough to know how my temper works. I watch as Trevor walks away from us and starts to talk to a cop. I'm hoping he can try to defuse this situation.

I stand waiting the remainder of my security team surrounding me. ""Where's Harry?" I hear from behind me. I feel myself become agitated as I turn around to see two fucking kids about 18 staring back at me with their mouths open. I'm not in the mood for this kinda bullshit. "Fuck off" I snap harshly to them and I don't feel any remorse for it. Mark one of my security guards turns to the girls and tells them to move along. I watch them as they start to walk away and then I hear one of them say to the other. "What a stupid bitch like Harry would be into her anyway". Normally I'd laugh at something like this but not today. Today I'm pissed off and I'm angry. These stupid fucking kids have made it worse for me and I quickly push past my security and I storm towards the girls. "Just for the record girls Harry has been well into me" I snap and then I give them my best smirk. The girls turn to look at me a mixture of shock and anger spreading across their faces. Mark quickly rushes over to me and drags me away from them and he moves me towards the door. I feel pretty smug as I turn to see the girls still staring at me in shock. I love the fact that there are so many young jealous girls out there who hate me because of my rumoured romance with Harry. Trevor walks to me "Right let's go" he says to me and my security team. I take a deep breath, let's go.

We walkout of the airport and the screams are deafening and fear fills me as I take in the crowd outside. This is one of the biggest crowds I've ever seen waiting for me. I have Trevor and Mark at either side of me and I cling to them desperately. I'm terrified and I can see how this is going to play out. My fans are going crazy as they try to jump over the barriers and cops line the barriers trying to keep them at bay. The screams are making me feel dizzy and the camera flashes are making me feel worse. Mark stumbles into me as a water bottle hits his head and I quickly cling to Trevor to stable myself. The crowd have gone insane as they throw anything they can at us. I feel pain rush through me as a bottle of pop is thrown and it makes contact with my face. I'm so thankful I have my sunglasses on as it hides the tears forming in my eyes from the pain of the bottle and the stress of the situation. I feel relief run through me as the car grows nearer. I'm nearly there, thank you God. I have to close my eyes as the flashes seem to get worse and they hurt my eyes even with the protection of sunglasses covering them. The crowd continue to go crazy and fear fills me as I hear screams and the crashing of the barriers fall over. This is it, it's happening. I don't even have a moment to compose myself as the crowd get through the space the barrier had covered and they charge towards me. Trevor pulls me into him and Mark stands behind me but there's too many people and no matter how quickly we rush to the car they're going to catch us. I feel Trevor's arms be ripped from around me and I watch as he gets knocked to the floor. Mark tries his best to protect me but it's no use. I feel my hair be dragged and then my body falls to the floor from the impact. I feel hands all over me as people scream my name. My sunglasses are ripped from my face and I can no longer hide my tears. I've had enough, this is too much and I allow myself to cry and for once I don't care who sees me. I close my eyes tightly and I silently pray for this to stop. My prayers are answered as I feel my body being dragged up and I'm relieved to see Trevor carrying me. The cops are pushing back at the crowd and I have no strength to lift my body. I allow myself to lay limp in Trevor's arms as he puts me in the car and he slams the door shut behind me. The car speeds away and I lay down on the back seat and I cry loudly and uncontrollably. I can't calm down and the only thing I can think about is how much I need Harry.

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