Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

Sienna's POV

I sit alone in my hotel suite, staring around and trying to make sense of everything. It's all going so fast, but this is it. I'm finally going to get the help I need.

I've missed my concert, but I don't feel any remorse for it. I'm thinking about me now, nobody else. I'm being selfish, I've got to be selfish.

I force myself up from the bed, beginning to pack some of my things. I don't even know what I'm going to need. What stuff do you need for rehab? I just pack the obvious things, underwear, toiletries and comfortable clothes. When I'm gone Steve will arrange for everything else to be packed and sent back to my home in London. It's a relief not to have to worry about any of it. I've just got to concentrate on myself now, which is something I've not done in a long time. Surely, I can manage that.

30 days.

I've got 30 days to do in rehab, 30 days to get better. I've got to use that time to change my life and I feel ready and determined to do it. I've got to get better this time.

A statement is due to be released at anytime, letting everyone know I'm suffering from 'exhaustion' and I'm going to rehab for rest. There's no way the truth can come out; Simon would never allow it.

I've discussed it all in detail with Simon, agreeing the tour will start up again, once my stint in rehab is done. One Direction will join me again, but right now they'll soon be heading back home. Harry will leave me and we'll be in different countries. The thought of him being so far away brings rare genuine emotions to my surface. How will it feel being so far apart?

I haven't even been able to speak to him to tell him what's going on. All he'll know is what the crowd knows. The concert has been cancelled and a press release will soon come out. They don't know and neither does he that I won't be back for a while. I hope the fans don't hate me, I pray he doesn't hate me.

The door opens, Trevor allows himself inside my suite. He helps me pack a few things, but we don't speak. I want to thank him for earlier, I appreciated how he looked out for me, but I can't find the words to express how I feel. He's always been there for me, even though I've not seen it and even when I haven't deserved it.

We pack in silence, getting closer to my departure. Even if I had time I wouldn't want to say goodbye to Harry. I've never been good at leaving someone, hence why my disastrous relationships last longer then they should. I don't feel like I can even say hello to Harry again, not right now.

There's a knock on the door and I let Trevor answer it for me. I can hear him talking and moments later he returns, Liam following behind him. I've got a lot to thank him for, I know I wouldn't be here now doing this if it wasn't for him.

"Hey" he smiles "You okay?"

He's such a nice guy, genuinely nice. He's a rarity, especially in show business. I nod in response. I didn't expect him to come, I didn't expect him to even care enough to check if I was here.

"I'll wait out here" Trevor offers.

He leaves us alone in the bedroom, closing the door gently behind him.

"Has something happened?" Liam asks "I saw on twitter that your concert was late, then cancelled and then some fans said you came back to the hotel."

He bends down, kneeling on the floor near me. I don't say anything, unsure of how much to tell him. The silence makes him feel uncomfortable and he shifts uneasily, attempting to fill the silence as he speaks again.

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