Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Harry's POV

"She does this really cute eye roll thing when she's annoyed" I tell Niall. I sit beside him as we wait for our promotional work to start and I can’t stop thinking about Sienna. “And when she isn’t happy with something she scrunches her nose up” I smile. “Hmm” Niall nods. I know he isn’t interested in anything that I am saying, yet I can’t stop myself from talking about her. She seems to be all I ever talk about these days and all I ever think about too. I know Niall is bored listening to me and I can’t seem to stop my mouth from talking. I know the guys are all starting to see the good in me and Sienna being together. Well, we’re not officially together, but we may as well be. I haven’t been this happy in a long time and it feels good to finally have someone to hold at night. The best thing is she is starting to relax with me more now. She is starting to show other people snippets of the real her too and that’s when they all start to like her more.

I can’t believe it has only been a week since I first met her. It feels like it has been longer and I have appreciated every moment we have spent together. I have been spending every minute of my spare time with her and that’s meant I haven’t had much time for anyone else. The others don’t seem to mind though, they can see I am happy. I have been staying in her hotel suite every night. If I’m not with her then I am spending my time either talking about her, texting her or thinking about her. I know I am becoming a bit obsessive, I don’t care though. I’m sure everyone is like this when they first start seeing someone. It’s normal, natural even.

“What are you guys talking about?” Louis asks, walking over to us and sitting down beside Niall. “Or should I take a guess?” he smirks looking from Niall to me. He knows better than anyone how my Sienna obsession has grown. He has sat and listened to me talk about her none stop too and he has gotten bored with it as well. Niall laughs “Guess” he encourages. I roll my eyes at the pair of them, taking the piss out of me. “Hmm does it involve a certain lady we are touring with?” Louis asks smirking. I stick two fingers up at him “Piss off” I laugh. Louis and Niall laugh and I enjoy our playful banter. “I thought so” Louis grins “Jesus Styles! If you keep this up we’re going to start calling you her fan girl” he jokes. I roll my eyes at him again “I don’t even talk about her that much” I claim. I know though that’s an understatement, I talk about her way more than I should.

Niall and Louis look at each other and they both start to laugh at me. “Are you kidding mate?” Louis asks. I look at them both trying to look confused, like I don’t know what they are implying. I know what they are implying is true though. “You talk about her all the time, I think you’ve fallen for her” Niall smiles. He sticks his tongue out, pulling a sick face at me. I smile lightly and I don’t say anything to him. I can’t deny what he is saying because it is true. I never planned on being anything more than just Sienna’s friend. That plan has gone out of the window with the more time I spend with her. I know the feelings I have for her are way beyond friendship.

Sienna's POV

I sit in the arena watching One Direction rehearse for the show. I watch Harry intently and it feels nice that he keeps looking over at me and smiling. I smile back at him, whenever we catch each other’s eye. It’s strange to think how much I have grown to like him in such a short space of time. I sit back in my seat trying to rest my aching body. I’ve just finished doing the entire dance set for my tour and I am shattered. I need to get a lot of practice in before the tour begins. It isn’t easy dancing none stop for nearly two hours, especially when you have taken minimal cocaine. I have had a couple of lines and thankfully that managed to keep me going. I’ve ran out of my supply now, the endless supply I normally have is empty. I haven’t had time to keep it topped up because I have spent every spare minute of my time with Harry. It has been difficult to contact my supplier and meet him, like I normally would. I have started to reduce my intake since I met Harry, but I’m not ready to stop it fully yet.

I check where Harry is and he is busy on the stage singing with the rest of the guys. I get my phone out, checking nobody is around me and I call my drug dealer, once I know the coast is clear. His name is Peter, I am lucky he is so trustworthy. I’ve seen loads of celebrities over the years be set up and stories sold on them. He wouldn’t do that to me, he makes too much money from our deals. The phone rings and he answers after a few rings. “Hi” I say quietly, not wanting anyone else to hear me. “Yeah. Today. A few. How much? Yep that’s fine, I can get it all from you today” I communicate with him “Can you come by later? After 8pm?” I ask. He agrees and I end the call soon after, sending him a text message confirming all the hotel details. I check the time, working out how many hours I have to wait until my next line. I’m sure I can last until then, I suppose I don’t have a choice. I see Harry make his way off the stage and he makes his way towards me. I know I have to be careful with what I get up to now that he is involved in my life. I always got away with this easily before, but that was all before him.

He sits down beside me and he sneaks his arm casually around my back, whilst he kisses my cheeky lightly. I cringe at the affection, especially in front of everyone. “Who was that on the phone?” he questions. I instantly become annoyed at him questioning me, I’m not use to people questioning me on what I am doing. I don’t fly off the handle like I normally would, I don’t want to ruin how well this is all going at the moment. “Someone about interviews” I lie, turning away from him. The lies always slip out of my mouth so easily and I never feel remorseful for them. He smiles believing my lies and he takes hold on my hand, squeezing it gently. I grow more tense being fully aware of how much affection he is showing me. He’s holding my hand and he has his other arm around me, that’s double touching! It’s all a bit too much for me and I grow stiffer the longer he touches me. I desperately want to pull away from him, I don’t though as I don’t want to hurt his feelings. I try sending him mind signals, telling him to let go of me, but it doesn’t work. He keeps hold of my hand and I have to persevere with it.  

“I love spending time with you” he smiles happily at me “I’m so glad we met” he says content. I finally turn to look at him and his green eyes are shining back at me, full of life. It is clear every time he looks at me, he desperately wants me and it makes me wonder if my eyes are the same when I look at him. “Me too” I force myself to say to him, knowing he needs to hear it. It’s really hard opening up to someone, especially when you have fought against doing it for years. It all feels so unhuman to me, the closeness and the feelings. “I’m so proud of you. You’re doing really well keeping off the alcohol and cocaine” he says quietly making sure nobody else can hear us. I smile accepting his praise and I don’t feel guilty about not telling him the truth. I know what I have to do to survive and lying or hiding the truth is one of them. It’s something I have to do and I’m pretty good at it, I’ve had plenty of experience.


Later, that evening I usher Peter, my drug dealer, into my hotel suite. I check there is nobody in the corridor who can see us and I shut the door behind us. I turn to him and he has walked into the middle of my suite. “Have you got it?” I ask uneasily. He nods “Yes all of it” he says, opening up his jacket and pulling out a large bag of cocaine. I knew he wouldn’t let me down. I take the bag from him and I quickly open it up, scooping some of the white powder onto my longer false nails. I lift my nail to my nose and I quickly sniff it up my nose. I always like to check that the stuff he is giving me is legitimate before I hand over any money. “How is it?” he asks. “Decent” I tell him. I walk over to the sofa, picking up my handbag and I get a handful of cash from my purse. I walk back to Peter and I hand the money over to him. “It’s all there” I tell him “Count it if you need too” I say. He laughs “I trust you princess” he says, heading to the door. “We’ve been doing business for months now, I know I can trust you. Give me a call if you need any more” he says, opening the door and walking out of my suite. He leaves and I take some more powder on my nail, sniffing it up my nose. I feel satisfied, so I head to the bedroom to hide it, knowing Harry will be here soon.

Harry's POV

I walk up the corridor to Sienna’s suite and I feel concerned as I see a man coming out of her suite. He stuffs a large roll of money into his coat pocket. He walks past me and he doesn’t make any kind of eye contact with me. I want to ask him who he is and what he is doing coming out of Sienna’s room. I don’t though, he doesn’t look like the kind of person you could have a normal conversation with. I get to Sienna’s suite and I open the door, allowing myself to walk inside. I close the door behind myself to find she isn’t in the main suite area. “Hello” I call out and she walks out of the bedroom moments later. She looks a little jumpy and it makes me think she is up to something. “Who was that guy?” I ask curiously. “Which guy?” she asks innocently. My suspicions grow and I give her a knowing look. “The one that just left your suite” I say annoyed. She is clearly trying to keep something from me. “Oh him” she says like she has just remembered “He’s a member of the crew, he had a few ideas about the tour” she says, playing with her bracelet. A nervous habit she has and I can’t help thinking she is lying to me. She stands with her hands on her hips, showing me the frosty Sienna I have managed to avoid for a while. I can tell she is annoyed that I am questioning her. I want to ask her more though, so I can see if she slips up.

“What kind of ideas?” I ask, trying to sound curious. “Err about the order I sing the songs” she says. I know she is lying and it’s good to know she isn’t as good as lying as I thought or perhaps I have got better at reading her. “What did he suggest?” I ask. I know she is lying, I can’t just accuse her of it though. I watch as she presses her lips together angrily and she gets more annoyed. “Oh I can’t remember, I didn’t really listen to him” she concludes. I nod deciding not to interrogate her any further, I don’t want this to turn into an argument. “Still clean?” I ask, feeling annoyed with her. I can’t help thinking that she is hiding something from me and that it is related to drugs or alcohol. “Of course” she smiles sweetly. “Good” I smile “I need the toilet” I tell her. “It’s a bit messy in there, you might be better using your own” she says casually. I grow suspicious, she said that a little too casually. I stare at her questionably, convinced that she is hiding something. I don’t say a word as I walk over to the bathroom door and I let myself inside. There isn’t anything out of the ordinary, just clothes spilled over the floor. “I told you it was a mess” she says sitting on the sofa. I laugh lightly “It’s tidy for me” I tell her, shutting the door being me

Sienna's POV

I quickly rush into my bedroom as soon as Harry shuts the bathroom door. I open my wardrobe, knowing I have too quickly to avoid Harry catching me, picking up my handbag and taking out the cocaine I hid inside it earlier. I quickly check behind me to make sure Harry is still in the bathroom. I open the packet and I scoop the cocaine onto my nail, sniffing the powder up my nose. I pull a small makeup box out of my pocket and I pour some of the cocaine inside it. I hide the packet back in the bag and I place it at the back of my wardrobe. I fasten the lid on top of my makeup box and I place it back in my pocket. I shut my wardrobe door and I quickly wipe my nose, removing any evidence of what I have just done. I rush back into the living area and I sit back on the sofa. I hear Harry finishing up in the bathroom and I know he won’t suspect a thing. He trusts me too much and that will ultimately be his downfall.

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