Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

Sienna’s POV

I wake up alone the next morning after my night with Zayn. I reach out to the empty space at the side of me and I feel so alone. All I want is to wake up in someone’s arms again, well Harry’s arms. I have never felt this needy before. It is completely new to me and it frightens me. I ty to block out the memories of Zayn and I from last night but I can’t. I was drunk but not drunk enough to blame the incident on alcohol. I had wanted it to happen and I had needed it to happen. It’s so different being with Zayn than it is to being with Harry. Harry is familiar and tender and what we share is full of passion and love. Zayn is new, exciting, fiery and passionate as well. I had wanted Zayn were I feel like I need Harry. I feel like I am incomplete without Harry. I had wanted Zayn to stay the night but he couldn't as he had to get back to Perry nor would I have ever asked him to stay with me. I hate that I’ve turned into some clingy needy chick. It is a trait I hate in people and now I am one of them even though I try to keep it hidden. I sit up and get out of bed. I take a shower and I try to wash the smell of Zayn from my skin wondering how I can face him today. Does Harry or Perry suspect anything about us? I know I can't get into the habit of sleeping with Zayn but I crave the attention, I crave the affection and desire that goes with sex and I’m not going to get that anywhere else.

Harry’s POV

I wake up with a banging head and I turn to look at the empty space beside me. I grab my pillow and I hold it tightly. I can’t help wishing it was Sienna. I wish she was here with me, I wish I could wake up with her in my arms, I wish I could just have her close again. I didn’t see her leave the club last night and I wondered where she had gone. I went to her suite last night once I got back to the hotel but I couldn’t pluck up enough courage to knock on her door. I decided it wasn’t a good idea and I went to bed alone instead. I regret that now. I should have knocked, I should have grown some balls and knocked on her door. If I had I probably wouldn’t be led here alone now. I miss her. I miss everything about her. I miss her sincere laugh that I rarely hear, the way she wrinkles her nose, the way she fidgets when she is nervous and the way she softly speaks my name.

I tried my best to put her to the back of my head all night by speaking to other girls but it was no use. I couldn’t stop thinking about her even when one girl flirted with me most of the night. I noticed her at the club straight away but I did everything I could to not give her the attention she clearly craved. It took all of my willpower to ignore her. I wonder if she knew that I had wanted to kiss her and hold her. I didn’t show it though instead I didn't even look in her direction. I can't go back there, I can’t go back to what we had. If I do she will break my heart and I can’t handle that. I have to face up to the fact that we are over. That were finished and I have to move on the best I can even though I know she won't make it easy for me.

Sienna’s POV

I stand singing in rehearsals and I try my best to concentrate but it’s not easy. How am I meant to concentrate when all of the One Direction boys play football in front of me? I can’t concentrate as I notice Zayn and Harry both looking at me whenever they get a chance. "Watch out" I hear Louis shout but before I can react I feel their football collide with my face at full force. I stumble backwards and I feel my eyes well up immediately from the pain. I quickly cover my face and I rush off the stage to my dressing room. I am mortified! I ignore my name being called and I don’t stop until I reach my dressing room. I rush inside and I slam the door shut behind me. I rush to the mirror and I see my cheek is red from the impact of the football. Or is it from embarrassment? I’m not sure. My dressing room door opens and I’m surprised when I turn around to see Zayn staring back at me. I instinctively run to him and I cuddle into him. I have no idea why I am doing this but I need to feel some affection. I am relieved when he wraps his arms around me and he kisses my head tenderly.

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