Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

Harry's POV

My head aches, making my forehead feels like it's pulsing. I need sleep, sleep will make it better, but I can't get back to sleep. How can I get back to sleep when some dick is knocking on my door?!
I groan inwardly, reluctantly dragging my aching body from my grubby sofa. Somehow I manage to get to my feet, holding my head as I do and trying my best to compose myself. I feel like I've done ten rounds in a boxing ring. This has to be the worlds worst hangover!

I groan again, staring around my living room and taking in the shit tip that it is. I didn't realize it had got so bad, it didn't appear to be this bad last night. The room can only be described as trashed, actually way beyond trashed. There's empty vodka bottles lining the floor, empty takeaway containers, cigarette ends laying on the floor and ash from the deadly sticks, covering the floor. There's even food smeared on the wall, from when I've lost my temper and smashed plates against the once white walls. The worst part is I don't even care about the mess, it can stay like this forever as far as I care.
The knocking carries on – inconsiderate arsehole! I make my way to the front door, uneasily and practically tripping over as I try to step over the dismay.

Oh fuck! It hits me at once, my mind becoming clear and making me remember that I'm back at work tomorrow. Shit work! I'm dreading it, it makes me feel sick just thinking about it. The banging starts again, getting louder and more demanding. Does this prick not realise I was asleep?!


The words come out hoarse, but still loud and angry. I'm going to fucking annihilate whoever this is! I finally get to the front door, after a small battle. I stare down at myself before I open the door, staring down at my stained t-shirt and grubby jogging pants. I haven't changed my clothes in over a week, I can't even remember the last time I washed, brushed my hair or my teeth. This is life, my life and I can easily admit I'm a mess. I'm a complete mess and the only thing I have in my life is alcohol, vodka.
I've rested all my hopes, all my happiness on Sienna calling me this past week and praying she'll have changed her mind about us. She hasn't called, she hasn't been in touch at all. The days are so long, when all I have to do is think about her and us. The letters I wrote to her have all been returned to sender, unopened, not a single word looked over. The moment those letters where in my hand the rage took over, anger filled me and I didn't stop until the letters were in tiny pieces, ruined on my floor.
I sigh, finally opening the door and I'm unimpressed to find Simon and some guy in a suit, staring back at me. I don't even need to ask, I know exactly why they're here and this is the last thing I want to deal with. I don't want to talk about Sienna, I don't want to talk about anything at all.

"What do you want?" I ask harshly.

I try to tone down my anger, I try not to call him out for banging on my door because he's still my boss. The last thing I need is to be reprimanded from him. Although, the last thing I can fully manage is to be nice.

"Well, nice to see you too" he jokes "Can we come in?"

I stare back at him, not in the mood for visitors or questions. I know he'll have a hundred and one questions for me. Why can't he get this over and done with in my doorway?

"No, I'm busy" I respond, shaking my head to really get my firmness across to him.

If I let him in he'll only snoop around, judging the state of my house and me. His face becomes stern, his soft expression disappearing, which tells me I didn't have a choice to say no.

"We need to talk to you" he claims.

Suddenly, he pushes past me and practically barges me out of the way, as he walks into my house. I've no choice other than to let the suit guy in as well. I slam the door hard behind them, showing them I'm irritated and annoyed that they're here. I stand by the door, arms folded across my chest, like some spoilt kid. My face is held in a sulky expression, showing them I don't want them here, not even for a few minutes.

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