Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Harry’s POV

I jump awake, as I’m awoken from a deep sleep. I'm startled and it takes me a few moments to realise that the loud knocking is coming from my hotel room door. I check the time on my phone, its 4am. Who the fuck is that at this time?
I curse to myself quietly, as I rub my eyes, and I quickly get out of bed. I walk out of the bedroom and into the living suite, make my way to the front door. The knocks on the door start to get louder, more frequent, so I rush to open it. I open the door and I see a worried looking Steve, Sienna’s manager looking back at me.

“What’s up?” I croak clearing my throat, wondering why he is here.

He pushes past me, coming into my suite and I watch as he rushes around my suite looking around it desperately. He turns to me, looking worried. 

“Have you seen Sienna?” he asks me, panic stricken.

I shake my head, I haven't seen her. I don't know why he would think I have. 

“No, not since earlier in the bar” I inform him “Why?”

He scratches his bald head, running his hand over it. 

“She’s gone missing. I can’t find her anywhere” he says, panic clear in his voice “I went to wake her up for an interview and her bed hasn’t been slept in. I went to the bar and the guy there said you were talking to her earlier in the night, so I thought she might be here. Oh fuck! Simon is going to go crazy.” 

I feel my stomach churn slightly, feeling myself worry for her safety. She was drunk when I spoke to her in the bar earlier and she was still there when I left.

“Sorry, I haven’t seen her, she was still in the bar when I left. Have you asked reception if they’ve seen her?” I ask, thinking of anything I can that could help find her. 

“No, I was hoping you or one of the other lads had seen her. I’ve searched the whole hotel! Oh shit if I have to ask the hotel Simon will find out” he says rubbing his face “I’ve tried to call her but she’s not picking up.”  

The third thing I have learnt about Sienna Star, is she’s unpredictable.

“I’ll come and help you to try and find her” I tell him.

I rush into my bedroom, I quickly pull on some sweat pants, and a t-shirt as quick as I can. I rush out of the bedroom ready to help him find her. I follow him, we quickly make our way out of my suite, and we go down to the main floor. We reach the reception desk looking around for her and then we hear screaming coming from the front of the hotel. I watch as the entrance doors open and I see Sienna stumble inside the hotel.

“Steve” I say, nodding towards her.

He turns around to see her and I hear him sigh a huge sigh of relief.

“Thank God” he says.

He rushes over to her and I follow him, but I stay behind him slightly. I take in her frame, her hair is windswept, her clothes are dirty, and she’s staggering. She’s drunk, it’s clear to see and anyone who sees her will know it.

“Where have you been? Are you okay?” Steve asks her quietly.

I sense he’s trying to not draw attention to them, but that’s going to be impossible judging by the state she's in. She ignores him, not answering his question. 

“I need a drink” she informs him.

She doesn’t say another word, as she heads straight to the bar. I walk closer to Steve concerned for her wellbeing.

“Has she got a problem with alcohol?” I ask, feeling concern for this woman.

He looks at me his face is anxious and his brow is furied.  

“She is the problem” he states.

I watch as he walks away, pulling his phone out of his pocket. I can only assume he's going to cancel her interview, because she’s in no fit state to be interviewed. I can’t help wondering, how often she gets like this.

Sienna’s POV

I slump down on the stool at the bar. My body longs for a drink, the alcohol slowly wears off, and my body starts to feel again.

“Vodka on the rocks” I tell the bartender.

He makes me the drink and then he places it in front of me.

“That’s eight dollars please” he advises me.

I feel my body become enraged and I slam my fist down on the bar angrily.

“I have a fucking tab!” I snarl.

I see him blush, fear fills his face as he realises his mistake. I could have him fired, this very second if I wanted too.

“I’m so sorry, Miss Star” he says worriedly “I didn’t recognise you.”

He moves swiftly away from me, hoping I won't say anything. I feed off his fear, almost enjoying it as I lift my glass to my lips. I savour the taste, as I swallow a mouthful of the clear liquid. I look to the side of me, that stupid Harry kid approaches me, and then he sits on the stool beside me. Why is he always lingering around me? I'd never admit it, but a small part of me appreciates his presence, nobody ever sticks around to talk to me for long.

“Hey” he smiles.

He has a nice smile, I quickly look away from him and concentrate back on my drink.

“My drinking buddy is here."

I can hear how slurred my words sound out loud, but I don’t care.

“You want another woman’s drink?” I ask smirking.

I see him look at me surprised, he looks up at the large clock on the wall, and I know what he’s thinking.

“It’s four in the morning” he informs me, like I can’t tell the fucking time!

“And?” I ask.

I don’t understanding why that’s an issue, it's never too early to drink. There’s never been a time definition created on when you can start drinking or usually in my case, carry on drinking. I feel him move his seat closer to me and my body tenses.

“Do you want to go somewhere private to talk?” he asks.

I raise my eyebrows at him, curious at what he is offering. 

“Private? Like in your room?” I ask.

I feel my body burn with desire, I can’t help thinking about what this boy can do to my body.

“Sure” he says. 

“Do you share your room with the others?” I ask him, trying to be as casual as I can.

He shakes his head and he stands up, so I quickly follow him out of the bar.

We make our way up to Harry’s hotel suite. We stand in the lift together, neither of us saying a word to one another. He smiles at me kindly, I look at him briefly, and as I do I notice how green his eyes are. They sparkle in the light and I feel myself being drawn into them, so I quickly look away.
The lift reaches his floor, I follow him from the lift and down the corridor. I feel like a kid as I follow closely behind him, excited to experience someone new. We reach his suite and he lets us inside, shutting the door behind us.

“Make yourself at home” he tells me “I’m just going to nip to the toilet.”

He leaves me alone as he walks to the bathroom and he shuts the door behind him. I wait until I hear the door shut, I make my way into his bedroom, and I pull off my jeans kicking them across the room. I quickly pull my vest over my head and I throw that across the room too. I climb onto the bed in just my bra and panties, ready for him. I lay here waiting for him, ready to show him the time of his life. I’m going to teach him how to fuck and how to please a woman. 
I hear the toilet flush and the bathroom door open. Harry calls my name, but I remain quiet waiting for him to find me. I watch the door, moments later he walks into the bedroom, and I see the shock on his face, as he stumbles back slightly.

“Woah” he says seeing me “What are you doing?” he asks uncomfortably.

I see the desire in his eyes for me and I know he wants this, even more than I do. He’s a kid, he needs someone to show him the way. I need to take control, so I stand up off the bed,

“Don’t be shy” I say seductively “Come here” I encourage.

He walks towards me slowly and I can see he’s scared. I can tell he’s in awe of me and no wonder. I’m Sienna fucking Star. I’m beautiful, I’m rich, and I’m a sex symbol. All the men want me, and all the girls want to be me. He is no exception, there is never anyone who is an exception. I grab his t-shirt collar and I pull him towards me.

“Kiss me” I whisper, pouting my lips.

I see him stare at my lips and he licks his lips lightly, but he doesn’t make a move, so I press my lips firmly against his. He kisses me back and as he does, I realise I have no interest in this guy, I just need some affection. I need some male attention and any one would do right now. The good thing for him though is, I’m going to make him a man.

Harry’s POV

I kiss her back and it feels amazing. I feel her tongue move into my mouth and I allow her to deepen the kiss. I'm kissing Sienna Star!! THE SIENNA STAR! The guys will never believe me. She wraps her arms around my neck and I taste the alcohol on her lips. This is wrong, it suddenly feels wrong. I can’t do this, not when she is this drunk. I quickly pull out of the kiss and take a step back from her.

“This isn’t a good idea” I tell her.

I instantly curse myself, when I break our connection and now I've no idea why I've just stopped it. She looks at me confused as she realises I'm stopping this. I can only imagine that no man has ever turned her down before. Who in their right mind really would turn her down?

“What? Why?” she asks.

She looks confused and hurt as she questions me, but she tries to hide it. I can’t help wondering why myself now. I know though that I have to think logically and I have to be a decent guy. I have to do what’s right for her.

“I….I think you need a friend right now” I stutter.

The last thing in my head I want to be is her friend, but I know this is right. She looks at me thoughtfully, taking in my words, and I hope they mean something to her.

“I don’t want to make things more complicated for you” I advise.

I mean what I'm saying, I want to be there for her, and I want to help her, I don’t want her to be just another girl I sleep with. I watch her and she nods her head, accepting what I say.

“Yes” she says thoughtfully “You’re right.”

I watch as she walks to the far side of the room and she picks her vest up from the floor. She pulls it over her head and then she picks her jeans up from the floor, pulling them on over her long tanned legs. 
Have I really just declined her? It seems pretty surreal now. I sit down on the edge of the bed, patting the space beside me, wanting her to sit beside me. She looks confused by my gesture, but she walks towards me.

“Can I ask you something?” I ask her.

She nods her head reluctantly and she takes a seat beside me on the bed. I have no idea if she is going to be honest with me, but I have so many things I want to ask her. I want to help her and I want her to be honest with me. I know judging by recent experience I have had with her, that she won’t want to answer my questions. I can’t help asking her though and my mouth asks the question before I can even register what I am saying.

“Do you have a problem with alcohol?” I ask and she shrugs.

I can tell she doesn’t want to answer my questions, even though we both know I already know the answer. I’ve only known her a day or two and I already know the answer. Surely, everyone around her knows it too, so why aren’t they doing anything about it? I know she doesn’t want to talk to me, but I desperately want to help her.

“Why do you drink so much?” I ask and again she shrugs.

I can tell by the look on her face, she isn’t use to someone asking her such personal questions. I’m not going to stop though and I’m not going away. I won’t back down, because I want to know the answers.

“You do know you can talk to me babe. Anything we talk about or you say to me, won’t go any further.”

I try to convince her that I’m one of the good guys. I need her to see that she can trust me. 

“I’m not big on talking” she admits.

She looks away and I can see she is slightly embarrassed by her admission. I smile supportively, wanting her to feel comfortable with me. 

“Take your time. I’m ready to listen, when you’re ready to talk” I tell her and I mean it.

I’ll happily wait until she is ready to talk to me. I watch as she takes a deep breath and I can tell she wants to open up to me. I can see that it scares her that she wants to open up to me.

“I drink alot, because it makes me forget about all the shit in my head and about all the things I missed out on” she explains.

She’s drawn me in and I want to know more.

“What did you miss out on?” I ask.

“Life” she says simply.

I feel so sorry for her, this confused lonely girl who sits beside me. She’s lost and I can’t imagine she has anyone who she can open up to. She has now though, I’m always going to be here for her. I’ll listen, I’ll always listen to her.

“When was the last time you didn’t drink?” I ask.

Surely, the alcohol is the root cause of her problems. She shrugs.

“I've no idea. I drink every day, no matter what I find a drink” she says.

I can tell admitting this to me is hard for her, her cheeks flush slightly as she opens up. She doesn’t need to feel embarrassed with me, I want to help her and I won’t judge her.

“Does Simon or Steve know how bad it is?” I ask and she nods.

“I have to go to rehab once the tour is over. Steve has had to take me to hospital loads of times and I’ve lost count how many times he's had to clean the sick outta my hair” she says, her voice full of shame.

“Maybe that’s a good thing” I say, trying to make her feel better “Me and the guys would love to get to know you better. I like to think I could help you through some of this, whilst we’re on tour together. We’re going to see a lot of each other” I tell her.

She smiles softly at me and I love the way she looks when she smiles. I appreciate it more, because it’s rarely seen.

“I’d like that too. Thanks for listening and for wanting to know about me. I like you” she tells me.

I feel my stomach flip slightly at her admission, because I feel the same. I like her too and I like her more than I’ve liked another girl for a long time.

“Same” I admit, giving her a small wink.

She blushes slightly and it’s hard to believe that she’s the same girl who struts around a stage so confidently. I feel like I’m making a difference already.

Sienna’s POV

I lay down beside him on his bed and I feel the alcohol slowly starting to wear off. I feel my body tense and stiffen, as I recall what I have told him. I have told him things I've never even admitted to myself, until tonight. There’s a reason I’m a cold, heartless bitch. He has no idea who I am and what I'm capable of. I break hearts. That’s what I'm good at and I always have been. There’s no reason for him to get involved in my life or for him to try and befriend me. I’m like this for a reason, and no cute, sweet boy band member is going to change that.

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