Chapter 54

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Chapter 54

Harry’s POV

I wake up and it feels like déjà vu as there is loud knocking on my front door. I quickly jump up from the sofa feeling startled and I still hold the vodka bottle I consumed last night in my hand. I drop in onto the floor and I rub my eyes as I try to wake myself up. I feel disorientated as I stumble slightly and I try to make my way to the door which isn’t easy as I am still drunk. My body aches and my head is banging as I stagger to the door not knowing how long I slept. I open the door and as soon as I do Louis pushes past me and walks into my house. “Woah” I slur as I shut the door behind him. “What’s going on?” he asks me worriedly and I see him take in my drunken appearance. “You were meant to be at the studio 2 hours ago” he tells me. Fuck what time is it? I stare at him confused as I try to gather my thoughts and I rub my forehead trying to make the aching go away. I don’t know what’s going on. “What?” I ask confused.

Louis’ POV

I walk to his living room door and I take in the state of his house. How has he been living like this? I’m disgusted but upset that he has been living like this and none of us knew. His house was once nice but is isn’t anymore. I’m concerned for him and the destructive path he is going down and it seems impossible to stop him. The one thing that has always been so good about our friendship is that we always keep each other grounded. I mean we all like a drink and a joint now and then but never to the point where it affects work. We always manage to keep each other grounded. We always stopped each other from going down that path but clearly we haven’t managed that with Harry. We all pushed him away when he needed us and now he’s involved in a lifestyle that he can’t control nor can I or the others understand.

“What’s happening to you?” I ask worriedly. I can tell that he doesn’t even know what is going on or that he is even late. We all tried to call him but he didn’t answer. Paul was ready to flip and come here but I managed to convince him to let me come around instead. I’m glad Paul hasn’t seen this because he would go crazy. I don’t know what to do now though because it’s up to me to fix this but I don’t know how. I watch as he places his hands on the wall too steady himself and within seconds he is being sick. I jump away disgusted as he empties the contents on his stomach on the floor. He didn’t even attempt to make it to the bathroom.  How has one of my best friends ended up like this? He was the nicest, most sensitive and sensible one out of all of us before he met Sienna but now he is out of control. “Come on” I say grabbing him and leading him outside. I need to help him and I can’t do it alone.

Sienna’s POV

I sit eating my lunch and I play around with it not wanting to eat it. There is nothing appetising about a chicken sandwich and a glass of water. I’ve finally found my appetite and I’m stuck eating plain boring food. I really have had enough of this place now. I’m fine and I just want to go back to my life in London but without the drugs. The only thing stopping me from leaving is Mitch. I don’t like the thought of us being apart when we have built up such a good bond. I’m determined to live each day to its fullest once I am out of here. I’m not going to waste my life sitting in bars and hotel rooms anymore. I want to go out and live life like normal people do.

I watch Mitch walk over to me as he carries his lunch on a tray. I smile as he takes a seat across from me but he doesn’t look happy. A frown is clear on his face and I wonder what’s wrong. “Everything ok?” I ask caringly. “No” he snaps and I am a bit taken aback at his harsh voice tone. He’s always so calm and this is a side to him that I haven’t seen before. “What’s wrong?” I ask wanting to help him. “Nothing” he says sternly. I don’t say anything else as I just watch him pick up his sandwich. I want to help him but it’s clear he doesn’t want me too. He stares at his sandwich then he throws it down back on the tray. “Stop watching me” he snaps. “I’m not” I say hurt as I quickly look away from him. Why is he being like this? “Before you say anything I’m not in the mood to talk” he says harshly. I can’t help getting upset at the way he is speaking to me. I thought we had a connection but clearly we don’t from the way he is speaking to me. I’m not putting up with this! “Fine!” I snap standing up and I walk away from him. I leave him alone to stew further in his bad mood. I rush back to my room and I instantly start packing up my things. What’s the point in staying here now? I was only staying for him but he obviously doesn’t give a shit about me. I want out. I want to go back to my normal life. I want to prove to everyone I can be normal and I can live life without drugs.

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