Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Harry’s POV

I stand in the middle of the luxurious hotel suite, staring around it and admiring the decoration. I can’t believe I’m here, I’m in Las Vegas. I feel all giddy inside, my stomach flipping over, with excitement. I feel like a child on Christmas morning, waiting to see if Santa has been.
Sienna, insisted on booking the penthouse suite, which I’ve never stayed in before. I’ve stayed in some nice hotels before, but nothing like this. I’m in awe of everything, but Sienna seems unfazed by it all.
I rush to the huge windows, staring out and looking over the Vegas strip. I can literally see all of Vegas from up here. I feel mesmerised by all the lights and everything that is going on. I could stand here all day, watching and I still wouldn’t get bored.
I turn away from the window, looking at the room, again. Everything is pristine and white, ultra-modern. The sofas are leather, white and squared off. The TV is so big it covers the entire wall. The walls and carpets are white, soft and luxurious. There is a huge glass bar in one of the corners, every alcoholic drink there is, hangs from the wall. This is all amazing, too good to be true. I feel like I shouldn’t be here, this is all too good for some young British guy.
I continue to explore the suite, walking to the grand double doors at the far side of the room. I open the doors, curious at what is behind them. I’m faced with the bedroom, centred in it is the biggest bed I’ve ever seen. It’s huge and I mean HUGE! I bet me and the guys could all fit in it and Sienna, too. There are huge floor to ceiling windows in here too and all the walls are white. The bed is covered in white sheets and what seems like endless white cushions. The ceiling above the bed has a full sized mirror fixed to it. I think we will have some fun with that! The dressing table and bedside tables are made of white marble. The furniture looks like it costs more than my car. I honestly wish I could stay here forever.
The further I walk into the room the more I see, intriguing me further. There are two sets of double doors, leading off the bedroom. I walk to the first set and I open the door. There is a huge walk in wardrobe, brightly lit and shelves and hangers covering it. I smirk to myself, knowing Sienna will love this.

“There’s a massive walk in wardrobe” I call to her.

She doesn’t respond, so I assume she either hasn’t heard me, or she is busy on her phone. I walk out, closing the door behind me and I make my way over to the other set of double doors. I open that and I’m faced with a huge bathroom. There is a massive Jacuzzi bath, which has steps leading up to it and then it sinks down into the floor. There’s a huge walk in shower and everything is made from shiny white marble. This is going to be the best trip ever!
I don’t regret a thing about what I’ve done, I don’t regret not telling the boys. How can I regret this amazing experience? I can’t believe how lucky I am. This is going to be the best birthday I’ve ever had.
I leave the bathroom and walk back into the main area of the suite, where Sienna is. She is still stood near the door, on her phone. I can’t help just standing here and staring at her. She is the most beautiful woman, I’ve ever seen. How did I manage to pull a woman like her?

“There’s a lot of space in here to christen” I suggest.

I watch her, hoping to get her attention and it works. She stops what she is doing and she throws her phone onto the nearest surface.

“Really? We better get started then” she smiles.

She walks over to me, placing her hands on my chest and my heart starts to race, as our lips connect.

Sienna’s POV

I lay beside Harry in the huge bed, both of our naked bodies entwined. We drink champagne from the bottles, the most expensive stuff they had. I watch as he pushes his hair out of his face, his body covered in a light layer of sweat. We’ve just finished making love, literally over every part of our suite and now I’m exhausted. My body is aching and I’m still trying to catch my breath.
The bedroom looks like a hurricane has hit it, furniture knocked over and lamps laying on the floor. I literally slammed his body into every surface there is, as I devoured him. I love the way he makes me feel, he makes me feel special.
My eyes drift from him to the huge clock on the wall, making me smile as I see the time. It’s seven in the morning and it pleases me knowing that Steve will probably be knocking on my door now. He will be trying to wake me up for interviews and he’ll go into full panic mode, when he realises I’m not there. The first thing he will do is go to Harry’s suite to see if I’m there, but when he realises he’s not there either, he’ll truly panic. I’ve checked my twitter and I was surprised that there were no tweets about us arriving in Vegas. We’re obviously more discreet than we thought, so at the moment, it’s like we’ve vanished.

“What are you thinking?” Harry asks.

I turn to look at him and he is staring back at me. My eyes trace down his face to his toned chest and I have to resist the urge to run my hands over it. He is literally irresistible.

“I was thinking how sexy my boyfriend is.”

I’m smiling, but that disappears, when I realise what I’ve just sad. My face flushes with embarrassment, realising I just called him my boyfriend. We’ve not discussed our relationship status, we’ve never confirmed to each other that we are a couple, not since we split up last time. I keep losing track of when we’re together and when we’re not because it happens so often. I’m literally mortified and I cover my face, hiding my red cheeks. This is so out of character for me, I don’t get embarrassed or sentimental.

“I like it when you say that.”

His hand gently touches mine and he moves my hand from my face. I reluctantly look at him and his smile is beaming back at me. He entwines his fingers with mine and it makes me want to move away, but I don’t. I don’t move away, I just want to make him happy. I want us both to be happy, happy together.
I take a large mouthful of my champagne, trying to drink away this awkward moment. It’s stupid to think I was planning to go away, so I could end things with him. I thought space would be the best way to end this, but we I don’t even think space would part us. I’m just thankful that all of this doubt has brought us back together. I feel like I can finally admit that I want him, I want him in the same way that he wants me.

“I’m not moving out of this bed all day” I inform him.

He laughs and I am relieved that I have managed to change the subject. I’m not ready to talk in detail about our relationship status.

“Don’t worry, I can think of plenty of things we can do, right here” he says suggestively.

I use my hand to swot him away from me, as I laugh. He grins, leaning into me and running his hand up my stomach to my breasts.

“Aren’t you worn out?”

He shakes his head and grins, showing off his dimples.


He moves closer to me, leaning in and kissing my lips hard, until I kiss him back. His arm snakes around my back, pulling me closer into him and I don’t resist. How could I resist? I can’t get enough of this man.


The hours go by quickly and before we know it, it’s evening. We’ve been in bed all day, only moving to have a shower and to answer the door to room service. Oh, and there has been a few trips to the bar in the living area, too. We’re both drunk now, sat on the bed, sharing funny stories.
He laughs uncontrollably, whilst I tell him a story, from when I was younger. Well, I try to tell him my story, but every time I try to start, he laughs even more. His laugh is infectious and it makes me laugh too. He rolls around on the bed, holding his stomach, as he laughs harder. I laugh too, I don’t think I’ve ever laughed like this before. I love this, I love laughing like this. I think the alcohol has a lot to do with it. I compose myself again, ready to finish my story.

“I fell all the way down, underwear on show and everything.”

He erupts into fits of laughter again, making me laugh too. My story wouldn’t be funny normally, but the alcohol makes it funny. I laugh, watching him and I’m convinced he is perfect. Everything about him is perfect. I love the way his eyes crease together, hardly showing as he laughs so hard and the crinkles around his eyes. I love the way his perfect white teeth are on display, the way his hand slaps against his leg and the tears roll down his face. His laugh is infectious, causing me to join him in laughter, again.
I don’t know if it’s sad that I’m proud of myself. I’m proud that I’ve made him laugh like this. I don’t think anybody had ever laughed at something I’ve said before or enjoyed hearing my stories. He’s the first and it feels quite special.


He tries to speak, but the words won’t come, as he laughs. I keep laughing along with him, not being able to stop ourselves. It takes us several minutes, to eventually calm down and to stop laughing. He wipes tears of laughter away onto a pillow. He chuckles again, picking up his beer bottle, from the bedside table, and he takes a large mouthful of it.

“Oh God, you’re funny babe.”

He is finally composed, with a huge smile on his face. His words make me smile, making me almost beam with pride. I’ve never been called funny before, not by anybody. I like that he thinks that about me.
We both drink our alcoholic beverages and we watch each other as we do. I could stare into his green mesmerising eyes, all day and never get bored.

“Let’s do something crazy” he suggests.

I smirk at him, I’m always up for doing something crazy. I just don’t want to make him do something he’ll end up regretting.

“What do you suggest?” I ask.

“Hmm, well something that we would only ever do in Vegas. We need to do something, so we never forget this trip.”

We both sit thinking for several minutes and eventually he raises his eyebrows at me, so I know he has thought of something.

“Go on” I urge.

“You’ll never go for it” he dismisses.

“Try me.”

He raises his eyebrows at me and I wait for him to tell me his ludicrous idea.

“Well, what if we got tattoos.”

My eyes instantly move to the tattoos on his arms, which he already has. He has a lot already and I don’t have any at all. They’ve never really appealed to me, I don’t rate tattoos on women, but I like them on men. I’m strangely drawn to his idea though.

“What kind of tattoos?”

I don’t want something stupid, which I will regret in years to come. I don’t want something that will always be on show either.

“Whatever you want, I already know what I’m getting though.”

He sounds confident, like he has already thought about this. He’s drunk though and I imagine his judgement is clouded by alcohol.

“What do you want?”

“You” he answers simply.

I laugh at him, I know he wants me. I would be surprised if he didn’t considering how many times we have fucked today.

“I know that, I meant the tattoo.”

He looks at me, eyes so serious, which makes me feel slightly nervous.

“That’s not what I mean. I mean I want your name tattooed on me.”

He stands up and he starts pulling on his black jeans. I watch him surprised, as he quickly gets dressed. He can’t be serious, he can’t seriously want my name tattooed on himself forever. Is he crazy?
I stare at him, realising he isn’t crazy, but he is crazy about me and deep down I’m crazy about him too. I stand up and I start getting dressed too, knowing if I don’t do it now, I’ll change my mind. I’m really going to do this, I’m going to get Harry’s name tattooed onto my skin, forever.

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