Chapter 69

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Chapter 69

Sienna's POV

I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe it. It doesn't feel real but all I want is for this to be real. I just want to kiss Harry and never stop. That's what I am doing. I am kissing him. I am finally kissing him again. I don't want to forget this moment. The moment we both finally realised that we can't fight this. We can't stop this. I kiss him more urgently and I hold on to his t-shirt to steady myself as I get lost him. I don't want this to ever end. I don't want us to ever end. My light that had been blown out slowly flickers again, it starts to relight and everything starts to feel ok again. I start to feel what I can only describe as normal again. I start to feel like me again. The pain inside slowly starts to ease and everything feels right. I know now being with him is right.

"Sienna" I hear said sternly and I instantly feel the fear creep back into me. Please. Please don't let that be who I think it is. I gently pull apart from Harry even though it is the last thing I want to do. I feel my body start to shake as I look past Harry and then my worst fears are confirmed. The devil stands in the doorway. Mitch. He stands at the far door watching us, watching me. I don't know how he got in here but I am not surprised he is here. Nothing that man does surprises me anymore. He is capable of anything. He looks angry and I'm frightened of what he is going to do. I am frightened of him. Harry stares at me and he turns around to look at the enemy. I grip Harry's arm in terror and I make sure I am stood behind him. I know what Mitch is capable of and I know he is capable of much worse than he has already shown me. "Sienna! Get here now!" Mitch demands. His eyes are screwed up and dark so dark they look like they are black. His anger is spilling over and he is ready to blow. I know I should go to him but I can't. I physically can't make my legs move as I stand paralysed. My heart races in my chest because I am scared. I am scared that he is going to pull Harry and I apart but I don't want to fight this anymore. I don't want to fight being with Harry. I don't want to fight what we have.

"Don't speak to her like that" says Harry defensively as he stands up tall to protect me. He is protecting me again like he has done so many times before. He always has been and always will be my knight in shining armour but it's taken me all this time to finally realise it. It's taken me all this time to realise how much he has done for me and how much he is still willing to do for me. "Who the fuck are you?" Mitch asks turning his attention to Harry. He takes a step closer to us and I grip Harry's t-shirt tightly to try and stop him from doing the same. Harry has no idea what Mitch is capable of and that scares me. It scares me that Harry doesn't know what he is getting himself involved in. "Harry fucking Styles bitch" Harry snarls as he challenges Mitch "Who the fuck are you?" he asks. Mitch looks like steam is about to come out of his ears. "I'm her boyfriend Mitch" he states. I feel sick by his words. I don't want to be his girlfriend, I don't want to be anything to him. I want to erase him from my mind and my life forever. I want to act like I never even met him. Harry laughs infuriating Mitch more "I think it's quite clear to see that she doesn't want to be with you anymore" he claims. I don't even need to say anything, I don't even need to tell Harry what I am thinking or feeling because he just knows. He knows that my heart will always belong to him. I will always belong to him.

"Sienna I won't fucking tell you again" Mitch snarls as he demands with his eyes for me to go to him. If looks could kill I would fall down dead now from the way Mitch is looking at me. "I told you not to speak to her like that" Harry snaps taking another step closer to Mitch. I instinctively try to pull him back but there is no budging him as his body tenses up. I know Harry and I know he is ready to snap. He is ready for a fight. He is ready to take Mitch on but I know what Mitch is capable of and I don't want him to hurt Harry. I know that Mitch won't allow Harry to get the better of him. He will fight like everything he has depends on it. He will fight for his pride, he will fight to win and he will fight for me. He will fight for me even though he doesn't even care about me. If I could find my voice I would put a stop to this but I can't speak. My throat feels like it has closed up and I don't know how to stop this from escalating.

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