Chapter 66

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Chapter 66

Harry's POV

I stand around looking at all the designer clothes and the ridiculously expensive price tags. I do like to buy some designer stuff but I'm not overly extravagant. I don't get how some people can justify how much they spend on clothes. I suppose I am lucky though because I get a lot of expensive things for free. I know not everyone has that luxury. I look around the store as I breathe out heavily. I'm bored. I've been bored for the last half an hour. I don't get how women can spend hours shopping. They can spend all day looking through rails of clothes but I prefer someone to find clothes for me. I prefer to have my stylist.

I wait for Daisy as she tries on another black dress. They all look the same but she seems to think they're all so different. There's only so many times I can pretend to be interested. The sales assistances flock around her trying to make her feel special and it seems to work. She beams as she walks out of the dressing room in a short black dress. The same as the other ten she has already tried on. She twirls around in front of me hoping for my approval and I can't help thinking about how good Sienna would look in that dress. "What about this?" she asks as she looks at me. I remove the thought of Sienna from my head. "It looks nice" I say. She looks nice but all the others have looked nice too. She smiles at me "I want this one too" she says turning to one of the sales assistance who holds all the other items she wants in her arms. She doesn't even check the price of them.

She walks back into the dressing room as the sales assistant walks to the till with all of the things she wants. I stand waiting and then she pops her head out of the dressing room and she throws the black dress at me which I just manage to catch. "You can pay now babe" she winks as she goes back into the dressing room fully. I stand here for a moment in disbelief as I realise she is expecting me to pay. Why would she expect me to pay? I already paid for lunch! The sales assistance walks to me and takes the dress from my hands. "I need to put this through too" she tells me. I follow her in a state of shock but I am too embarrassed to say anything or to not pay for her things. I stand at the till as she puts the last dress through and then the price comes up. I feel sick as I stare in shock. Fifteen grand. She has spent fifteen grand on clothes and she expects me to pay. No wonder she didn't check the prices of any of it.

She stares at me so I reluctantly hand over my credit card as I allow it to take another hammering. I'm fuming inside but I try everything I can to not show it. I don't want everyone to think I am an arsehole by kicking up a fuss. I need Daisy. I haven't got anyone else if I haven't got her so I want to make her happy. I feel arms wrap around my waist and I turn slightly to see Daisy smiling back at me. I am furious and I don't want her to touch me but I do. If that even makes sense. I want her near me but I am that pissed off with her I want her gone. I just watch the woman pack up her clothes and she smiles as she hands me back my card. Yeah smiling because she has conned me out of fifteen grand. "Thanks babe" Daisy whispers to me but I don't respond. I have no idea what I am meant to say to her.

She grabs her bags with a huge smile on her face and she grabs my hand as we walk out of the store. I see the paparazzi as we reach the door and as we step out of the shop they swarm around us. I pull her close to me to protect her even though I am pissed off with her. I don't want her to get hurt because of me and the media's obsession with me. I try to push us through the crowd but they make it difficult like they always do. My fame has multiplied since I married Sienna. I start to get irritated as the cameras flash in my face and my temper ignites as every second passes by. "MOVE" I shout but I know there's no point. They will only let me through when they have took everything they can from me.

Harry! Harry! How does it feel to be divorced?
Was your marriage a publicity stunt?
Are you two together now?

I try to block out their questions but their words ring around my ears. What the fuck did they say? Divorced? What do they mean how does it feel to be divorced? My head feels fuzzy and I feel sick as I start to think what they mean. This doesn't seem real, it can't be real. I force my way through them and I drag Daisy with me. We rush to my car as they follow behind us. I unlock my car and we climb inside. I can't drive because I can't even think straight. I can hardly concentrate as they stand outside my car taking pictures of me still. I can't escape them and right now I don't even care. I need to know what's going on before I can drive.

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