Chapter 1

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The Girl in the Mirror

Chapter 1

Harry's POV

My hands grip the edges of the crumpled newspaper, my eyes drifting over the small black printed text. I wet my fingers with my tongue to help turn over the pages, looking for an article that grabs my attention. The coloured pictures and bold headlines don't make me want to read the stories, so I keep turning the pages, ignoring the depressive news of the world. My eyes settle on the next page and I hold the paper still, taking in the story and the picture that covers the page.

Sienna Star.

I allow my gaze to move down the full length picture of her, blonde hair hanging over her shoulders, blue eyes brightly shinning and long bronzed legs, all grace the page. I find myself fixated with the sight before me, whilst staring at the biggest female solo artist around. If there was one word to describe this woman it'd be a Goddess. She's a modern, 21st century Goddess. I stare at her, day dreaming about meeting her and staring into her bright blue eyes. The kind of day dreams I've had since I was a young teenager.

'Sienna Star's Bust Up in Bar'

The headline immediately grabs my attention, making me want to read on and to know what's happened with her. That's how the newspapers pull you in, they grab your attention with a catching and intriguing headline. I can't even begin to mentally count how many stories I've read about Sienna Star, each ones been crazy and even more intriguing than the last. If there's one way to sell a lot of newspapers, have a story about Sienna Star in it and they'll shift by the box load.
I know what it's like having stories wrote about you, I've had my own face grace the tabloids and glossy magazines many times. I'm still not use to seeing my face on the covers of them and the lies wrote beside my picture. I don't think I'll ever get used to it all. It's embarrassing, blood red face embarrassing, knowing your family will read some of the stories. Then there are the questions you get asked on the back of them, the same ones over and over, until you don't think it is possible to hear them again. The stories are extravagant and downright preposterous, but some people will still believe them, no matter what I say.
I'd believe that all of the Sienna Star stories I've read are a lie, but there are too many similar ones to just ignore them. There has to be some element of truth in them, then again people could say the same about the ones wrote about me. I focus back on the article in hand, reading the words of the story.


Sienna Star's Bust Up in Bar

Off the rails and nobody to stop her. Who are we writing about yet again? That's right, Sienna Star. The biggest female solo artist of our generation is hitting the headlines once again, but for all the wrong reasons.

Sienna, 22 never one to shy away from conflict has reportedly ended her relationship with up and coming actor, Lee Gosling, 20. The destructive on-off relationship seems to have finally ended, after the most explosive six months, we've ever seen in a relationship.
The pair clearly not content with their continuous public arguments, twitter rants and wild drunken antics; have now had a physical fight on Friday night. The pair joined fellow party guests at a birthday party of one of Lee's friends at China White nightclub.
The pair had only been there for half an hour when a heated argument took a turn for the worse.
Sienna, who was already drunk by this point, according to onlookers. She was seen to shout in Lee's face, eventually he retaliated and started to shout back at her. The words shouted are too disgusting for us to print in a family newspaper. Sienna, was then seen to slap Lee across the face and cause several cuts to his face, according to our sources. She had to be dragged away by security, whilst Lee was treated for the cuts on his face.
One onlooker who saw the whole thing said 'All seemed fine at first, everyone was surprised Sienna was there and everyone was watching her every move. She was drinking endless glasses of champagne and out of nowhere she started screaming at the guy she was with. She was in his face and at first he didn't do anything, but eventually he snapped and started shouting back at her. That's when she went crazy, she just attacked him like a crazed animal. She was slapping and scratching him, eventually being dragged away by security. Lee was taken away to be checked over and she just left the club calmly like nothing had happened'.
The pair have had a destructive relationship from the outset and Lee was seen over the weekend finally moving his belongings out of Sienna's multi million pound home in the heart of London.
Both Sienna and Lee's agents have declined to comment on the story. However, Lee wrote on his twitter account yesterday '99 problems but a psycho bitch aint one'. It's been confirmed by close friends to be aimed at Sienna, who confirmed Lee is relieved to finally end the disastrous relationship.
Seems like it's a case of another one bites the dust for Sienna!

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