Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

Harry’s POV

I down another drink, I allow the vodka to fill my body and I allow it to take control of me. I’m going to get drunk tonight, I’m going to get drunk and forget all my problems. I know I agreed to give Sienna space but every minute that passes by I get more impatient. I can’t stand waiting especially when it comes to her. I just want everything to be ok again. The more I drink the angrier I get, the angrier I get with her. How can she not of forgiven me yet? Why is she making me suffer? All the mistakes she has made and I have forgiven her so quickly but now when it’s my turn she’s dragging this out. She is making this harder than it needs to be.

I pull my seat closer to Perry as I use her and Zayn for company. Zayn is normally the last person I want to spend time with but I need anyone at the moment, anyone would do. “Can you believe it?" I ask not caring how loud I am being "She wants a divorce" I state. I can’t believe it, I can’t believe she is doing this. Perry listens to me intently but I can tell Zayn doesn’t care. He never cares. If the roles were reversed I wouldn’t give a shit about his problems either though. “I know” Zayn says but I can tell he isn’t listening to me. He doesn’t care about me and Sienna.

Zayn plays with his phone and I get annoyed that he isn’t paying attention to me. "Nobody will ever make her as happy as me" I say emotionally "I've helped her through everything. I showed her how to love" I cry as I look to Perry for comfort. She pats my back and I appreciate her comfort because I need it. I need some kindness. “I'm sure you guys can work it out" she tells me. I want to believe her but I’m not sure we can. I’m not sure if she can forgive me. I want everyone to know who she is, who she really is because I don’t deserve this. "She's dangerous ya know" I tell Perry. She looks at me curiously "What do you mean?" she asks. I know I shouldn’t tell her but I can’t help it, I can’t help telling her just who Sienna really is. "She's crazy, she goes wild and not in a good way" I explain "She's vicious she always hits me" I tell her "She loves sex everywhere and she's vicious during it. I have marks all down my back" I try to lift my shirt up to show her but she stops me. She stops me from proving who Sienna really is.

Zayn’s POV

I wish he would shut up. I wish Harry would stop moaning. These are his own problems. He has brought all of this on himself and he deserves it. He deserves everything he gets! I feel more uncomfortable as he goes on about Sienna. If he knew about me and her he wouldn’t be feeling sorry for himself now he would be relieved. I would love to tell him exactly what I think of him. I want to tell him what an idiot he has been for treating Sienna this way. I want to tell him he was stupid for ruining everything they had. I want him to know that I am going to be the one to make her happy now and there’s nothing he can do to stop us. I can’t say anything though. I wish I could but it would cause too much trouble so I say nothing. My phone vibrates in my pocket and I sneakily pull it out and see I have a text message from Sienna.

Are you with Harry?’

The text reads. I place the phone back in my pocket once I have deleted the message. I need to cover my tracks. I need to escape here so I can go and see her but I can’t be too obvious. I need to make sure she is ok and comfort her. "Nobody will ever make her as happy as me" he goes on making me more pissed off with his whinging and moaning "I've helped her through everything. I showed her how to love" he pathetically leans on Perry’s shoulder and she gives him the attention he craves. She pats his back caringly. She is too nice for her own good sometimes. "I'm sure you guys can work it out" she carries on. Why does everyone let him think what he has done is ok? He cheated, he ruined this and he deserves everything he gets.

"She's dangerous ya know" he whines and I raise my eyebrows surprised at how open he is being. Why is he telling us all of this? What is he even talking about? "What do you mean?" Perry asks curiously. I am just as curious as she is as to where this is going. "She's crazy, she goes wild and not in a good way" he explains. I just stare at him like he has gone crazy. I can’t believe he is talking about Sienna like this. She would be furious if she knew. "She's vicious she always hits me" he says playing the victim "She loves sex everywhere and she's vicious during it. I have marks all down my back" he attempts to lift up his shirts to show us the marks but thankfully Perry stops him. "You don't need to show us" Perry laughs. I know what he is talking about though. I have experienced that side of Sienna too. The last thing I want is Harry talking about Sienna like this. I need to go, I need to get away from him. "I need to go sort some travel out for tomorrow I won't be long" I say excusing myself as I leave Harry to get Perry to feel sorry for him.

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