Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

Harry's POV

I press my foot down on the pedal, forcing my car to pick up speed. I'm driving like a lunatic, stupidly and irresponsibly. I don't care though; I just need to get to my destination as quickly as I can.

I couldn't stay in London, not a chance. The moment we landed on British soil I was off, grabbing my bags and heading back up north. We've been giving a few days off, time for the record label to amend our schedule, so it gives me a chance to leave the hustle and bustle of London behind.

I want to be with people who love me, who care about me. I want my mum, I want her to hug me and tell me everything's going to be okay. I want to spill all the hurt out to her, so she can wash it away and make everything better. I need her to listen to me, really listen because I feel like my voice hasn't been heard for so long. I've been so selfish, so neglectful of my family, whilst I've been away. I can't even remember the last time I called home to see how everyone is.

I keep speeding down the country lanes, not caring that I'm endangering myself and anyone else on the roads. I should've called my mum, prepared her for my arrival, but I know if I hear her voice I'll break down. I'll fall apart and I wouldn't have even made the journey up here.

My phone is still off from the flight and I've no intentions of turning it on anytime soon. I don't want to speak to anyone. That's why when we got off the plane I grabbed my luggage and left. I just got my car and I set off here. I didn't say goodbye to the others, not even Paul.

The familiar outskirts of Holmes Chapel fill my eyes, making relief flood through me. I just hope when I get home that my mum is in, I don't know what I'll do if I'm faced with an empty house. I slow down, driving more carefully now that I know the journey is coming to an end. I pass through the quiet streets, until I reach my mum's gated home.

I stop in front of the gates, climbing out of the car and going over to the keypad. It's going to be okay now, everything's going to be okay.

I enter the code into the keypad to unlock the gates and they slowly start to open, allowing me time to get back into my car. I drive through the gates, once they're fully opened and I drive up the driveway, parking my car beside my mum's. She must be in; her car is here.

I stay in my car for a few minutes, attempting to calm down and to compose myself. You're safe here, everything will be okay here. I give myself a pep talk and then I get out of the car, grabbing my suitcase from the boot.

I walk to the door, trying to open it, but it doesn't budge. It's locked. I pat around my jean pockets, searching for my set of house keys, which has my mum's house key on too. Where the fuck are my keys? Did I even bring them?

I knock on the door, still searching as I wait for the door to open. The seconds tick by and the door doesn't open, which sends me into a panic. My emotions flow through me and I knock again. Shit! I need her, I need my mum. The panic fully sets in and I start to bang on the door, pounding my fists against the wooden frame. I bang so hard that my fists start to hurt. My vision is clouded by weak tears and I'm about to crash to the floor, when the door opens.

"Har..." my mum begins, but I cut her off.

I fall into her, wrapping my arms around her neck and the sobs come pouring out. She doesn't say anything; she doesn't question me. She does exactly what I needed her to do, she holds me and in that split second everything starts to feel a little bit better.

Sienna's POV

My eyes rake around the room, taking in the diplomas and picture hung on the wall. I feel completely lost sat here, completely intimidated by my surroundings. Why did I even come here? I shouldn't have come; I don't want to be here.

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