Chapter sixty two- Sebastian

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Ivy had talked everything through with Alex and she even told me that he had kissed her, but i wasn't mad. I knew what kind of kiss it was, it was a goodbye kiss and even though i pretty much hated the guy to death, he hadn't hurt Ivy. So i would allow the kiss.

I laughed at myself for being so overprotective. i was on my way to meet Ivy now at our local coffee shop and i walked past a jewellers, noticing couples that were looking for rings and it made me smile. I knew that it was sort of crazy to want those things at this age, but if i was still with Ivy in a few years, i wanted to marry her without a doubt. I would do it now, if we weren't so young. That was how much i loved her and wanted to be with her. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with only her and i knew it didn't sound genuine, because when people say that i don't think they completely understand the meaning of forever, and God maybe i didn't, but it felt like i did. And i wanted that forever with Ivy.

My hand reached for the door to the cafe and i pushed it open easily, feeling the warm air of the room hit me. I looked around waiting to spot some part of Ivy that i would recognise. A flicker of her hair caught my eye in the corner, and i smiled noticing her. She was sat with her legs crossed, drinking a large coffee and a book in her hand. 

I ordered myself a drink and walked over to where she was sat. 

"Hey gorgeous." I said, kissing her on the head and sliding into the booth opposite her. 

"Hey." She mumbled from behind her book, clearly too engrossed with what she was reading to notice me, but i didn't mind. I liked watching her read because she gave lots of expressions and she was so mindlessly beautiful that you couldn't get bored of looking at her. 

Her fingers fumbled on the corners of the page, before she closed the book and placed it on the table. She stretched her hand across the table and laced her smooth cold fingers through mine. 

"How has your day been?" She asked.

"Oh you know, alright i guess." I shrugged, "But better now that i've seen you." I added and she smiled at me, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. It was half a smile, something she did when she was either upset or thinking too much. 

I stroked her cheek, willing her to look up at me properly. "Ivy, is everything okay?"

My voice seemed to startle her and she looked up at me quickly. "I'm okay honestly. It's just i thought someone was following me that was all, but i think it was my mind playing tricks on me." She explained. 

"I'm sure it was nothing. I mean you do know where we live right, nothing ever happens here." I reassured her, knowing i was pretty certain. This town was a bore, but then again i didn't exactly want stalkers to start appearing either. 

"Yeah, you're right. It's not just that, i don't know. I'm just in one of those moods, that's all." She laughed. 

I stroked her cheek again. "You want a vanilla milkshake to cheer you up? I know you like those." I offered. 

Another laugh escaped her and she begun to look less drawn. "Yes please." 

I laughed in return and got up to order one. I didn't like it when Ivy was like this, she over thought too much and then got herself upset over nothing, and i don't know why she continued to do it. I just didn't like seeing her sad, because she didn't deserve it. 

"There you go." I said, placing the drink in front of her and moving to sit beside her this time. I instantly put my arm around her shoulders and pulled Ivy into my chest. "You're kind of crazy, you know that?" I muffled my laughter into the top of her hair. 

She sighed, "I've been called worse. Besides i'm your crazy." 

And she was. She was my everything.

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