Chapter thirteen- Ivy

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My alarm went off and for once i didn't angrily hit it. I peacefully turned it off and climbed out of bed.

I felt as if i was walking on clouds this morning.

Was this what being happy felt like? 

I know the reasons for me being in a good mood, it was one word.


I had kissed him. It wasn't a dream either, it had actually happened.

My lips felt numb, as i replayed the way his lips softly caressed mine.

It was amazing. I sighed.

He stayed for a few more hours, we spent the whole evening talking and kissing.

But mostly kissing.

I was glad we got to wear whatever we wanted at college, otherwise i would look stupid. I knew that Sebastian wasn't like suddenly my boyfriend or anything, it was only a few kisses. I had no idea how i was going to act around him.

Should i ignore him, or say hi? Maybe he thought i was going to kiss him, when i saw him. Should i? I mean i wanted to kiss him, although i didn't know if i should.

This was stressful.

He probably hadn't told his friends yet, i hadn't.

Carrie would be so excited when i told her, so would Aubrey.

Me and Aubrey were good friends, but we only ever saw each in college or occasionally at parties. This was simply because we were the same, in the way that we could never be bothered to leave our houses. We used to live opposite each other, but she moved. Now we just bump into each other, but we don't mind; i have Carrie and she has Jess.

I carefully selected my outfit. It didn't matter though, i was never one of those girls who wore things because it made me look good. i wore things simply because they were comfortable and cheap. 

I pulled on a pair of dark blue, skin tight jeans and a baggy jumper.

I left my hair down, only gently running a brush through it, without ruining my naturally loose curls. I quickly put a brush of mascara on and collapsed onto the bed.

As i had time to kill, i replayed last night back in my head.

The way he touched my skin with his hands, made me shiver with warmth and made me feel safe. The way his lips softly kissed mine, but would yearn for a deeper kiss with added pressure. 

Even when he was talking to me, i couldn't take my eyes off him, he was breathtakingly gorgeous and compelling. I could get lost listening to a voice like his.

By the time he left, which wasn't until gone midnight. Every part of me felt charged and awake. 

It's as if my mind had been wandering aimlessly, then all of a sudden it had begun to find its way back.

God, i was crazy.

I had only known Sebastian for like two weeks, even though it felt like much longer. Maybe i'd wake up tomorrow and feel differently. 

Maybe i was in some sort of illusion.

I mean no guy is ever interested in me. It wasn't everyday a gorgeous and amazing guy came along.

There had to be a catch. Most likely it wouldn't end well, not that we had an 'it'. Nothing ends well for me.

Relationships scared me half to death, i didn't want one.

But Sebastian. He was different. Sebastian i wanted. I was almost sure of that, and i was never normally sure on anything.

The sounds of Carrie's car horn startled me.

I jumped out of bed, flung myself down the stairs, out the door and into her car; all in about thirty seconds.

"Whoa, calm down speedy. Somebody's a little too eager for school." She laughed.

A smile spread across my lips. I couldn't keep the fact that i had kissed Sebastian from her any longer. 

"I kissed him!" I squealed.

And i do mean squealed, just like those bitches in my art class. I was nothing like them though.

She looked at me, her eyes widening in shock. "Oh my effing god Ivy." She screamed back.

I joined in, i didn't even care if the neighbours told us off. 

"Well spill, what was it like?" she questioned.

"Amazing! He came round last night and we talked for hours. The kiss, the kiss...was incredible." i sighed. "I mean i didn't even know guys could kiss like that. Let's put it this way, i just couldn't get enough." I blurted out, laughing at how stupid i sounded.

"He is soo gorgeous as well. You lucky bitch! No wonder you wanted to get to school, i would if i had that fine ass waiting for me." She winked.

I slapped her arm, but couldn't help grinning.

As we pulled out of my drive, Carrie persisted for more details and i wasn't reluctant to tell her.

I couldn't wait to see Sebastian and kiss him again. I knew i should calm down, but that wasn't possible.

Not even for a minute.

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