Chapter twenty four- Sebastian

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Ivy was an absolute hit with my parents, i knew that they would like her.

You couldn't hate Ivy, and i think they had established that. She was the perfect girlfriend for me.

"Do you think i did okay? I mean they don't hate me do they? You have really lovely parents. Your dad looks like you a lot, not that your mum doesn't." Ivy was talking on and on. She was clearly panicking.

"Ivy stop." I grabbed her shoulders, making her stop pacing. "They loved you." I added.

"Really?" She relaxed.

"Yes, really." I placed a kiss on her forehead.

Her arms wrapped around me, as she sighed effortlessly.

"Maybe as i met your parents, it's about time you met my mum." she said.

I looked down at her face, she was trying her best to hide a smile. Short strands of her hair had fallen loose from her ponytail, i tucked them behind her ear, cupping her face. 

"I would love too." I said against her lips, before kissing them. 

"I really hope my mum scares you." She smirks.

To be honest, she probably will try and scare me, i thought.

I let out a laugh and began tickling Ivy.

She cried out, begging me to stop. I lifted her off the floor, making her wrap her legs around me.

Ivy secured her hands round my neck, playing with my hair. I ran my fingers alone her jawline, stroking her cheek with my thumb. 

I didn't want to say anything in that moment, all i wanted was to look into her glistening green eyes and treasure her beauty.

I was stood by the edge of my bed, with Ivy's body wrapped so tightly around mine.

"Sebastian?" Ivy's voice was barely a whisper.

I smiled at her simplicity. "Yes?"

She looked down, avoiding my gaze, but i tilted her chin upwards.

"I think, but i don't want to scare you, that i might be falling you." Ivy smiled shyly.

It was like someone had taken my breath away. Actually, Ivy had taken my breath away.

My endless torment with myself about whether she felt the same was over, because she did. Ivy was falling for me, as much as i was falling for her.

I planted a small feather like kiss on her lips. "And there's me thinking i was crazy falling for you." I replied.

Ivy's smile grew, as her hands tightened in my hair and she kissed me like it was the last time she could.

One of my arms secured her bum, ensuring that i didn't drop her; while my free hand lightly roamed up her bare back, under her t-shirt. My fingers stroked her warm smooth skin, getting higher and higher up her back, before slowly dragging down again.

Ivy let out the smallest moan, causing me to smile.

I knew that i should put her down and get ready for the day ahead, but i couldn't do that. 

I didn't want to do that.

All i wanted was to keep holding her, keep kissing her, for as long as i could. 

Everything about Ivy was warm and special. The way she did things seemed new and inexperienced, it was as if somehow she had the ability to be so special and yet so beautiful, that you would do anything to make sure she was never hurt.

She parted her lips from mine. "We should probably get ready, my mum will wonder where i am." she sighed.

I slowly placed Ivy on the floor. "yeah, you're right." I let out a similar sigh.

She kissed me on the cheek, before skipping off to my bathroom.

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