Chapter thirty two- Ivy

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"See you later sis, be careful and i love you loads." Dylan said to me. 

"I will and i love you too." I smirked at my brother. 

"Look after her bro, I don't want any funny business." He smiled at Sebastian.

Sebastian nodded in response and Dylan closed my bedroom door. I heard him walking down the stairs and slamming the front door loudly.

We were alone now.

Just me and Sebastian, in my room.

Already i was finding it hard to breathe. After what had happened at the cove, how could i be expected to be calm. The way his hands felt on my skin, sent my body into some sort of passionate frenzy. I just wanted it more and more, the way his fingers burned, it took all my control away. 

"Do you think he'd still get mad at me, if it was you that started the funny business?" Sebastian smirked.

"Even if it was me that started it, he wouldn't believe you if you told him." I winked.

He grinned back. "I'm sure you are probably right."

Sebastian closed the distance between us and once again i had to swallow my nerves, i still wasn't used to him being so close to me. He brought his hand up to my neck, cupping my face. His touch made me smile and my head spin; it was as if he was a drug and i was addicted.

I secured my hands around his neck, wanting to fill the final breaths of air between one another. The hand that wasn't holding my face, played with the bottom of my top, causing his fingers to brush delicately against my stomach. 

He brought his face closer to mine and sucked on my lower lip. I felt like i was going to collapse to the floor; the temptation he was offering was getting too much and i wanted him, badly. He knew exactly the kind of effect he was having on me, that's why he was teasing. 

I couldn't contain myself any longer and i wasn't going to be gentle about it either. My lips crashed against his, causing the kiss to be raunchy, but Sebastian responded with just as much lust. The kiss deepened and before i knew it, we were breaking apart for air. 

In these few short seconds, both of Sebastian's hands grabbed the bottom of my top and pulled it above my head. His hands ran roughly down my back and when they came to rest just above my bum, he picked me off the floor.

Where the cool air hit my bare skin, and the energy from Sebastian's touch, it almost felt like thousands of minuscule electrical shocks running through me. But they didn't make me want to stop, it was a good sort of feeling; a feeling that i wanted more of.

He delicately dropped me onto the bed and hovered above me. My fingers fumbled for the bottom of his top and i managed to somehow remove it smoothly, even though i felt nervous. 

This was one of those moments when you're with that person that you can't seem to breathe without sometimes, and things are leading to that big thing. The big thing in this situation being sex. I knew that i was ready, but it seemed like as much as i wanted to do it right now, it wasn't the time. I also knew that Sebastian would wait for me.

The first few months we were together i kept thinking that he would leave me, because i wasn't having sex with him. However, as we grew more attached to one another, i began to realize and understand that this wasn't the case and that secretly i knew all along that he wouldn't be the type of guy to base a relationship strictly on the physical side. 

Sebastian's lips parted from mine and it stopped my train of thought. 

"Ivy?" He whispered by my ear, even though we were completely and utterly alone. 

"Yeah?" I murmured back.

"I--erm, I think you are beautiful and amazing and--" He began, looking at me.

Was he going to say it? Was he going to say he loved me?

No. Of course he wasn't. I had to be crazy. Just because i loved him, doesn't mean he loved me. 

"I really really like you, like so much it's insane." He finished. 

Okay, so it wasn't 'i love you', but it still made my heart stop a little. 

"Yeah well, you aren't too bad yourself." I smirked.

"Shut up." Sebastian teased.

I didn't even have time to whisper 'make me' back, as his lips were already kissing mine again. I didn't need anything else then, just him. Words didn't mean a single thing to me, i just wanted to be with him for as long as possible. 

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