Chapter sixty one- Ivy

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I warily walked towards the pier, knowing that Alex was already here, as i could see his tall figure from where i was standing. I sucked in a breath, not wanting to do this, even though i knew i had to talk to him. 

"Hey Missy." Alex said as soon as he saw me. 

"Hey." I replied rather bluntly, not in the mood. He moved forwards to hug me, but i simply put my hand to his chest. "Alex, please."

"What's happened, i thought we were having fun?" He smirked, pouting.

"We were having fun, but i'm not doing that anymore." I replied sharply.

He tucked a lose piece of hair behind my ear and held my face with his hand. "Did you get annoyed that your little toyboy found out, i thought that was why we started this?" 

"He's my boyfriend, not my toyboy." I said and pushed Alex's hand off my cheek. 

Alex looked at me briefly, like he was trying to work out whether i was lying or not. Then his lips curved into a smile and a laugh escaped his lips. "So you took him back? I should've known." He rolled his eyes as he said it. 

I rolled my eyes in response too. "Oh stop it Alex." I snarled. 

"Stop what, being gorgeous?" He smirked. 

"This is exactly what i mean. The whole thing with Sebastian was a misunderstanding, i was an idiot, and i'm not messing around with you anymore." I explained. 

He shook his head. "Oh Missy, you aren't an idiot, i mean you have good taste in guys, clearly--" He smiled, and his eyes glanced down my body. "--But, i do wish i had shagged you when i had the chance." 

I hit his arm, even though i was smiling. It wasn't that i was agreeing with him, because Sebastian means more to me than some silly one night fuck. I was smiling because Alex's whole aura amused me; the way he spoke, the way he acted, it was in complete contrast to Sebastian. I guess that was why i had 'been' with Alex previously, because he didn't resemble Sebastian at all. 

"You never had a chance." I smiled. 

He flung his arm around my shoulder. "Oh yes i did. You were totally going to give it up." 

"Why is it that all guys are so cocky all the time?" I half whined. 

"What can i say, Missy? It comes naturally." He replied and pulled me into a hug, this time i didn't refuse and embraced him. 

"We're still going to be friends right, you and me?" I asked, because i didn't really see why we wouldn't be, but then again boys were always funny like that. They changed their minds almost as much as girls did, and when boys tell you things, you should never believe them. That was a fact that many girls worldwide had painfully learned.  

"I don't normally stay friends with people i've messed around with, but then again you're the first person that i didn't sleep with. Also you're kind of special." Alex smirked. 

I gasped, "Did Alex just say i was special? I'm completely shocked. Girls around the world must be jealous to know that Ivy Monroe changed the bad boy and made him fall in love with her." I laughed at him. 

He laughed too, "Whoa back up, I don't do love remember?" 

I shrugged, "But you did want to do me." I smirked at him and he grinned back. "Anyway, i should probably get back. Sebastian probably thinks that you've taken away my innocence." I smiled. 

"Oh please, you'd lost your innocence way before i met you." He grinned and removed his arm from my shoulder. "Well what can i say Missy, it was a pleasure making you moan." 

I hit his chest, while laughing. "Yeah, likewise." I replied and turned away from him, ready to walk away. Seeing him had gone so much better than expected and it felt like everything was completely back in place. It was all calm again and the suffocating feeling that had developed over the past few months had gone and i could breathe again. 

Alex grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him. "For old times sake." He said and his eyes flickered towards my lips. Before i could do anything, his lips met mine. I didn't push him away, as i knew this was goodbye, and i didn't even have a chance to feel bad, because just as quickly as his lips had touched mine, they parted from them. 

"See you around gorgeous, i won't forget you." He winked. 

"You're gonna be a good story to tell one day." I smiled. 

"Oh i know, but Sebastian's going to be a better story and because you love him, i'm not going to fuck you." He smirked. 

"Yeah, you totally love me." I winked and turned my back on him, as i heard him laugh. I felt his hand hit my arse and i laughed, before walking away for good. 

So maybe what i had done with Alex wasn't good, but i wouldn't regret it because he had been there for me. For once i understood why Carrie had slept with so many guys and had countless one night stands. It was because she didn't feel like anybody in the world cared about her, just like i had felt in the months that me and Sebastian weren't together. So she went out and had flings, to pretend that she mattered to someone, because that's what i had done with Alex. In all honesty he did care about me, and he wasn't a bad guy, anyone could tell that. Nobody could ever make me feel like Sebastian does, but when he wasn't here, i had filled the aching pains as much as i could.

All in all, there was nobody else like Sebastian Tate and there never would be. I would spend the rest of my life comparing guys to him and i knew now, that nobody would ever make the cut

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