Chapter fourty seven- Ivy

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I lent against the cool wall, feeling the alcohol swirl in my body. I gulped, as my throat tightened. I knew I was thinking about him, it was beginning to frustrate me.

I was glad that he wasn't here. He wouldn't have recognized the girl I had become. I barely ever got drunk, especially not when I had been with him and even when I had once, he had taken care of me. Plus, the way Alex had touched me would've driven him insane. Maybe that was why I didn't care, because I secretly hoped that somewhere Sebastian would be mad. I wanted him to feel as much anger as i had done over the last two weeks.

All this thinking was making me upset. I grabbed the bottle of vodka on the table, swallowing a large volume of it. If i couldn't stop thinking about him, maybe i could drink myself to death.

"You know you should take it easy. I have a strong feeling you're already wasted, and that isn't going to improve the hangover you'll be having tomorrow." Someone whispered in my ear.

It was more like a quiet shout, as the music was extremely loud. But I wasn't sure if the person sounded muffled because of the music, or simply because I had drunk too much.

I turned around, noticing it was the same guy from outside. Alex. I glared at him, before taking another sip as he watched my every move.

A smirk crossed his face. "You're trouble." He said, lighting up a cigarette.

I took it from his hand, taking a drag. "Yeah, and you love it." I winked, passing it back.

His hand slipped around the bottle, as he took it out of my grasp and took a huge gulp before resting it back on the table. I didn't really appreciate the fact he had taken my drink away from me.

"You should be careful what you say to me Missy." He smiled.

"Really and why's that?" I asked.

He leaned in closer to me. His lips were an inch away from mine. "Because I'm lethal."

I could feel his breath brush past my mouth as he said the words. A smile crept across my lips, without meaning to. He was looking at me intently, like he knew something about me that even I didn't know about myself.

"You look like you want to kiss me." I said cockily.

Alex laughed. "Trust me, if I wanted to kiss you, you'd know about it."

I laughed in response. Maybe this guy wasn't so bad.

"So who's this guy then?" he suddenly asked.

I froze. "What guy?" I replied.

Alex tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "I barely know you, but you look sad Missy. Anyone can tell that."

"You're right, I don't know you either. You don't care, so don't ask." I spat back.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't care. I was trying to be helpful and nice for once. It's really not my thing."

This guy, was some sort of joke. He could be a pretty hot distraction, I had to admit though.

"You want to be helpful? Distract me." I said, lingering on the word.

This seemed to get his attention. All he cared about was sex. That was exactly what I needed right now.

I knew Sebastian would disapprove. I wish he was here with me right now, telling me not to do it. I would love to just hear his voice.

Stop thinking about him Ivy.

"You want me as a distraction?" he raised his eyebrow at me.

I shrugged, "it's just an idea."

My head felt as if it was starting to clear, I didn't want that. I grabbed the vodka again and drunk two more large mouthfuls.

I looked back at Alex, who was clearly contemplating what i had said.

"You should really calm down." He said seriously, although I could sense humour in the way he said it too.

"Don't tell me what to do." I replied.

"Soon you'll be begging me to control you." He smirked.

I couldn't help smiling back. He was cheeky, I would give him that.

"So I'm guessing you want to be helpful for once." I confidently said, trying my best to hide my smile.

"I wouldn't get cocky, If I were you."

His gaze slid slowly down my body, like a veil of fire. He moved closer to me, so his body pressed against mine. My back hit the wall and his lips found mine, and as they did Sebastian came into my mind. I felt like crying, but I wouldn't do that. I kissed Alex back, biting his lip.

"Missy?" he asked.

"Shut up." I murmured.

Alex was quiet at once, kissing me again. His hands held me tightly to his body.

He was my distraction, that was it. Alex was dangerously gorgeous with a massive ego. He was the opposite of Sebastian, simply because he was trouble. Alex was the disease you would stay away from, unless you were stupid. I would never like Alex. I knew that because I was still in love with Sebastian.

Suddenly, my mind stopped thinking as Alex's hands moved to my thighs and he was carrying me to Aubrey's bedroom. He managed to somehow kick the door shut and get me on the bed.

The only thing I could think about while he kissed me deeper, harder, faster, is that Alex was the plague and the only thing I wanted him to do right now was infect me.

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