Chapter thirty- Ivy

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I had been dating Sebastian for nearly 7 months. Trust me, i had no idea how i had managed to do that. I mean he must really like me, if he has stayed with me for this long. 

Carrie was finding it astonishing; partly because we were still together and also because we hadn't had sex, yet. 

I had been thinking about it, a lot. Every time he touched me in fact, i was completely crazy for him. He didn't seem to mind that we hadn't done it, but god did i want to. I think it was mainly due to the fact, that I was comfortable with him; we had done everything else.

Well technically that wasn't the only reason...

I also think i loved him.

Yeah, love. That deep shit, that i never thought i'd feel, but now i do. I'll tell you one thing, it's scary as anything. As soon as you have given someone your heart, you're fucked, literally.

I was doomed. 

I might as well just sell my soul, before he could take that too. 

I let out a sigh. I was extremely glad it was summer, because i needed a vacation, before i died. I could spend a lot more time with Carrie and Elliot and of course Sebastian. I was supposed to be revising ready for year eleven, but it was summer, so that wouldn't be happening. 

Sebastian was currently downstairs chatting to Dylan. Yes, my brother had met my boyfriend, and no, nobody was dead. Dylan liked Sebastian immediately, they acted like brothers. I was glad, because i loved my brother more than anything and i didn't want him to not like somebody i was crushing on. 

I say crushing... 

Dylan was going out tonight and staying at his girlfriends, Rachael. My mum was working abroad, so it was just me and Sebastian tonight. Alone. Together. 

I was ecstatic. I wouldn't have sex with him tonight, but i loved the idea of it just being us. That was the thing i liked most about being in a relationship, i had discovered. If i felt like kissing someone, then i could. If i felt like crying, there was someone there who would hold me and tell me everything would be alright. I liked that Sebastian always seemed to know, what i needed and how he could make me happy, without me even telling him.

My door opened, and in he walked carrying food. See this was what i was talking about, when i said he knew me. 

He positioned himself next to me on my bed, and passed me a chocolate bar. 

"So what are we going to do today then trouble, once you've changed out of your pyjamas." Sebastian smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm comfortable." 

He laughed. "It's summer, you are obliged to move." He placed a kiss on my nose. 

"Can i just move onto the balcony?" I sighed. 

"No, Ivy. We are going to the cove." Sebastian explained. 

I loved the cove. It was the place that he had taken me to, the day that i was drinking vodka. I mentally groaned just thinking about that incident again. I still asked myself everyday why he was dating such an idiot. 

"Really? Just you and me?" I asked happily. 

He leaned towards me smiling, "Just you and me."

My heart swayed as the words left his mouth, I adored the way he had said it. Though, if i was honest, I liked the way he said everything. 

I smiled and kissed him briefly. Unravelling myself from my duvet, i left Sebastian in the messy display of cottons and silks. 

I hastily jumped in the shower, washing my tired skin. Luckily, i managed to shower quite quickly and so before i knew it, i was wrapping my cold body in a warm towel. 

As i exited the bathroom, i noticed that Sebastian hadn't moved from my bed. 

"I thought we were obliged to move." I stated, using his own words against him. 

He smirked at my comment. "I was just waiting for you to get out the shower."

"Oh really, it had nothing to do with the fact that you might be able to see me naked." I raised my eyebrow at him. 

"Firstly, i was just waiting for you and secondly, i've already seen your gorgeous body naked." He smiled his charming smile at me and attempted to look innocent. "But, i mean if you're offering..."

I picked up the hair brush that i spotted on the floor and threw it across the room at him. He laughed at me, as he used my pillow to deflect it. 

"Alright, alright!" He held up his hands in defeat. 

I chuckled to myself. 

"I know you are a good girl really." He winked. 

Oh, this was how it was going to be was it? I knew that he didn't think i was completely good, but i still didn't like him saying it. I could be wicked if i wanted too. If he wanted a spontaneous girl, he was going to get one. 

"Would a good girl do this?" I smirked. 

I let the question hang in the air for a brief second and then let my hands release the fabric of the towel. With that, it fell to the ground around my feet and i was stood completely exposed in front of him. 

A small smile tugged at my lips and i walked back into my bathroom, leaving a shocked Sebastian behind. 

Like i said, if he was going to accuse me of things he knew weren't true, he was going to be proved wrong. Besides, it was fun seeing his face react like that.

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