Chapter twenty eight- Sebastian

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Ivy had nearly been raped.


I had no idea what to say to her.

I watched as her chest rose and fell beside me. I couldn't understand why you would want to hurt someone that beautiful.

Seeing Ivy in that much pain, choking on  her words and crying her heart out.

It broke me.

I would go to hell and back everyday, if it meant she wouldn't be hurt ever again. Never would i allow myself to see Ivy ripping herself apart like that, it was horrible.

She was like this fragile angel. Everything about her affected me, it was as if she lived in my veins.

Ivy was becoming a part of me. A part i didn't want to lose.

I wasn't going to act like Ivy wasn't extremely special, because she deserved someone who gave a shit. If i can't be that guy for her i shouldn't bother, but i did want to be.

I wanted to be there for her when she wanted kisses at night, when she needed someone to reassure her on everything. Somebody she could talk to, and fight for. 

I wanted to be that guy.

If i could even have a chance at making her smile every time she saw me, that would be all i'd need.

My emotions felt too strong, too soon. But they felt right, because i felt them for her.

I was completely crazy about her and i felt like the luckiest guy ever, when i was with her.

I kept thinking maybe i should go and see Claire. Me and Ivy had been up here for a while and even though Ivy was asleep, her mum didn't know that. I didn't want her mum thinking badly of me, especially since this was the first time i've met her.

I guess i had better go and explain myself, rather than lying with my sleeping beautiful girlfriend. 

I carefully moved Ivy's body from mine and pulled a blanket over her, she was so precious, i couldn't believe someone had tried to take that away; ruin her delicate innocence.

Slowly, i opened her bedroom door and made my way down the stairs.

I was fairly hesitant about what her mum might say about me, but i still proceeded to find her. Claire was still positioned in the lounge, in the exact same seat i left her in. 

She looked up, noticing me standing in the doorway.

"Hi," I murmured.

"I thought she had killed you, when i heard all the screaming." she sighed.

I let out a muffled laugh and sat down. "She's asleep now, i think the crying had worn her down." I said. 

Claire gave me a sad smile, "She had such a tough year Sebastian, if it wasn't for Dylan, I don't know what i would've done." 

"I promise you Claire, i'll do my best to look after your daughter. I've never felt like this about anyone, and the idea of someone hurting her--I won't let it happen, not again." I replied.

God, if anything happened to Ivy, i don't know what i'd do.

"You're good for her Sebastian. I'm glad she found you, you make her happier and i can't remember the last time she's been like this. I just want to warn you that Dylan might be a little harsh when he meets you, don't take it personally." She explained.

I gulped, but i understood. If Ivy was my sister i would be exactly the same as Dylan, especially after what had happened.

I nodded, "I understand his reasons and concerns."

Ivy was worth it. She was worth all the pain in the world. Ivy could easily break my heart, i knew that. But it would be okay if she broke it, because Ivy's the type of girl who you wouldn't care if she did, as long as you had the pleasure of sharing it with her in the first place. 

"I thought you might say that." Claire smiled.

I smiled too. I was glad that she didn't hate me, i think she trusted me more than anything. I wanted her trust, because i wanted her daughter.

"Claire, i just want you to know that i don't want the kind of things that Jason obviously did. It doesn't matter to me. I just love being with Ivy, she's so different and special. I don't want you to think that i'm just a typical teenage boy, I wouldn't take advantage of her." I said.

I had to say it, because i had a feeling that secretly she was thinking it. It would hurt me to think that Claire was somehow linking me to Jason. What he did was wrong, i knew that, but i doubt that he did.

"Sebastian, I don't think you would intentionally hurt my daughter. I can tell that she likes you a lot, and i guess sometimes we end up hurting the people we care about, without meaning to. I know that you wouldn't want to, but it can still happen." She replied.

She was right, of course she was. 

 I smiled at her, "I guess I should probably get going." I stood up.

Claire stood up too, "It was nice meeting Sebastian, I hope that I see you soon."

"I'm sure you will. I'll probably see Ivy tomorrow, just to check that she's doing okay." I replied. 

She laughed. "I'll see you tomorrow then Sebastian. Oh and thank you, for looking after her, like that." 

"No worries, it was my pleasure." I said. 

I headed to the door and opened it, shutting it behind me. 

This had been a very eventful evening, that was for sure. Ivy had just given me more reasons to look after her. She made me feel so happy, even though she seemed so fragile. Now all i had to do, was face Dylan, when he came back that was. I knew he was important to Ivy, which meant that if he didn't like me, then that was it. He was most probably the father figure in the house. I had to ensure that he liked me. 

When i see Ivy tomorrow, I knew that she wouldn't want to talk about what had happened tonight and i respected that. The last thing i wanted was her getting upset again. I much prefered it when she smiled.

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