Chapter one-Ivy

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Monday morning. I hated Monday mornings. I think that everybody hated, Monday mornings.

"Ivy!" My mum shouted from downstairs. "Get up, you're going to be late!".

I looked over at my clock. 7:25. I groaned, pushing my covers off me. I clambered out of bed, slipping my feet into warm, fluffy socks.

Opening my bedroom door, I began making my way slowly down the dreaded stairs.

Finally reaching the kitchen, I grabbed an apple and began to practically crawl back up the stairs.

"Ivy, you need to be quick!", Mum said from the lounge.

"It doesn't matter anyway, I'm getting picked up. So shut the hell up!" I screamed back at her.

As soon as I reached my room, I looked in the mirror.

I looked like shit. I let out a deep sigh.

Slowly, I applied concealer and powder. Then brushed strokes of mascara onto my eyelashes and briefly filled in my eyebrows.

I stepped back, looking at my reflection again. I tried to smile, hoping that it might improve my face. What was the point anyway? Why do us girls bother wearing make-up? I mean we don't want boys to think we look like crap, so I guess we do it to impress them. Yet all the girls complain about the boys in my year.

I pulled on my underwear, followed by the clothes I had picked out. Now my hair...I couldn't be bothered. It was curly from where I had washed it the night before. Brushing it would only make it frizzy.

I glanced over at the clock. Carrie should be here any minute.

I shoved my school books into my bag and grabbed my phone as I left the room. I hastily brushed my teeth and slipped my vans on.

Suddenly, I heard the honk of Carrie's horn. She did that every morning. I was very surprised that the neighbours hadn't complained yet.

I opened the front door, saying a brief goodbye to my mum.

I got into Carrie's new red polo, which she had got for her 18th birthday.

"Morning sunshine! You look happy this morning, I have to say." Carrie winked. She began the drive to the gates of hell.

"I just cannot be bothered. I don't feel like going. I can't believe that it's January already." I sighed.

Mid-way through January, half-way through finishing college.

"I have vodka in my bag, if you want that?" Carrie suggested.

I let out a muffled laugh. Carries always cheered me up.

She was a year older than me and we had been best friends since I had been in year 2. Carrie was like my sister. But we also couldn't be more different; she was bold and confident, while I was shy and self-conscious. Carrie was bubbly and happy, whereas I had spent the last few years being miserable and bored out of my freaking mind.

I couldn't count how many boys she had kissed, she'd had sex with a far few too. I was a virgin, but I had kissed boys before. Nowhere near as many as Carrie had of course, but on days like this I was glad to have her.

"I think i'll just grab a coffee at school, but I will keep the vodka in mind. Thanks," I smiled at her.

"So how was your weekend then?" she asked.

"Well I ate my body weight in ice-cream and caught up on 90210." I explained. I could see Carrie glancing over at me, "What?"

"Oh god. Seriously I need to get you a shag or something, before your vagina dies." I rolled my eyes at her comment.

Carrie didn't care that I was a virgin, she just wanted me to enjoy sex just as much as she did.

"Well what did you do at the weekend then?" I smirked.

"What didn't I do! I met this guy called Daniel or David, I'm not really sure. Anyway, I spent Friday with him, then I met up with him on Saturday in this pub and he brought his friend. So you know as a good natured person, I ended up hooking up with the guy's friend too." Carrie explained.

I laughed. That girl was incapable of remembering boys names.

"So a pretty average weekend for you then!" Carrie leant across and hit me.

Looking up I noticed we had pulled into the school's car park. My face dropped with dread, I really couldn't stand this place.

"We still going to the gym today?" Carrie asked.

"Erm, yeah, sure." I muttered. I unenthusiastically opened the door, stepping out.

"See you later then. Have a good day!" Carrie replied. She came over and gave me a brief hug.

I tried my best to force a smile, "You too."

She looked at me suspiciously, she knew that something was up. "Here take this, you look like you need it." Carrie slipped the small bottle of vodka into my bag.

I hugged her again, "Thanks Carrie."

She smiled, "No problem. Don't drink it all at once now." she winked and walked off.

I sighed, pulling my bag up my shoulder.

"You can do this Ivy." I said quietly to myself, as I drifted slowly to morning tutor.

At least I had Aubrey in my classes, she would help me get through the hell of Monday.

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