Chapter twenty five- Ivy

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Sebastian was falling for me.

All i could do was continue to replay that sentence in my head, over and over again.

I remember sitting in the cove with Sebastian talking about how silly the idea of love was and how completely cliche the whole thing is. Believe me, everyone knows that most of the time when a boy and girl fall for one another, it is cliche. But right now i didn't care if i was one big cliche, because i couldn't be more happy.

Maybe i was too young to feel like this; this much admiration for one person. I doubt that many other people felt this strongly about someone else.

It wasn't just a crush anymore.

I really did like him. Quite frankly it scared the absolute shit out of me.

My fears were only slightly minimized when Sebastian told me how he felt too, but i was terrified when i was telling him.

Why did i tell him? If he hadn't of felt the same way back, I would've been humiliated. Luckily, he did.

Sebastian was due to arrive at my house any minute, to meet my mum.

It appeared to be 'Meet the parents' day today.

I walked into the lounge, where my mum was sat reading the newspaper on the couch.

"Promise me, you'll be nice." I said.

She looked up from whatever she was reading and smiled. "As your mum, it's my job to embarrass you." she smirked.

"Mum, i'm begging you."

I really didn't need her being silly and embarrassing right now. i mean this was my first proper relationship, i would prefer it if she didn't ruin it. If she could just not be herself that would be fine.

"I'll try, but i'm only being a protective and good parent." she said.

I heard a knock at the door, my stomach flipped.

This was a terrible idea. What the hell was i thinking? I shouldn't have invited him.

Oh dead, oh dear.

I slowly walked to the door and reached for the handle.

Sebastian smiled his sexy smile, as soon as he saw me.

"I apologize for anything she says or does. I may be related to her, but please don't hold it against me or break up with me for it." I quickly said.

Sebastian laughed and kissed me briefly on the lips, while shutting the door behind him.

I reached for his hand, not wanting to let go.

Nervously, i directed him to where my mother was, she hadn't moved from her seat.

"Mum, I want you to meet Sebastian." I said loudly.

My mum placed her newspaper to the side and smiled up at Sebastian. "Hi there, call me Claire, take a seat dear." she said politely.

"Well, i see where Ivy gets her good looks from." Sebastian replied, while he took a seat beside me.

My mum blushed slightly. I rolled my eyes.

He was a charmer.

"Oh please." she said, waving his comment off. "Giving out compliments like that, no wonder my daughter is with you."

This time i was blushing. I gave my mum a look.

Sebastian laughed at her. Why was he laughing? She wasn't being funny, she was being an idiot.

"So Sebastian, does a boy like you deserve my daughter?" My mum smiled.

I was actually going to kill her.

"I don't think anyone deserves your daughter ma'am. She's the smartest and most beautiful girl i have ever met, and for as long as i know her, i will try my best to prove to her that i even have a chance at being the right guy for her." Sebastian replied.

My mouth was literally hung open in shock. I was speechless and he was amazing.

He absolutely deserved me, because he was everything i dreamed off; He was gorgeous and i wasn't. He was easy to talk to and i was awkward. He was patient, whereas i jumped to conclusions. He was like the universe and i wasn't even a tiny needle to a thread.

"You seem like a gentleman to me." Mum stated.

I forgot she was even in the room. I was too focused on Sebastian.

"Thank you, Claire." He replied.

"I'm glad that you respect my daughter, and i can tell that your feelings are genuine, just by the way you look at her." My mum smiled.

Sebastian looked at me and i was smiling my ass off. He brought our enclosed hands up to his lips and kissed them.

"Tea?" Sebastian asked, standing up. 

Me and mum, both nodded and i reluctantly let go off his hand, as he left the room.

"He seems right for you." My mum smiled.

"I think so too, he's lovely." I grinned back.

"As long as he takes care of my daughter, then i don't mind. I'm sure Dylan would love to meet him too; although you might want to warn him about your brother's behaviour to guys, especially older ones." She replied.

Of course, i wanted my brother to meet Sebastian.

Just not yet. 

I'd have to tell Dylan that he wasn't aloud to be rude, because Sebastian's different.

"There's no need for him to meet Dylan yet, besides I haven't met his brother either." I explained, trying to change the subject slyly.

It was no good. My mum could see straight through me. 

I looked away from her.

"Ivy?" She asked.

"Yeah?" I replied, looking back up at her smiling. 

"You haven't told him have you?" Mum said.

All my happiness washed away, and was replaced with fear and sadness. My stomach was knotting with dread.

I hadn't told Sebastian, because if i told him, then i'd have to talk about it. 

This was the topic that i wanted to avoid the most, it was the topic that i hated. 

It ruined me.  

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