Chapter twenty- Sebastian

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"Wait, so you're actually dating her now?" Elliot asked.

"Yeah." I smiled back.

"Are you freaking insane!"

I rolled my eyes and gave Elliot a stern look."I'm not insane. I like her a lot and i'm dating her. Just wait until you get to know her, honestly."

"Whatever you say mate, she's still a kid." He replied.

"She isn't a kid, she's seventeen. Ivy is mature for her age and stunningly beautiful." I explained.

Elliot started making gagging noises and pretending to stick his finger down his throat. I hit him around the head.

He went to hit me back, but his hand froze and his mouth hung open. No doubt he had seen some hot girl walk in and was setting his approach.

"Mate you got the stunningly beautiful part right." Elliot announced.

It took me a few seconds for my brain to click that he was talking about Ivy.

I spun around and there she was, walking with Carrie.

My breath caught in my throat.

I couldn't even describe to anybody how she looked in that moment. I was stunned beyond believe.

Her legs were unbelievable, she was wearing a tight long sleeved black dress, that wrapped around her skinny figure and outlining her perfect curves, that were in all the right places. She was wearing no more make up than usual, she didn't need any though. Her long dark hair fell loosely down her shoulders.

Every guy surrounding her had taken notice. I could hardly be surprised.

Ivy stood in front of me, taller now that she had heels on. But still smaller than me.

"You look--beautiful. Jesus Christ." I was speechless.

"Really? Heels aren't really my thing." she replied.

I took her in again. "I'm going to have to fight a lot of guys of you tonight."

She shook her head in denial. "No, you won't."

"Ivy, you don't understand how--" I began, but she put her finger to my lips.

"Shut up and kiss me Sebastian."

I laughed slightly. All these guys were watching my gorgeous girlfriend and i was allowed to have the privilege to kiss her.

I ran my hands along her shoulders, up to her neck. As i cupped her face, i placed a kiss on her plump lips. My mind spun as my mouth stayed locked to hers.

I reluctantly unwrapped her from my grasp. "Ivy, you must remember my charming friend Elliot." I laughed.

Elliot waved, grinning. "Of course she remembers me."

"How could i ever forget," she replied.

I rested my hand on the bottom of her back, pulling her body against my side. I felt her arm wrap around me. I smiled as i placed a kiss into her temple.

"Carrie you're looking hot tonight." Elliot said.

"Elliot please, i always look hot. My attractiveness is so outstanding that sometimes it blinds you entirely," Carrie grinned.

Ivy smirked beside me.

"Do you want to dance?" I whispered to Ivy.

"I don't want to embarrass you." she replied.

I couldn't help but laugh. I squeezed her hand, "Trust me, nobody will care when you look like that."

She entwined her fingers through mine, "OK then."

I led Ivy onto the dance floor, where Elliot and Carrie had already navigated too. Although it was a fairly slow song, both of them seemed to be quite violently grinding and touching one another.

I pulled Ivy's body close to mine, keeping one hand in hers, while my other rested at her waist. She fitted perfectly with me, it was as if someone had carved our bodies entirely for one another to share.

Ivy moved around the space so elegantly, she could have practically been a feather. But her gorgeousness stood out like she was the last burning candle in a dark room.

I spun her away from me, before pulling her straight back. My mouth lingered by her neck, "I thought you said you couldn't dance." I whispered into her ear.

She let out a muffled laugh, tightening  her fingers in my hair. "Maybe, i can only dance with you."

I gently kissed her neck, making her smile. She moved her face level with me, placing a kiss on my lips.

"I have a feeling Carrie won't be driving you home." I laughed, motioning to where Carrie had been pinned to the wall, with her legs wrapped around Elliot's torso.

They both seemed like they had the same characteristics, that was for sure.

Ivy laughed at the sight too.

"Looks like you're going to have to drive me." she replied, biting her lip.

"i'm sure i can manage that." 

I ran my hands up to her face, bringing my lips to hers.

Her tongue playfully traced my lips, as she beckoned to enter. I was hungry for her, so i wasn't going to refuse. I passionately kissed her back, brushing my tongue against hers. She tasted like peppermint and my legs nearly gave way as the kiss deepened.

I felt her cool fingers at the neck of my t-shirt.

God, i wished we were alone right now. As much as i loved her in the dress, i knew i would like her out of it too. 

What the hell was i thinking?

I should respect Ivy, she wasn't like other girls, and i wasn't the type of guy to do that to someone. Especially not her.

I broke the kiss. "Maybe i should go get us some drinks."

Ivy flushed. "i'll wait over there." She pointed to the quieter area at the back.

"I won't be long." I said, kissing her on the cheek.

She smiled at me, before i turned around and headed off to the bar.

Jesus, i need to get a grip. That was close, all my testosterone kicked in. I almost took her fucking virginity in the middle of the room, for a second then.

I needed a drink definitely. I needed to cool down. Ivy made me too hot and bothered.

Sort yourself out Sebastian,you idiot, before you ruin everything. 

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