Chapter eleven- Sebastian

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"Erm, sure." I replied.

"Don't worry my mum is working, so she isn't in," she explained.

I laughed nervously, "Ok, then."

Her mum was the least of my worries.

It was me i was concerned about, and Ivy. I mean especially in the clothes she was wearing. 

I presumed they were her pyjamas, but even so, she looked sexy. 

I tried my best not to focus on her amazing legs, as i entered her house.

I took my shoes off and followed her to her bedroom.

Oh god.

She was completely unaware of what she was doing to me.

"This is my bedroom, excuse the mess." she said.

Her room wasn't messy. If messy meant the odd t-shirt, it was clean. 

She sat down on her bed.

I stayed standing up, because sitting next to her, on a bed, would be dangerous.

"You studying?" i asked, noticing the books that were sprawled over her duvet cover.

"No, i just read chemistry books and English literature for fun." She smiled, looking up at me.

Don't you dare look at me like that Ivy.

Everything about her was so effortlessly beautiful. 

But she had no idea.

I tore my eyes away from her.

"Are you ok?" she curiously asked.

I smiled and looked back over at her concerned face. "Yeah, just a long day."

No i'm not alright Ivy.

All i want to do is pin you to that big bed behind you, and kiss every last inch of you.

"So Ivy..." I began.

"So, Sebastian..." She mocked.

A small innocent smile crept across her face.

I couldn't hold in the question i had been dying to ask anymore. 

"Do you have a boyfriend?" I asked.

For an eighteen year old, i was seriously pathetic.

"Do i look like i have a boyfriend?" 

Yes, in fact you do. How could somebody as gorgeous as you Ivy, not have a boyfriend?

"You do that a lot." I said.

"Do what?" she asked.

"Answer a question, with another question." I remarked.

"Then no, i don't have a boyfriend." she answered.

Good, because i really want to kiss you. I want to tell you how beautiful you are, until you cant stand the sound of my voice anymore.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" she added.

"No, why do i look like i have a girlfriend?" i teased.

I sat down next to her on the bed. 

She rolled her eyes at me. "Well, i wouldn't be surprised."

I wasn't expecting her to say that.

Ivy got off her bed and went over to her desk, putting her phone down.

"Have you got a tattoo?" She randomly asked.

I laughed, "No i haven't."

"I've always wanted one." she replied.

"Then when you can, get one. You should always try to do things you want to do." i said.

"Is that what you do?"

"Most of the time." I admitted.

I hadn't kissed her yet, and i most definitely wanted to do that. Maybe i should stop chatting shit, and follow my own advice.

"Why not always?"

"I don't know, things happen." i shrugged.

She let out a sigh. "Things always seem to get in our way of who we want to be."

"Who are you then Ivy?" I asked.

She paused, looking clearly at me. "I have no idea."

I got off her bed. 

"You are very hard to figure out." I said.

Ivy smiled at me, a kind of secret smile, as if she was enjoying some sort of private joke.

"That's the whole point."

She was so difficult to figure out and it kept me wanting to know more and more. She was like this mystery that you couldn't leave unsolved, you had to find all the little clues, even the ones that you didn't think initially mattered.

I took a step towards her and lent forwards, placing my hands either side of her, on the desk.

A slight gasp escaped from her mouth and it made me smile. 

Her face changed, she looked scared, but intrigued at the same time. Her eyes flickered to my lips. 

My eyes stayed locked on hers.

Her face was inches away from mine. I swallowed. 

My entire body felt overwhelmed by being this close to Ivy.

I wasn't going to waste this opportunity again. I had to kiss her. I wanted to kiss her.

I couldn't cope anymore.

I closed the gap between us and brushed my lips against hers.

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