Chapter seventeen- Sebastian

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Ivy and myself had managed to vacate to her bedroom.

Once again.

We were slouched on her bed surrounded by empty Chinese boxes, watching movies. 

It sounded strange but i loved the way that Ivy ate food. Not in a weird way. But the fact that she didn't care that she was eating in front of a guy, not that she should at all. She was acting the same as usual. And i liked that.

I liked everything about her.

"I still can't believe that you wanted to watch transformers over chic flicks." I laughed. 

Earlier on when i had asked her what she preferred to watch, she chose the movie with the robots and fighting. I had to admit, i was a bit surprised.

But then, Ivy was surprising. 

"Chic flicks are good and everything. I mean yeah it's cute and the guys are always super-hot, but talk about cliche. That stuff doesn't happen in reality, not that there are such things as transformers. However, i do believe that robots are more likely to exist than that whole 'soul-mate' crap." She explained.

My mouth was hung open in shock. 

"Ivy, you're so morbid." I stated.

She flicked her hair over her shoulders, as if to say thank you.

"Do you seriously not believe in all of that?" i questioned.

There was a long pause, i could see that Ivy was working out the right way to answer the question.

"All us girls are fed the same old story; if you meet the right guy, there will be lots of bumps, but eventually he'll choose you at the end, no matter what. But we never see the stories about woman who's one true loves have died, or left, or cheated, or anything of that stuff that actually happens. OK, so why would i want to get my hopes up you know. What if i fall for someone crazily bad, and they just leave me all alone, or don't want me anymore. I just don't want to be the girl that ends up hurt." She carefully replied.

Somewhere in the middle it felt like my heart had broken. Ivy was so wrapped up in this theory that guys were going to hurt her and that she wasn't good enough. 

It was total bullshit. 

I smiled at her, taking her hand. "I find it so hard to believe that someone wouldn't love you." I said.

I meant every word, because i knew that i could love her. I never thought i would think something like that, at least not for a few more years. But Ivy, Ivy i could love.

Her cheeks blushed. "That's because you barely know me."

"I'm pretty sure when i get to know you more, i'd still want you." I laughed softly.

She looked up at me, and her face had changed. She looked more serious. "You think you want me now, but you'll change. Someday i'll be pretty damn easy to forget about."

Right that was it.

I tickled her, making her cry out with laughter. Quickly i rolled her over onto her back, so i could cover her beautiful face in kisses.

I stopped, looking down at her wandering eyes. "I think i would miss you, even if i hadn't met you." I whispered.

"Sebastian, you are turning into a chic flick." she mocked.

I laughed, lying back at her side.

Ivy rolled over, resting her head where my chest met my shoulder. I wrapped one arm around her pulling her even closer against the side of my body. I could feel her heartbeat steadily beating.

"Wait hang on, so if you don't want to get yourself hurt, does that mean you've never had a boyfriend?" I asked slowly.

I felt Ivy smile next to me.

"Not any that count. But i have kissed guys before." She replied.

"Yeah i could tell." I smiled. She hit me on the chest.

"It was a compliment, not a slutty remark." I protested.

"Does it bother you that i haven't had a proper relationship?" she asked, sounding confused and hurt.

"No, not at all. I was just curious as to what would happen, if i wanted you to be my girlfriend," 

Girlfriend? Where the hell did that come from?

"It's not the same with you Sebastian." She said.

I looked down at her cuddled up beside me and smiled to myself. There was something so magnificently innocent and enchanting about her. She was simple, but there was this big mystery about her, that i couldn't put my finger on. 

It was like she was trying to tell the world that she felt one emotion, when really she felt another.

Ivy laced her fingers through mine and i stroked her hand with my thumb.

"Do you want me to go?" I asked, noticing that she was looking sleepy.

She tightened her grip around me. "No, please stay for a little while longer."

I kissed the top of her head. "I will for you." I whispered.

I ẃould do anything for Ivy right now. 

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