Chapter fourty one- Ivy

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It was a Saturday morning in October and I was lying next to Sebastian, with the sheets coiled around our bodies. I had woken up beside him for several months now, yet I still couldn't quite believe that I was with him. Even sometimes I still thought that Iwas in some big dream, that I hadn't yet awoken from. I had been with him for ten months now and my breath still caught every time he looked at me.

I rolled onto my side, glancing at Sebastian's gorgeous face. I watched his chest slowly rise and fall, he looked so peaceful beside me. I moved my hand towards his face, gently stroking my thumb across his cheek. I traced his lips with my index finger, as they curved into a smile.

He moved his body, so that he was facing me. His eyelids delicately fluttered open and he took in my features. I loved the way his hair was all messy and fell round by his eyes. It made him look a bit rough and husky, which I kind of liked. His hand moved to my lower back, drawing me closer to him. I inhaled his sweet scent, that sent a warm shiver through my body. I could feel his heartbeat against my chest, making me feel more alive. I loved the way my naked body felt pressed against his, with the heat radiating between us.

I nuzzled my nose into his neck, as he played with my hair.

"I love you," I murmured against his skin. "So much."

He placed a kiss on the top of my head. Moving his hand to my neck, he tilted my head upwards and softly planted a kiss on my lips.

"I love you too." He smiled.

My mind felt as if it was melting away.I sneakily moved my fingers to my arm and pinched, just to check that it wasn't a dream.

This day felt as if it was going to be a good day. I smiled against Sebastian's warm chest.

"What would you like to do today Miss Monroe?" he asked.

I sighed and lifted my head up. "I want to stay like this all day." I replied.

A slight laugh escaped Sebastian's throat, he tucked my hair behind my ear with one hand. He placed a subtle kiss on my nose. "we can't stay like this all day."

"yes we can." I exclaimed, settling back onto his chest. He wrapped his arms back safely around me.

I grabbed the top of the duvet and pulled it higher over the both of us.

"there's this party tonight." He announced.

"mm," I murmured against his chest, waiting for him to carry on.

"As much as you don't like them, I think we should go. But I mean it's up to you, Elliot's going." He explained.

Sebastian was right, I didn't like parties at all. I mean yeah getting drunk was fun and everything, but there was always some idiot trying to convince you to give them a blow job, it was rather disgusting at times. I could tell that Sebastian wanted to go, I didn't mind going as I would be with him. Also Elliot was going and that boy made me smile. He was practically Sebastian's brother, like Carrie was my sister. I remember when I first met Elliot I thought that he was going to be some annoying idiot, that I was going to hate. I kind of found him irritating to start with, but then the charm came through and I grew to like him. Now he was almost like a brother to me, I liked that. Especially as I didn't see my brother much, with him being away.

"If you want to go, i'll go." I answered.

Sebastian squeezed me, tightening his arms around me. I sighed in comfort. I kissed his chest, making my way up to his neck. His hands moved to the side of my waist and he began tickling me. I cried out, he rolled me so that he had me pinned down, hovering above me.

I looked up at him, he was beyond gorgeous. I wanted to move my hand to pull him down, so I could kiss him. But he firmly held my hands above my head. As much as we were both almost naked we did both have pants on, though I had nothing covering my breasts. He had seen them a lot, but I still felt some what exposed.

"Sebastian, let go of me." I said, trying to sound serious. Considering the fact that my breasts were easily in his view, yet he still only looked at my face. I knew he was aware of the position he had me in.

He released his grip, and ran his hands down to my waist. He lowered his body down, meeting my lips. My hands found his hair, I ran one hand up his back scratching. A groan escaped his mouth, making my lips vibrate, I smiled. I could play his game too.

I rolled him over, so I was on top. His hands caressed my body, I slowly bit his lip. I could tell he wanted me. I moved my lips to ear.

"I'm going to take a shower." I whispered, climbing off him.

I heard him sigh, then chuckle to himself. He knew I could wind him up, just as much as he could wind me up. I could feel his eyes watching me, I seductively slipped my pants off in front of him.

"You're killing me Ivy." He groaned.

I looked over at him smiling. "You going to join me or what?" I teased.

He raised his eyebrow. Climbing out of bed, he took his pants off. He reached me, picking me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and my arms around his neck. I wanted him, he wanted me.

We reached the shower, luckily his bathroom had a big shower. I'd had sex with him before in it, and it was a lot of fun that was for sure. He put me down to close the shower door, I put the shower on getting it to the temperature I wanted.

I put my head under the water, when I felt Sebastian's hands on my body. They gripped at my skin, like they depended on it. I closed my eyes feeling his touch, that sent waves of what felt like electricity through me. no matter how many times I had felt him touch me, it still made me crumble every time. My hands found his hair, as my lips found his.

I began to get lost in the kiss. I could feel the water against my back. Sebastian's hands found my bum, as he picked me up and slammed my back up against the screen door. I knew that the water was now running down his back, I could feel droplets reflecting onto my face.

My body ached for him. I wanted him right now, I needed him. My grip tightened in his hair to let him know.

"Patience Ivy." He whispered against my lips. He wanted it just as much as me, he only ever said this to wind me up. and it was really winding me up.

"I want you." I groaned, running my fingers up his back. I knew that it drove him insane when I did it.

His body shifted and he entered me. I let out a moan in response, smiling. I knew that he just couldn't resist.

I was having sex in the shower with Sebastian. Again. I would never get sick of this.

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