Chapter fourty- Sebastian

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It was the last day of my first week at university and i missed Ivy so much. I had seen her briefly at the end of some days, but not as much as i was. She's got too much revision to start doing and i have stupid amounts of extra curriculum activities that i'm supposed to be getting involved with. It didn't matter that we were only twenty minutes away, we may as well be four hours away, given how much we weren't seeing each other. 

Luckily, i had free periods from lunch on wednesday, so i was planning to go and surprise Ivy at school. Elliot and Carrie had insisted on coming with me, but i refused. Yes, by some unlucky chance, us three all ended up going to the same university. 

The bell rang, signalling lunch and i rapidly exited my class. Elliot flung his arm around my shoulder and Carrie linked her arm through mine. 

"You going to see Ivy now?" Carrie asked.

"Yeah, and neither of you are coming." I replied, smirking. 

"I'm not bothered, I was thinking of going back to mine and fucking Carrie." Elliot laughed and Carrie hit him across his head. 

"You're supposed to respect the girl that you're dating." I explained. 

"We're in an open relationship, there's a difference." Carrie smiled at me.

"Yeah, we're in an open relationship." Elliot mocked, rolling his eyes. 

He didn't want to be with Carrie like that, he wanted her all to himself. Neither of them had been with any one else, since Ivy's birthday party. But Carrie kissed one of the guys in Elliot's homeroom and he went mental. Although, he pretended that he didn't care to Carrie. 

"Hey, it was your idea." She threw her hands up.

Elliot dropped his hand from my shoulder and stood next to Carrie. "It was so not my idea, you're the one who wants a free pass to shag the entire boy population." He sighed. 

Carrie's eyes flew open. "My idea? Are you fucking kidding me? You drive me insane!" She nearly screamed at him.

I hurried along down the corridor, trying my best to escape their fight. I heard running behind me, it was Carrie. 

"Sebastian, wait! Tell him i'm right." She pleaded. 

I swiftly turned around on my heels, looking at them both. I let out a deep sigh. "You're both as bad as each other. Elliot wants to date you, he doesn't want you to be with anyone else." I told Carrie and Elliot shot me a look. "And you, Carrie, you don't want to admit that you're head over heels for him, when i know for a fact, that you are." I added, seeing a smirk build on Elliot's face. 

They both warily looked at one another. 

"Now go and have sex and admit your feelings. I have to go and see my girlfriend." I smiled and turned my backs on them, heading towards the car park. 

Jesus, they were hard work. 

I climbed into my car and headed to Ivy's school. It was going to be a challenge trying to find her, but i knew that if i had a glimpse, i would know it was Ivy immediately. 

Roughly, twenty minutes later, i was driving into the school car park. I got out my car and began my search. It was change of lessons, so Ivy could be anywhere. I headed to the art block, thinking that would be a good place to start. 

I turned the corner of the west wing and there she was. Her long brown hair, falling down her back. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her body against mine and kissing the top of her head. Aubrey gave me a grin and winked at Ivy, before heading off to class. 

Ivy turned around and her eyes widened when she realized it was me. "Sebastian! What are you doing here?" She asked, excited.

"Seeing you." I grinned. 

"Don't you have classes?" She smiled, looping her arms around my neck.

"Nope, i'm all yours." I smirked. 

"That's good to hear." She bit her lip, driving me insane. I tilted her chin upwards and placed a kiss against her plump lips. 

"My next class isn't really that important, i'm sure i can miss it." Ivy murmured against my lips. 

I couldn't help but smile and grab her wrist, pulling her towards me. My back hit the wall, as Ivy's lips collided with mine. She raised her eyebrow at me, motioning to something behind me. I turned seeing the sign for the toilet door, I smirked, before pushing the door open. 

The door clicked behind us and Ivy slid her hand into mine, dragging me into the cubicle. She locked it, before tangling her hands in my hair. My lips crashed against hers, as i ran my hands down her body and lifted her off the floor. Her legs automatically wrapped around me and the kiss deepened. 

Ivy broke the kiss, "Sebastian?." 

"Yeah?" I asked, placing her on the floor. 

"The doors definitely locked right?" She smiled.

I glanced over at the door. "yeah it's locked." 

"Good." She grinned, putting her hands underneath her skirt. 

I caught onto what she was about to do. "Ivy..." She was killing me. 

Her pants dropped to the floor and she looked up at me, with the most innocent smile ever. "Sebastian, you know you want to." She smirked. Her hands pulled the front of my top, so my body was pressed against hers. 

"What if someone walks in?" I asked, even though i really didn't care. 

"We'll just have to be quiet." She teased, and undid the buckle on my jeans. 

Who was i kidding, I was going to take her right now. My lips collided with hers and i lifted her off the floor, slamming her back against the door. A moan escaped her lips, but she still managed to pull down my jeans and pants in one move. 

As i pushed inside of her, i covered her mouth with my hand to hide her moans. Her hands grabbed fists of my hair, as she came undone. 

If us being apart meant that we would have sex like this, it could be a great thing. Loving Ivy was so unconditional and she somehow managed to make every aspect of my life better and for that i would be forever grateful. She was the first girl that i had ever loved and years from now, i would still remember her, i knew that. 

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