Chapter fifty five- Sebastian

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As soon as Ivy ran away from me and out of school. I smiled at her friends and headed home. I had never felt this painfully sad. I didn't know what to do. I had told her everything that I was feeling. She knew that I still loved her. I knew that she still loved me too, at least I was positive about it. When she started crying I couldn't help myself, I had to reach out to her. I hated seeing her hurt and upset, especially knowing that I was the one who did it. I hadn't stopped thinking about her. Ivy had been in my every thought for the last two months. She had every right to be angry with me, even though nothing happened that night. If she turned up at my door right now, I would easily sweep her into my arms and hug her. I would never let her go again. It didn't matter how much I hoped, I had an inkling that she wouldn't be coming to my house anytime soon.

Besides she had Alex now. He made me so angry, I tightened my fists. How could he use her like that, treat her like that. I had never been angry at Ivy before. Until today. Until she told me that she knew, that she didn't even care that he was using her. It was painful to hear.

Ivy looked as beautiful as she always did. But tired. She looked exhausted and broken. I knew how she felt, I could feel it through my whole body. She also looked thinner. A lot thinner. It was a bit shocking, I had seen her yesterday and when she was with Alex, but she had been wearing baggy clothes, so i hadn't noticed. I had a feeling she hadn't been on a diet, she looked weaker. Not the strong Ivy that I remembered. Maybe that was my fault.

I knew I should've fought for her.

Suddenly there was a knock at my door, before it slowly opened. It was my brothers girlfriend, Eva.

"Sebastian, are you okay?" she asked, when she came in. She closed the door behind her and sat on the bed beside me.

I let out a deep sigh, "I'm fine."

"You don't look it, is it to do with that Ivy girl? Your brother told me what happened, I'm sorry. I know you really loved her, she loved you too." She said, placing her hand on my shoulder. Eva was the closest thing I had to a sister, I really appreciated her being around sometimes.

"Yeah, I went to see her today." I replied. She looked at me, she knew that I was upset. She always seemed to know, just like Ivy always did. Every time I thought about Ivy, it was as if someone was stabbing my chest continuously.

"You'll get her back." Eva said after a moment.

I looked at her, "How do you know?" I asked.

She shrugged, "I just know. She really loved you Sebastian, you don't give up on someone that easily, no matter how hurt you both are, you just don't. I saw the way that she looked at you, there aren't many people in your life, that are going to look at you the way that she did." Eva explained. A slight smile covered my face. Maybe Eva was right.

"But she hates me." I said.

Eva shook her head, "No she doesn't. Hate and love are a lot closer than you think. If anything she probably hates that she loves you. And this Alex guy, he's nothing. You know that, so does she. You knew her better than anyone, right? So you know that I'm not lying. You cant sit here and tell me, that you don't think a bit of her, still wants you back." She replied. I loved Eva, she was so helpful. I leant over and gave her a big hug.

"Thank you Eva." I murmured.

"No worries, now go and get her back. And don't you even think about returning until you have her. That you have to promise." She raised her eyebrows at me.

"I promise." I said. Eva got up and left my room.

Now what? How on earth was I supposed to get Ivy back? I groaned, lying back on my bed. Maybe I should wait until tomorrow, she is probably still upset I thought. If only she was here with me now, everything would be ok. Neither of us would be sad, everything would go back to how it was. It would all be perfect again. It was all Lacey's fault, if she had never kissed me that night, none of this would've happened.

I sighed. I love you Ivy Monroe.

And it's killing me.

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