Chapter five- Ivy

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I was in his car.

Sebastian's car.

What the hell was i doing?

He probably thought i was a right weirdo, especially after the things i said to him at the drama block. And i was drinking vodka. 


For goodness sake Ivy. I bet he thinks i'm a mess.

We were sat in silence. I felt as if i should say something. 

i coughed, clearing my throat. "So...Where abouts are we going?" i asked.

Sebastian flinched at my sudden voice. "Well as you looked like you had a stressful week, i thought i would treat you to ice-cream at my favourite place. You'll like it." Sebastian smiled, looking over at me.

"I don't like ice-cream." i lied.

He looked at me, his face was full of shock. "Please say that you are joking." he begged.

I burst into laughter. Bet that was attractive. i covered my mouth to try to muffle my laugh and my stupid face.

He let out a sigh and laughed too. 

My stomach twisted with nerves. Oh dear, he was making me nervous. Why did he have to be so freaking gorgeous. 

i moved my body slightly, so i could admire him.

His hand was casually gripping the gear stick with ease. i watched as his muscles were made clearer, when he changed gears. I bet his hands felt nice against someone's skin. 

What the fuck? Stop thinking like that. 

"We're here." He announced.

Thank god for that.

I looked around, getting out the car. 

"Where are we exactly?" i asked. 

The view was amazing. We were by the beach, i could tell by the seaside smell. I really didn't like the beach, but i wasn't going to be mean and say so. However, it was different here. It was calm and warm. 

"I used to come here as a kid. There's this amazing little cafe." Sebastian explained. 

He pointed to the quaint coffee shop behind him. "The beach is just up there and there's also a secret cove. Nobody knows it's here really." he added.

"Apart from you." i said, looking at him.

His eyes met mine. "Apart from me."

A grin covered his face. I felt my cheeks warm slightly, i bit my lip. 

Luckily, he turned around and began walking to the shop. I followed slowly behind him, ducking under his arm when he held the door open. Cursing myself mentally for blushing.

We found a table in the corner, there was barely anyone here.

"So what ice-cream flavour would you like?"

"Just vanilla, please." i replied.

January was a strange time to be having ice-cream. But then again i did spend last weekend eating it as well. God i was a fatty.

I watched Sebastian as he ordered. He was wearing a loose fitting t-shirt and jeans. My eyes paused as i noticed his muscular arms again. He seemed to be even better looking, and this wasn't even flattering light. Was he sculpted by Gods or something?

In a couple of minutes he was back and was holding my ice-cream. 

"Thanks." i said. I took it from his hand.

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