Chapter thirty seven- Sebastian

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Ivy was going wild, it was hilarious, but also good to see. I had never seen her so happy. Her and Carrie was currently dancing on my breakfast bar, singing extremely loudly, with a drink in each of their hands.

I don't know how many drinks Ivy had consumed, but she was definitely drunk. But she hadn't thrown up yet, which had to be a good sign.

"Elliot, Elliot!" Ivy shouted, oh dear God. "Get up here and dance with Carrie!" She added.

I couldn't help but laugh as poor Elliot was dragged up by Ivy, to take her place. It wasn't long though before he got into the swing of things and was happily grinding with Carrie. They would be together later that was for sure.

Ivy's body disappeared into the crowd, so i automatically went looking for her. I could make out long brown wisps of her hair in the distance. I moved people out the way as i maneuvered through the kitchen.

I let out a sigh of relief when i saw her leaning against the wall. However, as soon as i noticed that guys were about to make their way over to her, i swept in.

"You enjoying yourself, Missy?" I smiled at her.

She ran her fingers through my hair. "This is just great. It's a great night. Great job." She grinned, giving me a thumbs up.

My girlfriend was completely hammered, okay that's good. I mentally groaned, her mum would be scolding me right now.

"Do you want me to take you upstairs and put you to bed?" I asked, keeping my hand at her waist so she wouldn't fall.

"You and me in a bed, sounds great." She giggled.

Great seemed to be her new favourite word.

I smirked. "Yeah okay, I know it does."

"Thought you might say that." She tapped me on the nose.

Okay, that was it. I bent down and scooped her into my arms, making her wrap her arms around my neck.

"Birthday girl, is going to bed." I said.

"Nooo! Sebastian please." Ivy screamed in my ear.

I ignored her demand to put her back down and carried her up to my room. Once we got there i placed her on the bed and lay down next to her.

"Sebastian, take me back downstairs!" She pleaded.

I pulled her towards me and kissed her firmly on the mouth.

"You're stuck with me now, and you have drunk far too much alcohol." I whispered to her.

She buried her head against my neck, so I wrapped my arms tightly around her.

"I love you Ivy." I announced.

She looked up at me, "Even when I'm like this?"

I laughed and brushed her hair away from her face. "Especially when you're like this."

"You're mad then." She smiled.

"I don't care."

And I didn't, not at all.

Being with her now, like this. I couldn't imagine a day when I wouldn't love her. She made me feel like I could do anything, but even if I didn't at the end of the day, I would still have her by my side.

The days when Ivy wasn't in my life seem so distant to me now. I can't vision going day by day without her and I don't care to remember. I always thought I was happy, but I guess I was wrong; because this is what happiness felt like.

2 Days Later

My parents were still away on their business trip, so I was slouched on the sofa watching tv, again.

The only productive thing I had done while they'd been away was throw a party for Ivy.

Speaking of Ivy she was due to come round later on. She had recorded some film that she had wanted to watch.

All of a sudden, I heard the front door open and shut. Before I had chance to figure out who it was, Ivy walked into the lounge.

"Ivy, what are you doing here so early, it's only like 7?" I asked.

"Are we home alone?" She replied.

"Yeah...why?" I wondered.

Ivy grinned. "Good."

She walked over, grabbed my hand and pulled me off the sofa. We were heading towards my bedroom, and the only thing i could think of was sex. Not really intentionally, but when i girl grabs you and marches towards the bedroom, a boy begins to wonder. 

My bedroom door closed with a click, and Ivy stood in front of me smiling. Her hand held mine and she looked so deeply into my eyes, it felt like my most private thoughts were being taken from me. I had never wanted Ivy so much in that moment, but i promised myself i would wait for her to be ready.  

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