Chapter eight- Sebastian

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As soon as i entered my room, i chucked my keys on the floor and collapsed on the bed.

I couldn't get Ivy out of my head.

I had never wanted to kiss somebody that much before. It's like i had lost all control over my actions.

Tomorrow was Saturday, so i wasn't likely to see her again until Monday. 

She was making me crazy. I wanted her so badly.

I needed to get my head straight. I'd only talked to the girl like twice, feelings like this were uncommon, i knew that. So why did i have them?

Suddenly my phone rang. Great a distraction. 

It was Elliot. 

"What do you want?" i asked.

"I'm going to ignore your rude tone, you must be on your period. You coming out tonight man or what?" he replied.

I sighed. So yeah i needed to take my mind of Ivy, because this was mad. But i didn't feel like going out either.

"Yeah, sure." i said.

"Good, see you soon." He hung up.

I had nothing better to do, apart from think about Ivy.

i got of the bed and changed my shirt.

Elliot would be able to help me sort my head out. He would say that i was being stupid and pathetic. Also that it was only a girl, they only annoy you and fuck you off.

I guess in most cases he would be right. 

But i liked Ivy. There was no denying that.


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